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Blogger bigcitylib said...

Pretty clear from below that Banerjee is hinduconf:


23 January 2011 at 08:34

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome post.

24 January 2011 at 09:56

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this falls under the "WTF?!?!" category.

24 January 2011 at 15:59

Anonymous Y_I_Otter said...

I doubt right-eoushindu 'laughed and chortled' when, in the days following 9/11, a Hamilton, Ontario Hindu Temple was burned down by the kind of racist fuckheads who believe, as he does, 'same shit, different pile.

24 January 2011 at 18:49

Anonymous Anonymous said...

kyle mckay has no morals maybe him and the aryan drunk brigade can rally with these guys to.

24 January 2011 at 22:22

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