Showing posts with label RdC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RdC. Show all posts

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Blood and Honour Plan Vancouver Island March

More and more, it really looks like if there's going to be any march in Calgary this month, it's going to be a bit of a disaster:

With the likes of McKee, Sturrup, Reitmeir, Marleau and others either in jail or under house arrest, we can't imagine anything organized will be much more than an utter failure. We could be wrong though which is why we hear that counter demonstrations are already being organized.

Still, it is the march season it appears, and there appear to be two marches planed on March 20 and 21 in British Columbia.

The first is one we covered here a few weeks ago. UPDATE: We had originally included the names of the two individuals who set up the website promoting the event, as well as the event notice on Facebook which was associated with the Facebook group, "Advocates For White Civil Rights," when we wrote about this event some weeks ago. Not long after, a woman, claiming to be the husband of one of the subjects of the article started complaining and threatening criminal proceedings if we didn't remove his name. On March 27, 2010, she sent us a section of the criminal code in an effort to intimidate us. After we stopped laughing (as the part of the criminal code she cited had absolutely nothing to do with this issue, and we were well within our rights to publish the information as her husband and his friend had their names publicly associated with both the march and the group, making it public domain), we decided, what the hell! We'll grant her wish. Instead, we'll post pictures of the now strangely missing website for Advocates of White Civil Rights. If names happen to appear on the picture, well, we could hardly be blamed for that: