Showing posts with label Waters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waters. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Not a Nazi" Willis Cleared in Assault Case

First of all, holy crap! You mean to tell us that it took this long to come to trail and reach any kind of verdict?
William "Willis" Miettinen is the shirtless dude (hell,
he's pretty much always shirtless for some reason) seig
heiling with Robert Reitmeier, Terry Tremaine,
John Marleau, Chris Waters (big guy wearing the
white tent) and other assorted boneheads in a photo
taken after the 2008 "White Pride" march in Calgary
Second, "suspected white supremacist"? Oh, we do believe we've cleared that one up on a few occassions already (such as here, here, here, and here).

Alleged cameraman attacker cleared

By ,Calgary Sun
First posted: | Updated:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oh, How We've Missed You Tom!

A relatively new poster on Stormfront going by the handle, "National Socialist Skin" caught our attention a while back. Oh, not because he seemed significant in and of himself, but he just reminded us of someone. He lives in Lethbridge. Has a tendency to name drop and brag about his status in, "the movement." Made fun of John Marleau. Talks about what he would do if he were in the same room with [fill in the blank] individual and it would not be pretty, he could sure tell you that.

We thought.... and then decided no. Couldn't be him. There was no evidence that "National Socialist Skin" has flown into a rage over some perceived slight and wasn't threatening people on Stormfront itself.

And then....

Now, we didn't catch all of this, but it enough to confirm that our favorite loose cannon Thomas Trenerry is back on Stormfront in what must be his third kick at the can:

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Chris Waters Hearts Mo Gulett. No, Not Really

You know, we frequently make fun of the many name changes that the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour/C19/ATB/ANC/CTV/ESP have had over the past 4 years, but WEB really isn't a hell of a lot better:

What Reitmeier is specifically writing about here is that many of the members of WEB are also members of a group known as the Aryan Nations Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (so in their brief history, they have been known as the Aryan Guard Renegades, Western European Brotherhood and/or Bloodlines, and now the ANK). The ANK seems to be some weird synthesis of Aryan Nations nougat and Klan chocolate rolled up into one nasty ass candy bar of hatred and are connected to the United Knights of Tennessee, Order of the Ku Klux Klan. The ANK does have a Canadian presence, albeit fairly minimal, with the HQ in Regina, Saskatchewan:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Aryan Guard and McKee: Not Many Friends Left

The long running dispute between the Aryan Guard (now calling themselves Blood & Honour) and their rival offshoot, W.E.B. is sort of low lying fruit for us. One can guarantee that, month to month, there will be something that we could write about on this blog. In reality and in spite of what might be believed, we actually let the vast majority of it pass without comment here. Even we're sort of bored by it. However, there are still occasions when it might be worth a look back to see where in the feud they are. One never knows when the next pipe bomb attack will occur.

This evening, on a whim, one of our writers took a look at the Facebook group "Fuck Aryan Guard!!!!" created by Tyler Sturrup and administered by himself and Dustyn Johnson. At first, there's not much to really talk about, but then we noticed something that at least we found to be interesting. Let's see if our dear readers can spot it as well:

See it? No, not the pictures that Reitmeier took from this blog and posted to the group. Look for a name. See it? If not, here's a hint:

This is a picture from the March 21, 2008 Aryan Guard march in Calgary. We see McKee of course, but who is the rotund fellow with his arm wrapped around McKee's skinny shoulders? Why, it's none other than the Grand Dragon of the Saskatchewan Ku Klux Klan, Mr. Christopher Waters.

A few years back, Waters made the claim that there were over 200 Klan members in Saskatchewan and almost 3500 across Canada. He also stated they would soon be holding a major Klan event in Saskatchewan, however it never ultimately came to fruition. He, along with at least two other Saskatchewan-based Klan members, did attend the first Aryan Guard march in 2008, as pictured above, as well as attending the after party in full Klan Klown Kostume.

So how does Waters feel about McKee and the Aryan Guard now?

We suppose that Waters will not be attending the planned Aryan Guard March in 2011 then? Then again, since Reitmeier claims that W.E.B. is affiliated with the Klan and Aryan Nations, we might see them heading to Calgary anyways:

Also interesting, though not at all surprising, is that this blog is used by boneheads to keep tabs on each other as well:

The screenshot they took is of this one below, which was underlined (we presume by Johnson) to emphasis that Marleau and McKee shopped information on one of the targets of the pipe bomb to both us and to the spokesperson for the Calgary ARA (Marleau's denial is posted on the Facebook group by Reitmeier):

Gee, we wonder how pissed off when we drop a real bombshell eventually?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Former Saskatchewan Klansman Has Died

We dropped the ball here, but we will report that Carl Finlayson, former member of the Saskatchewan-based KKK lead by Chris Waters, took his own life on April 16, 2010. Finlayson was one of the Klansman who attended the first, "White Pride" rally in Calgary on March 21, 2008.

We received a message that passed through moderation without our notice:
Carl Finlayson passed away Early Friday April 16, 2010. He had left the Klan, and had chosen to do his best to become a better person. Sadly, he took his own life. He felt that the world would be a much better place without him. His guilt and shame plagued him.

Hopefully this will provoke some of the others who are involved in the BOK or the Canadian KKK (more like a few guys from Regina KKK) to realize how this hate and anger can lead someone to no longer want to live. How this life and loss of life has affected and possbily [sic] ruined the lives of so many people, including his very own children. May he rest in peace.
There are some who have claimed that Finlayson, who was originally from Prince Edward Island, had not reformed, however we would prefer to believe that he did. What can we say? We're eternal optimists who choose to believe that people can change.

