
Hope lives here

We provide high-quality, compassionate health care in Haiti because all people deserve the right to be well.

Our Impact by the Numbers.

In a bright hospital space a man in a lab coat and a woman in red scrubs with pink hearts look down at papers in their hands, smiling.

150,000+ patient visits annually

Three Haitian doctors perform a surgical procedure. They crowd around a surgical table wearing light blue scrubs, medical masks, and colorful caps.

400+ surgeries each month

A newborn lays on a bed. Its arms and legs are stretched out, and it wears a pink onesie with footies and mittens. It is surroudned by soft blankets.

4,000+ deliveries annually

A female Haitian doctor stands next to her patient in the ER. The Doctor puts her arm arount he patient and smiles. The patient wears a white hospital gown and a nasal cannula. The patient also smiles.

750+ ER visits each month

Our Stories

With health, anything is possible

We grew our one-room clinic into a 200-bed hospital with world-class facilities and 24/7 care serving the more than 2.3 million people who live in southern Haiti. Our community-centric approach ensures that all people can access the lifesaving and life-changing care they need.