Showing posts with label Whatcott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whatcott. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The CNP Eligible For Official Party Status Part I: This Article is the Teaser. ;)

If you'd like to see what ARC and YVCE are planning for the next blog post and you don't mind spoilers, feel free to scroll to the end of this article. Then come back and read through the rest. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

By the end of August Travis Patron's efforts to have his far-right Canadian Nationalist Party recognized as an actual officially recognized party appears to have come to fruition:
Elections Canada sent party leader Travis Patron a letter on Thursday. It confirmed the party met the requirements for eligibility under the Canada Elections Act and can be registered for the upcoming election if the writs of election are issued on Sept. 9 or later. 
Even then, the party is still not actually registered. It must still endorse a candidate, whose candidacy then must be confirmed by a returning officer. Patron says he will run under the party banner in the southeast Saskatchewan riding of Souris—Moose Mountain. 
If readers click on the link they will note in the article there is mention of a plan to publicize the identities of those who supported the party’s Elections Canada application. Know that we WILL get back to this. In fact it will be the primary focus of the second article.

It shouldn't be a surprise to learn that Patron is very pleased:

Patron himself will be running in Souris-Moose Mountain in Saskatchewan (a Saskatchewan mountain???) and appears to be the only CNP candidate running in the 2019 federal election though this sad fact hasn't dampened his enthusiasm:

The fly in the ointment for Patron, as I've already alluded to, is that he and members of his newly minted official party are terrified of having their membership revealed:

I stress once again that we will absolutely be addressing this in the second article (if you AREN'T a CNP member or supporter, you are REALLY going to like it).

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Homophobe Bill Whatcott Charged Under Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code

Looks like Bill Whatcott is having some legal problems:

Whatcott provides more details on his own web forum regarding the charges:

The response from Whatcott's supporters was as to be expected:

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Calgary and Vancouver Island Northern Guard Members' Ties To Racists and Antisemites

Looking through the photos taken of the anti-Muslim "Christian freedom" protest at Calgary City Hall from last Saturday, I couldn't help noticing some familiar patches on some of the participants. For example, this one comes from fundamentalist nutbar Larry Heather's Twitter account:

Yep, those would be Northern Guard members.

Truth be told, I can't say that I'm especially surprised. The Northern Guard had expanded westward with a chapter in Saskatchewan, however that chapter was shut down by the folks in New Brunswick who also took over the Facebook group, kicking off every member because the vice-president of the Saskatchewan chapter was a neo-Nazi with links to the KKK. At the time the founder and head of the Northern Guard denied any responsibility for the situation and tried to wash his hands of the whole mess and denied the accusations that the Northern Guard was a racist gang, though given his subsequent support of white nationalism one has to question his sincerity.

In any case, it looks like they have decided to give the west another crack and have named an Alberta provincial president.... at least I think that is the title awarded to one Jeremy Clarke:

As noted, Clarke and company participated in Artur Pawlowski's protest outside City Hall in Calgary alongside such luminaries as Bill Whatcott, Sandra Solomon, the Calgary Soldiers of Odin, and Joey Deluca's Worldwide Coalition Against Islam:

Clarke was, and perhaps still is, a member of the Alberta III% militia:

But getting back to the April 14 protest at City Hall, it looks like a familiar face has hitched his wagon to the Northern Guard in Alberta:

Devon Mannix has been a little more quiet than he was when he was hanging out with the WCAI, though he doesn't seem to be big fans of them any longer since they aren't quite racist or antisemitic enough for him:

Still, it might be instructive to read a little bit about what this guy is all about if you are a new reader:

And then there is some of his more recent wit and wisdom to contend with:

Saturday, April 14, 2018

April 14, 2018 Calgary Counter-Protest At City Hall a Success

This was the day that Artur Pawlowski and his Street Church members as well as folks like Steven "Four Names" Myatt, Sandra Solomon, members of the Canadian Combat Coalition, Joey Deluca and Worldwide Coalition Against Islam members, Soldiers of Odin, Alberta Northern Guard members, Kevin "Poodle" Johnston, Bill Whatcott, Larry Heather, apparently Devon Mannix, and other anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant xenophobes were to protest at Calgary City Hall.

They did.... but they had some company:

Based on accounts this writer has heard as well as video evidence, it seems that the counter-protesters outnumbered the xenophobes who were using the pretext of a "Christian love" rally to rail against the government, Muslims, and refugees. Estimates for the counter-protest run between 150 and 200 while  the xenophobes are estimated to have been around 75. The response to the xenophobes' presence was peaceful, though Pawlowski needed to continue to try to convince his people that they were being oppressed by horrible anti-Christian tyrants:

Yeah, the Raging Grannies certainly are a frightening group to behold.

