Showing posts with label Western Block. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western Block. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sebastian Ronin: NOT A White Nationalist!!!

If there's one thing we've come to expect from Paulie it's his pimping of the venerable Red Ensign and his efforts to turn it into a White Nationalist banner:

Hmmm, wonder who likes the Goudreau's reference to the SS and the fevered rantings of a violent racist?

Well, one person who doesn't like the flag is one Sebastian Ernst Ronin, the founder and Grand Poobah of the grandiosely named Renaissance Part of North America:

Ol' Sebastian also made this observation about Paulie's hypocrisy (something we also observed here, here, here, and here):

Ronin had been on our radar for a while before he organized his protest in Toronto (attended by Paulie, former Heritage Front member Louis Morin, and others), but truth be told we considered him to be a bit of a side-show in the three ring circus that is the "White Nationalist" movement in Canada. He did run for the leadership of the Green Part of Nova Scotia back in 2009 and was involved with American Renaissance in some capacity as of 2010 at least:

But Ronin rejects the label, "White Nationalist." Instead, he refers to himself and the ideology of the  Renaissance Part of North America as an Ethno Nationalist.

In a nutshell, Ronin suggests that when the world peak oil occurs resulting in an industrial and social decline. The crisis will then result in a collapse of existing nation states paving the way for the creation of ethnically homogenous enclaves:

Friday, July 12, 2013

Doug Christie: Summary of Information

We had originally planned on doing this a while ago (and there are one or two more posts on the subject that need to be written) but we thought we would do as we have done with some of our other articles and made it more easy for those wishing to research Doug Christie's political and ideological views and collect them all in one place.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Backanded Compliments and Unintended Comic Relief

Free Dominion has evolved.

No, really. Let us explain.

There was a time, in spite of any evidence to support the claim, that some members accused us of supporting violence against our ideological opponents. We provide the following example:

In fact, we were not just accused of being violent, but we were all but accused of being an organized terrorist cell:

FYI, 20 years prior to Mark writing this commentary, the eldest member of ARC at the time would have been 12 years old and the youngest 5. And if anyone would like to learn about more than 30 years of violence, political and otherwise, might we suggest a perusal of "A History of Violence" which our Free Dominion friends dismiss out of hand because it does not conform to their particular worldview.

But evidently, perhaps in an acknowledgement that they don't actually have any proof for what is claimes about us (and they will never find the proof because there is none), at least one Free Dominion poster has jettisoned the whole "ARC is violent" accusation:

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Doug Christie: The Truth Will Out (Part I)

When deciding where to start our discussion of the late Doug Christie's views on race, we decided that we would start with the political sphere. Christie was a long-time Western separatist. He was a leader of the Western Canada Concept Party (WCC) as well as the Western Block Party which Christie founded in 2005 (Ontario resident Paul Fromm ran as a Western Block candidate in Calgary during the last election as a result of a persona vendetta. He did quite poorly). An examination of the WCC platform is, in itself, quite telling particularly points 4, 5, and 6: 
4. An end to immigration to preserve our environment, culture and stability.  
5. Equal rights for all, with no special status for any race, or ethnic origin.  
6. Preservation of our Christian culture and European heritage. 
These three points contain boilerplate language that one might find on a number of right-wing publications and websites. The points also contradict each other. In essence, the platform argues for equality and against, "special status for any race, or ethnic group" while at the same time assigning special status to, "Christian culture and European heritage." It is further implied that immigration, particularly non-European immigration, needs to cease primarily due to the danger it poses to the hegemony of, "Christian culture and European heritage" in Western Canada.

More telling though were Christie's own views, more specifically how he expressed those views. For a number of years, the WCC published, "The Western Separatist Papers" newsletter, edited by Christie's wife. Christie had a regular column, "A Separatist Speaks" in which he discusses a number of issues related to his desire for an independent Western Canada. Of particular note was Christie's preoccupation with immigration from the "Third World" and the threat it posed to Westerners:
Massive influx of non-European immigrants of cultures totally alien to our traditional culture. Schools have to open late in Toronto to accommodate Jewish new years. Now Muslims want the same treatment naturally. Someone writes that it may be right to have Christian employees work more hours than "minority" religious workers. The affirmative action policies of the Ontario government already mean that 90% of all new jobs must go to non-white males. But about 50% of the new work force who are now in school are white males. So what does the government official say when asked what it all means to the future of thousands of able-bodied white male schoolchildren? He replied that the new law was "balancing the scales of justice and whether you like it or not, folks, it's coming."
The whole Canadian way of life is sick. Our European heritage is being progressively undermined while a whole range of other cultures are being promoted. The essence of the new culture is tolerance, tolerance of anything. The crime in Canada continues to increase and become more and more violent as the attitudes of the Third World become the attitudes of our streets. Violence is becoming racial while Ottawa demands that whites be silent about it or be labeled [sic] racist.
The above, as well as the following excerpt (here), are both indicative of a siege mentality:
Some immigrants are quietly going about building their beachheads for the much larger invasion force to come. The west is being colonized by India, China and the Third World in a strange sort of reversal of 19th century imperialism. This phenomenon is the Liberals' revenge and Quebec's revenge on English Canada. These problems are creating a vast underground economy of discontent in the European-descended population of Western Canada.