Showing posts with label Noble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noble. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Kevin Goudreau "Election Analysis": Narcissism is a virtue

As ARC members have continued to watch the reaction of the far-right to last week's election, we continue to see for the most part equal parts denial, anger, infighting, and dissemination of conspiracy theories. Still, there are those who are attempting to take advantage of the anger and spin it in such a was as to benefit themselves such as those who are pushing for the separation of Alberta specifically (and the Western provinces generally) through the new-ish Wexit movement. YVCE have already shown how individuals associated with movements such as the Yellow Vests and others have started pushing for separation because, you know, patriots! They have also shown that overt racists such as those on Stormfront have plans to co-opt the movement to push for an all white ethno-state:

Given the wasteland that Stormfront is these days, especially the Canadian section of Stormfront, I'm not sure they would muster a baker's dozen never mind the tens of thousands proposed so I might suggest they curb their enthusiasm.

Also expressing his excitement over the results in one Kevin "No Show" Goudreau who is trying to put a positive spin on the results:

Now before anyone asks if "No Show" has a been consistent on this message, one would best look at his previous posts on both Stormfront and Gab where he:

1. Predicts a PPC majority in July.

2. Predicts a Conservative Party government in October.

Yeah.... I'd say keep your day job Kevin but, well, you'd have to have a job first.

In any case some of the members like "No Show's" plucky optimism:

Others though?

Not so much:

It seems that "No Show" is trying to claim that there has been a mass uprising of far-right activists in every city when in truth the numbers of protesters, already quite small, has been dwindling with each event for months.

Other's aren't buying it either:

This is the point in the story where Kevin inevitably starts praising his inherent greatness and threatening his detractors with sever, though vague, reprisals. He starts out by suggesting that he has personally radicalized large numbers of individuals who had actually already been radicalized:

And when called out....

.... claims to be the leader of a large, though strangely invisible, horde of Aryan warriors:

At this point "No Show" goes full Goudreau claiming to be the greatest recruiter for the cause of white nationalism in history, a leader respected by all who meet him, and unfairly maligned by the media who fear his political acumen and his future success as a politician.

To those unfamiliar with Goudreau yes, he actually seems to believe this all:

See! He has a good "rapor" with people! We know this because he says so!

But I would be remiss if I didn't note that his claim he doesn't show off his swastika tattoo on his nearly concave chest isn't exactly true and that he still sort of does it at the drop of a hat:

And don't think it hasn't been noticed by others as well:

This brings us to the point in the show where he brags about his superior intellect and issues vague threats:

Oh yes.... the demon....

I mean, at this point we have to assume that "No Show" is a masochist because he has to enjoy continuously being emasculated and humiliated.

Now we at ARC have certainly suggested that "No Show" is delusional, but I also happen to agree that narcissist is also accurate given the long, long, LONG history of our collecting self-aggrandizing screen shots and videos that bare little connection to his sad little life. It seems that "No Sow" also agrees, but he actually considers it to be a compliment and that it is an indication of his strength.

No, really.


You know, you have to be pretty out there if what you write on Stormfront makes other Stormfront members appear lucid and clear thinking by comparison:

Now I could probably post dozens of screen shots and/or videos of Goudreau that would illustrate every single point here, but let's just provide a recent one (I mean, aside from the examples from this own thread) that makes the point rather effectively:

He actually expects people to believe this.

This guy:

Yes, this guy.

I mean.... dude....

Now to be sure there were those who jumped to defend "No Show":

But Stormfront Canada moderator Bill Noble, who is aware of who "No Show" is, basically writes, "meh, whatcha gonna do?"

Thursday, October 03, 2019

The CNP Eligible For Official Party Status Part IV: The Message Board

It has been two weeks since ARC published the list of members of the Canadian Nationalist Party, a list that includes neo-Nazis Paul Fromm and Jody Issel, Faith Goldy supporter (and Max Bernier bodyguard apparently) Darik Horn, and Islamophobe Kevin Johnston among others such as this fella who sent us some fan mail:

At the time of the publication of the membership list CNP leader Travis Patron was the only member running:

There's now a second individual running, this one in Toronto:

Gus Stefanis has acted as a spokesperson for the CNP as well as attending numerous Yellow Vests and Pegida events. He was present in Hamilton when Yellow Vesters and anti-LGBTQ "preachers"were harassing participants at the Pride event....

.... and a Pegida Canada event where he along with other CNP members, Proud Boys, Northern Guard and Soldiers of Odin members, was involved in the burning of a copy of the Quran:

So with that in mind, I thought it might be instructive to discuss what they talk about behind closed doors so-to-speak:

I have to confess that I hadn't paid a lot of attention to the CNP message board assuming it would be rather moribund like most other neo-Nazi message boards. While that it true for the most part after having taken a look it turns out that there are some interesting things to be found there, such as the CNP take on the Christchurch murders and an acknowledgement that the alleged murderer and the CNP were ideologically in agreement while also engaging in the usual conspiracy theories:

It is clear that Patron had posted his views concerning the murders, however he appears to have deleted anything that he had posted. However he still appears as a quote in another response and that alone is rather damning:

We can also talk about the CNP view of women which is rather telling:

Then there is the desire to engage in outreach to German-Canadians which mirrors Paul Fromm's claims about rampant "German bashing" in Canada because of things such as Holocaust education (fyi as a German-Canadian, this writer has never felt "bashed" in the slightest):

Immigration and multiculturalism? Well....

They also favorably discuss the widely condemned Hecht oped originally published by Vancouver Sun:

There's a fair about of conspiracy rantings including suggestions that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is part of an international pedophile ring which mirrors what the QAnon wack-a-doodles are ranting about:

There's more of course and I will certainly post more here.

On the older and more infamous forum Stormfront we get a true sense of the people who would find the message of the CNP appealing:

Right, these two:

Shall we continue with this particular Stormfront thread?

So yeah....

And the CNP continues to claim they aren't neo-Nazis?

I think the saying, "don't piss on my and tell me that it is raining" applies here.