Showing posts with label Alastair Miller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alastair Miller. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Wade Michael Page: Deranged Loner or Part of a Bigger Problem?

Our friends at OPP have been at work and have proven that Wade Michael Page wasn't only a neo-Nazi band member, but a full-on member of one of the United States' most infamous and violent hate groups:

When it was learned that Wade Michael Page was the shooter at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, just as quickly news came out that he was in a number of WP bands. But more information has come out that says the original belief that he was not part of any actual hate group is very, very wrong.

One People's Project

OAK CREEK, WI--The shooter in the shooting at a Sikh Temple in suburban Milwaukee that killed six people before police gunned him down has been identified as Wade Michael Page, a member of the Hammerskin Nation HSN, the oldest and most violent neo-Nazi bonehead organization in the United States.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

More Lemire Connections

A friend forwarded us a number of interesting screen shots from some of the hacked emails, including those from Kermit the Frog impersonator Bill Noble.

Back in late 2004, former WCFU co-founder and leader Glenn Bahr decided that he was going to engage in a massive (from his standpoint) flyering campaign to get out the "White Nationalist" message which would take place on January 15, 2005:

On this Stormfront thread, Bahr and other "White Nationalists" discuss how they will proceed and, once the campaign was over, brag about the success:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Christie and Macdonald Confronted During Court Appearance

First, we got to say Shawn, you aren't fooling anyone with that beard.

We're not claiming that he's looks like Saddam Hussein. We're just noting that in this picture, Shawn bares a striking similarity to the late Iraqi dictator.

Oh, we guess we are saying that he looks like Hussein. Just a little. Right?

Second, you're starting to show your age. Ever consider Just For Men?

Our friends in Vancouver published an article today and posted a video to YouTube.

You tell us. Does the guy being interviewed (not Christie, of course) look like an either D.A. or E.A.?

Update: CBC covered the story as well:

Friday, January 06, 2012

Alleged Racial Assault Caught on Video; Macdonald Suspect

First, we're going to play Devil's advocate for a moment because some of our readers have noted the last sentence of the article:

MacDonald has not been convicted of any of the charges. He also has no proven association with the Blood and Honour organization.

Seems patently ridiculous when, well, we look at this:

But we think that we all need to consider that any allegation needs to be proven when the case goes to trial, even something as seemingly self-evident as Macdonald's group affiliation. So we're going to cut the CBC some slack here.

There are two videos in the following article. The first is a 24 second clip of the assault itself and a bit of the aftermath. The second part of the video provides the background of the story and includes more photos taken from the ARC blog:

Friday, December 23, 2011

Court Dates For Blood & Honour Members Postponed

These three men should be afforded a fair trial and should be considered innocent unless proven guilty. We apply this to people who's ideology we despise because we want to make damn sure that we or anyone else would be afforded those same considerations in a court of law. And to be sure there it isn't illegal in and of itself to belong to groups such as Blood & Honour, though it certainly says a great deal about the character of anyone who would want to become a member.

One thing that does strike us is how quick boneheads are to distance themselves from their beliefs when the going gets tough. We've already shown how Shawn (or someone knowingly or unknowingly working on his behalf) for example has systematically attempted to cover his tracks online.

In the end, the proud warriors of the Aryan race really aren't all that proud of what they stand for after all,

Whether they are guilty or not, their efforts to now disavow their associations and beliefs should speak volumes to those who might be thinking about getting out of the movement themselves.

It isn't too late. Do the right thing. Leave while you can still make a life for yourself.

In the meantime, the three men continue to have the moral support of their fellow travelers:

We wonder how the last person to comment will feel now that one of the men has denied links to an internationally-known hate group with a penchant for violence?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

All Is Quiet In "White Nationalist" Land: Part III

We've twice (here and here) alluded to something rather odd happening on the Blood & Honour forums (as opposed to the Blood and Honour International/Combat 18 forums). Given that three of their own have been accused of and arrested for a series of assaults in Vancouver, one might expect something about this would be discussed on their website.

And there was a thread created to discuss it. Briefly. So briefly we didn't get the screen shots before the thread "mysteriously" disappeared.

Well, it really isn't all that much of a mystery. Shawn Macdonald, one of the men accused in the series of assaults in Vancouver, is also a moderator on the forums. It appears that he, or someone acting for him, made the offending thread disappear. This is evidenced by the last time Shawn logged in to the forum:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

B&H;/Combat 18 Member: "We send bombs and take action...."

Our readers who might swing by the Stormfront forums once in a while will all be able to relate to this story. You find a thread that was obviously edited clumsily by a Stormfront moderator. There are statements which, devoid of context, make no sense. There are quoted sections appearing in other messages that are still there, but the original has disappeared. There are comments telling people to chill out and referring to posters who, again, are no longer present in the discussion as class acts and warriors for the cause. And, without a doubt, you will find at least once poster who has had his posting privileges removed for some unknown infraction.

Sort of like this discussion here which is a disjointed mess.

And, if you're like us, you wish that you had been able to read those posts which have been removed because you just know something juicy was written that might be really embarrassing to some people. You kick yourself thinking, "if only I had gotten there sooner...."

So, should we stop teasing you?

Monday, December 12, 2011

All Is Quiet In "White Nationalist" Land: Part I

So as we often do, we checked out the white supremacist forums to see what is being said about the arrest of the three Blood & Honour members in BC.

After all, we all know that if the accused were of non-European heritage, the denizens of Stormfront and VNN would be all over it and claiming the crime as further evidence that "Whites" can't coexist in a society with 'dem ethnics.

Would it surprise our readers that not much has been posted about the crimes that the three men are accused of? Of course you aren't!

Alastair Miller Named as Third Man Arrested in B&H; Vancouver Arrests

We have to admit that while we have recently Alastair Miller's name associated with the alleged string of assaults tied to Blood & Honour in BC, we know almost nothing about him aside from the name (and we only learned two nights ago):