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Blogger Harry Abrams said...

I don't mean to seem critical, but you keep going on about this "M" character as if he was person who was playing with a full deck. I'm sorry but neither this anonymous poster or their comments are worth all the attention and consideration you are giving them. Suffice to say that this Free Dominion blog attracts a number of fulminating and usually boring malcontents....that's all.

9 January 2012 at 00:53

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All jokes aside I am constantly impressed at the effort you people go to to make sure the truth is out. Denial seems to be the MO of most Canadian racists, and being so far on the fringe they might get away with it were it not for concerned citizens such as yourselves.

9 January 2012 at 07:36

Blogger Nosferatu200 said...

No, we agree with you Harry. Commenting on Maikeru's criticism was merely a means to an end. He himself really isn't much of a concern to us.

9 January 2012 at 18:29

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