Whatever might be said about Finlayson, he leaves behind two young children who shouldn't be without a father.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Aryan Guard Exposé in "The Intelligence Report"

"The Intelligence Report" of the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center has written an exposé on Calgary's Aryan Guard in their Summer 2009 issue. We're happy to state that we played some small part in contributing to the research for the article. Others who contributed their time and knowledge include Jason Devine (spokesperson for the Calgary ARA), Edmonton Police Sgt. Stephen Camp (co-chair of the Alberta Hate Crime Committee), Valerie Pruegger, Constable Lynn MacDonald (hate crimes coordinator for the Calgary Police Service) and Cam Stewart (author OF a hate crimes report commissioned by the Alberta Hate and Bias Crime Incidents Committee).

Northern ExposureCanadian Hate Group Shocks Calgary
By Sonia Scherr

Since one can easily click on the link (and since the article will be archived by "The Intelligence Report" we will not reprint te entire article. However a few excerpts:
The Aryan Guard was founded in late 2006 with help from two disgraced ex-teachers who marched with the fringe group at the March 21 rally: Paul Fromm of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, who lost his teaching certificate because of his white supremacist activities, and National Socialist Party of Canada leader Terry Tremaine, a former part-time university lecturer who in 2007 was fined $4,000 by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal because of his racist and anti-Semitic Internet postings.
MacDonald said the Aryan Guard has also received ongoing support from Christian Waters, a leader of the Canadian branch of the Brotherhood of Klans Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Headquartered in Marion, Ohio, that group has emerged as the largest Klan organization in the United States.
The true danger posed by the Aryan Guard comes not from its public activities, but from its more clandestine ones. A man reached at the Aryan Guard's contact number refused to answer most questions during a brief interview, but repeated the group's opposition to violence.

Yet the group's history of criminal activity belies that assertion. According to the Calgary Police Service, the Aryan Guard has been linked to several assaults between late 2006 and mid-2008. The victims have included a homeless man, a gay community member, and a cab driver from North Africa, MacDonald said.
Writing about the latter incident on Stormfront on July 20, 2007, McKee — who'd been charged in connection with the attack, though he claimed a good friend was actually responsible — boasted about getting the case dismissed. "The reason being was that they couldn't make a positive ID because apparently everyone there was all dressed in combat boots with white laces [and] black flight jackets and all had shaved heads. So let this be a lesson to anyone who wonders why on earth all us skinheads dress so similarly. [T]his is another great reason. lol [laughing out loud]"

The incident that has received the most publicity involved an assault on a Japanese visitor in her mid-20s, Asako Okazaki, when she left a bar shortly after midnight in July 2008. A 17-year-old Aryan Guard member — who was convicted in March but has not been publicly identified because he was a juvenile — kicked the woman in the back of the head with steel-toed boots. According to court testimony, the attacker followed the woman out of the bar after making a disparaging remark about Asians. At the time of his arrest he was wearing boots with red laces — a skinhead symbol indicating he'd spilled blood for the movement.
The group's propensity for criminal activity is no surprise given that many members have histories of vandalism and assault. Two of the group's most prominent members, McKee and Dallas Price, faced assault and weapons charges in connection with a September 2006 confrontation in which one victim was hit with a wooden club and another was stabbed with a knife. Robert Reitmeier, also active in the group, was charged with attempted murder in connection with a November 2006 assault on a man who suffered skull and facial fractures. Member Bill Noble was convicted in 2008 of posting hate material on the Internet that primarily targeted non-whites, Jews and gays. A judge sentenced him to four months in jail and imposed limits on his computer use for three years, though Noble continues to post frequently on Stormfront.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has been instrumental over the years in the effort to combat racism and bigotry in the United States. Some of their greatest achievments on the legal front have included the successful suits against the Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, White Aryan Resistance, the United Klans of America, Christian Knights of the KKK, Aryan Nations, Imperial Klans of America and many others which effectively destroyed each group.

Perhaps now, with the Aryan Guard as the focus of an international publication, the gear of justice will start to turn a little bit faster.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

BOK (Brotherhood of Klans) Canada: Update

We wrote a brief note a few months ago regarding the re-emergence of the Klan in Saskatchewan. A Canadian branch of the American based BOK, Brotherhood of Klans, was established in the province and made itself known to the public in August 2007. It is lead by Christian (Chris) Waters, formerly of Ontario.

Though their efforts to organize a Klan rally didn't seem to get off the ground (unless they count the laying of wreaths at the war memorial in Victoria Park, thus dishonouring the men who died fighting the extremism espoused by the likes of the Klan), on March 21, 2008, some members of the BOK traveled to Calgary to take part in the rally organized by the Aryan Guard. As a result, we now have been able to identify one more Klan member by name, as well as a person currently unknown.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Saskatchewan Ku Klux Klan

We're currently gathering information on members of the Ku Klux Klan in Saskatchewan. Christian Waters, the "Grand Dragon" of the group is claiming that there are 250 members of the KKK in the province and 3500 in Canada. We think the numbers are exaggerated to say the least. If anyone has any information on this group please let us know. We've already been sent the accompanying picture from a "friend" of his in Regina.

Chris Waters, Grand Dragon of Realm Number 51
Regina, SK (originally Parkhill, ON)
Birthday March 4, 1976