Anti-homosexual, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-First Nations, perennial candidate for office Larry Heather took some video in the other side:

The night prior, Pawlowski and other spoke at the "conference" he had organized:

I've cut together four of the speakers, Sandra Solomon (introduced by Joey Deluca of WCAI), Rob Anders, Kevin "Poodle" Johnston, and Bill Whatcott if anyone is interested:

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Part II: Racists, Homophobes, Misogynists, Islamophobes, and Sleep Rob Anders Heading To Calgary April 13 - 15

So today we learned more about the event planned for this weekend including all of the speakers as well as the venue:

The guest speakers are interesting to say the least:

Dear god.... I've heard Draper speak. If it is at all possible, I sort of feel sorry for those attending who will subjected to her barely coherent butchering of the English language.

Recently though, Artur Pawloski has been claiming that their event is being targeted by Muslims (because of course he is):

Problem with this claim is that it isn't true at all:

Word is that Ryan Dean might be responsible for the fake poster which is being used to gin up anger from the usual suspects. Of course the rage monkeys who see Muslim conspiracies everywhere didn't bother to investigate whether or not this was actually true since it confirms their biases:

Sunday, February 04, 2018

February 2018 Bits and Bites: The Hypocrisy, Infighting, and Just Plain Dumb Edition

I think it is correct to acknowledge that humanity is a complicated lot rife with contradictions. We all have our blind spots where we have difficulty seeing that our words are not always reflected in our actions or behaviors. Many of us occasionally subscribe to the maxim, "do as I say and not as I do." It is all part of being a complicated human being trying to muddle through life before shuffling off our mortal coils.

But then there are times when the hypocrisy of some people is so pronounced, one can't help but be in awe.

ARC submits the following as current a case study for your consideration.

I first offer one Bill Whatcott, a man who for at least two decades been in the news in some form or another for his rejection of abortion rights, the LGBTQ community, and same-sex marriage. He's best known for his incredibly graphic and offensive propaganda that he distributes from door to door or at places such as university campuses as well as his frequent court appearances where he challenges efforts to keep him off the premises of public institutions:

During the last few years he also welcomed the support of white supremacist Paul Fromm, support that Whatcott has also reciprocated:

Like other religious right supporters, he's also a big supporter of Donald Trump:

I and others find it interesting that religious conservatives support a twice-divorced, thrice married man accused of engaging in extramarital affairs, sexual harassment and assault, and who has acquired at least a portion of his wealth through the gambling industry. Whatcott himself has been outspoken about his opposition to divorce, despite the fact that he too is twice divorced and thrice married:

Well it turns out that this particular post has aged especially poorly as Whatcott is actually now thrice divorced and now on his fourth wife:

This came as a surprise to many of Whatcott's followers:

But those friends of Bill Whatcott needn't worry because he has a perfectly fine explanation for his most recent divorce/remarriage.

He had grown tired of his third wife.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Quixotic Quest of Don Myatt's Class Action Lawsuit Effort

Looks like the hamster in Steven Alexander Sisyphus Jude "Bonnie Prince Charlie" Gregory Myatt's cranium has been running and gone a popped an idea into head:

But I really am getting ahead of myself.

Since October 19, 2015, many of those who are associated with the Islamophobia and/or racist movements in Canada have been apoplectic about the victory of the federal Liberal Party, directing their rage particularly at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The rage has continued to be stoked by such "media" sites as Ezra Levant's "The Rebel Media", a litany of false (or grossly and willfully misinterpreted) news stories that have been disseminated through social media, and the dog-whistle politics of the then governing Conservative Party which continued through the leadership campaign of Kellie Leitch and I would argue under the current Conservative leadership of Andrew Scheer:

Within days of the Liberal's victory, many of the individuals motivated by these efforts were creating petitions to demand the Governor-General call the election null and void, remove Trudeau from office, and replace him and the Liberals with Stephen Harper's Conservative Party. When these efforts proved impotent (because.... you know.... democracy), many started lashing with more violent rhetoric advocating for the deportation of Trudeau and his family to a Muslim country based on the erroneous belief that he is a Muslim and thus not qualified constitutionally to be Prime Minister (I don't have to tell ARC's readers that this isn't actually a law), wishing for his wife and children to be sexually assaulted, and even political assassination some of which has been written about on this blog.

A more recent tactic is the desire of these especially malcontents to see if they might be able to convince the American government to invade the country and either annex all or part of Canada or at least remove the Liberals from power and replacing them with a puppet government:

The irony of all this of course is that they folks all present themselves as God-fearing patriots....

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Kyle McKee A Little Fuzzy On Definition Of Freedom Of Speech Part II

So by now some in the msm have written about McKee's expensive misadventure last weekend. The two stories that we first saw (here and here) were both sufficiently mocking of his efforts to crowdfund his fine. The boneheads, on the other hand, seem to think that it's all a great conspiracy to silence them:

Sure, the fine COULD be, "for protesting the homosexual agenda" (hint: it isn't).

OR is might have to do with violating a clearly printed bylaw for which the minimum fine is $2500 and the maximum $5000: