Showing posts with label Wes Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wes Smith. Show all posts

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part XII

It's been a while since ARC has published a story about our favorite, bumbling, bonehead, basket-cases (I was going for some alliteration for humorous effect .... it sort of works if you're willing to be charitable). The reason for this is mostly because there hasn't been all that much to say. Of those who were active members or associates of the London, Ontario-based hate group, Max Hynes appears to be the only one active aside from Dan Hall and Toronto Creativity Movement leader Wes Smith both of whom generally confine their racism to social media these days. Hynes for example is one of the moderators of Kevin "No-Show" Goudreau's White Canadian Nationalist Front:

And my goodness how sad is it that Hynes is willing to subordinate himself to.... well....

In any case it seems that most of the membership has either been kicked out or left of their own volition because hanging out with a roided out (allegedly) rage freak with the intellectual capacity of a doughnut whole wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Still the original cast of stooges, from Dan Hall and Adrian Graves to Luke Northmore and Brodie Walsh were all entertaining in their own way.

ARC's favorite SOS bonehead though was, and always will be, Jeremy Crawford:

ARC's long time readers could hardly forget Crawford. In May 2014, Crawford contacted ARC with the hopes of joining the Southern Ontario Skins because (a) he missed the "Anti" part of "Anti-Racist Canada" and (b) he's an idiot. He was sent a message but didn't reply so we thought that he had managed to realize he had made a mistake in contacting us.

However, on July 1 he finally replied resulting in the most entertaining and enlightening month-long email exchange this writer had ever been a part of.

For those unfamiliar or those who enjoyed it the first time, feel free to reacquaint yourselves with that article. I'll happily wait. Here is is again.
Okay, are we ready to continue?

In that exchange we learned that Crawford considered his extensive criminal record and prison history to be the sort of curriculum vitae that Hynes and the SOS would be impressed by. And sure enough there was ample examples online including the following:

Not long after Crawford FINALLY clued in, he did meet up with Hynes and the gang and received that t-shirt he was desperate to get his hands on:

After that and aside from a few rather brief mentions as a result of his social media activities, we sort of forgot about Crawford and as the SOS began to decline into relative obscurity, ARC stopped paying much attention to the gang entirely.

Then, last night, I suddenly wondered what Jeremy Crawford had been up to in the years since we last heard about him last? I mean, it was a completely out of the blue thought that popped into my head whereas I was contemplating whether or not to have a grilled cheese sandwich.

So I fired up the ol' interweb machine and did a quick search of his name:

Crawford: Uploaded to Facebook on September 22, 2017
I'm sure this will totally not come as a surprise:
Sarnia man stole phone and assaulted stranger 
By Neil Bowen, Sarnia Observer
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 10:41:01 EST AM
A Sarnia man's lengthy criminal record for violence contributed to a nearly nine-month sentence for assault and theft. 
Jeremy Daniel Crawford, 35, pleaded guilty Monday in Sarnia court to the theft of a man's cell phone and the assault of another man when he threatened to use a hammer.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Part III: Northern Guard and Known Racist Supporters

The far-right in the country are continuing to prepare or September 30 and their Anti-Trudeauoloza festivities planned for various spots along the border. ARC is guessing that it will probably look somewhat similar to the anti-M103 events that took place during the spring -- some locations better attended than others -- but with numbers overall somewhat down as protest-fatigue sets in and the weather grows colder in some areas.

Quebec, having some of the more organized and larger ultranationalist movements such as La Meute, Atalante, and Storm Alliance, figures to be one of the more substantial protests. However there does seem to be some friction in at least one of the groups:

There are also rumors about the leadership being angry about buses being rented but not being filled since people who said they would be attending are flaking out, diminishing their numbers but, perhaps more importantly, costing them money that they would have rather not spent unwisely.

It will be interesting to see the Quebec numbers.

There will also be a contingent of the Quebec far-right making their way to Ottawa.

Last night Steven Alexander Gregory Dwalin Balin Gloin Dori Myatt posted a video of Georges Massaad interviewing Quebec Provincial Vice President Eric Brazeau. Brazeau, who among other things stated the Northern Guard are survivalists, claims that around 20 members will be participating in the Ottawa event to, "provide security."

Yeah.... they are a benevolent bunch, ain't they? I mean, sure the police will be there keeping people apart, but how much better to have a militia-type group seemingly with a penchant for at least rhetorical violence helping out? And they certainly aren't there to try and intimidate those who disagree with them.

Now, ARC has been taking a close look at the Northern Guard over in a series of articles over the past couple of weeks, a series that will continue. In the first article the groups misogyny and casual racism and Islamophobia were the focus. In the second article my attention turned to the anti-government and reliance on fake news and conspiracies. In both the theme of violence was prevalent as a means of achieving political goals as well as simply a end unto itself.

This post will take a closer look at some of the members and supporters who aren't even trying to cover up their racial views.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Court Appearance for Michelle Erstikaitis

Michelle Erstikaitis appeared in court today and has been charged with attempted murder. In a previous court appearance, Ms. Erstikaitis had with her an item that might make her friends Paulie and Canadian Creativity Movement leader Wes Smith scratch their heads a bit:
But the designated dangerous offender was clutching a Qur’an as she appeared briefly in an Old City Hall courtroom Tuesday to face charges for allegedly slashing a U.S. Consulate security guard.
Not that we actually believe for a moment she is a Muslim now, just as we questioned her commitment to the cause of "White Nationalism."

Still, isn't it interesting that Paulie, who had inexplicably championed her for years, has remained silent?

Things that make you go, hmmmm.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Response to Fromm's Condemnation of the Canadian Flag

Fifty years ago today, the Canadian Parliament adopted this as our nation's national flag:

While there certainly was a significant debate at the time, since the adoption of the current flag most Canadians surveyed have supported it as an appropriate symbol for the country.

Well, not everyone:

This isn't exactly new. Paulie has this particular bug up his ass for the better part of his career as a figure in the Canadian White Nationalist movement in Canada. His followers certainly support his position for, what is to them, the obvious reason.

They don't like da' ethnic folks:

It might come as a surprise to Mary to know that the maple tree is not in fact found all over the place. It might also come as a surprise to Mary that the maple leaf has been a national symbol since before Canada became a country. Paulie in fact used to play "The Maple Leaf Forever" before the beginning of his Stormfront radio program, and that song was at the time of  Confederation.

Things also got a little weird in the comments....

....but that is neither here nor there.

What is important is that Paulie insists on the return of Canada's REAL national flag!

This begs a further question. Which of the post-Confederation flags does Paulie want?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

How Is Paulie's Campaign Going? Also, A Contest With Real Cash Prize

In one month, Paulie will go down in flames (again) after another election. Then again, winning the election isn't really why Paulie is running:

Yes, yes, we are indeed a cynical lot. But if Paulie can be considered to be good at anything, it is shamelessly promoting himself to his suckers.... er.... I mean donors. 

A recent publicity stunt certainly suggests the only thing he is serious about is convincing those who still follow him (and it seems to be a shrinking number here in Canada) that he stands an actual chance of winning and thus needs their financial backing. Here he is with the Canadian leader of the violent creativity movement Wes Smith:

Busy Weekend on Campaign Trail -- Mayor of Mississauga 

This was a busy weekend on the campaign trail with extensive literature distribution in many parts of Mississauga. Here we unveil my sharp election banner to inform motorists coming of the QEW gridlock into Port Credit that Paul Fromm is "the motorists' friend."

Hold on there sparky. Mayor of Mississauga? Might be getting a bit ahead of yourself.

I can't help observe two things. First, the traffic. Where is it? Really, it doesn't seem to be so bad.

But assuming traffic is as bad as Paulie claims it to be, we aren't sure someone touting himself as, "the motorist's friend" should be displaying a banner that would inevitably distract said motorists and perhaps result in an accident.

But really, we all knew this already.

The main purpose of this post is to allow our readers to participate in making fun of Paulie:

Oh yes. We certainly couldn't pass of this blank canvas.

As in 2010, we are offering a cash prize to the person who can create the funniest slogan for Pauie's banner. As I am not as affluent at the person who offered the prize the last time, I can only offer $50.00, but it is $50.00 you don't currently have so don't be picky.

Now, I am not as witty (or funny) as Nosferatu, but I did create a few examples to help stoke the creativity of our readers:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 2014 Bits and Bites: Ontartio Civic Elections Edition

On September 15 we wrote about Paulie's latest quixotic effort to achieve electoral office and noted that he has received an endorsement from the august leader of one of the numerous KKK factions in the United States, Tom Robb:

To get an idea of how pleasant a fellow Tommy Robb is, we provide these additional images:

Now, a normal politician might shy away from a character like Robb but Paulie, of whom there is little that is normal, happily accepted the Klan kudos:

Friday, May 09, 2014

May 2014 Bits and Bites

This will be relatively short. First, we would like to provide our readers with what looks to be a bit of a preview:

We have a feeling that the lives of the Southern Ontario Skinheads are about to become a lot more public and, perhaps, a lot less comfortable. And that all might be happening very soon.

More on that later. In the meantime, we offer our readers the wit, wisdom, and silver tongue of Mr. Hynes who waxes poetically about the nature of the fairer gender:

Yeah, hard to believe these people have a difficult time maintaining relationships. Or forming relationships in the first place. But.... wait.... is that Bernie Miller we see? Why yes it is! Miller has just recently completed his house arrest stemming from an incident in Edmonton which also resulted in Kyle McKee ending up serving a year in jail. It's sort of funny that an ally of McKee, someone who is suspected of being involved in the assault on Hynes in the summer of 2012, would be communicating with Hynes. Even more funny when you consider who Miller is pictured with in Miller's profile photo:

That there sidling up to Miler is Eric Marshall, one of the two men (along with Jessie Lajoie) who assaulted Hynes after being lured into the trap with promises of a sexual encounter with Ms. Kissack.

Monday, April 28, 2014

McKee Associate Convicted and Sentenced in Violent Attack

Leave to go camping a for five days and look at what we missed.

There are a few stories of particular interest to our readers, such as the anti-immigration flyers in Brampton and the "Free Matt Hale" posters being put up by Wes Smith and his friends in the Southern Ontario Skineheads. We'll address those stories at a latter date. However we want to focus on the recent conviction and sentencing of two individuals involved in an attack on the founder and leader of the SOS, Max Hynes. We'll include a little bit of commentary along the way:

KITCHENER — Bad blood within a white supremacy group fuelled the vicious ambush of a former organizer in a Kitchener park almost two years ago.

The masked attack in the summer of 2012 was orchestrated by Kyle McKee, a former Kitchener resident and leader of a Calgary-based neo-Nazi group called Blood and Honour.

For someone who has been in jail as often as he has been, we're surprised that McKee was so careless. He had to have known that his jailhouse conversations would have been recorded.

Then again, maybe he wasn't the one being careless?

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Tone Deaf: Southern Ontario Skinheads Post Videos of March

Sometimes, it really is fun to watch the boneheads self-destruct all on their own. Either through infighting or through ultimately counterproductive behavior, the final result is inevitable.

Take the blowback from the failed "White Man's March" that took place last month. The event was really an unmitigated disaster no matter how those in the movement try to spin it. The only people who actually seems genuinely pleased with the outcome of the march in Canada were John Beattie, Paulie Fromm, and the mouth-breathers in the Southern Ontario Skinheads. But even this resulted in a fair amount of online bickering as Beattie, who if we are to be fair is not exactly much of a player in the Canadian scene. That didn't stop both Paulie and the SOS responded then and some other SOS members responded again later:

The crux of Beattie's concern is that he argues, in all honestly correctly, that overt links to Nazism hurts the cause of, "White Nationalists." So Beattie believes while the Neo-Nazi boneheads will one day serve the purpose of protecting the big thinkers like himself (because he actually views himself as a big thinker), they should leave the public relation stunts to folks like Kyle Hunt who organized the White Man's March.

Because certainly Kyle Hunt wouldn't have anything to do with something as distasteful as the Neo-Nazi movement, right?

Well, Beattie might have to get used to being disappointed:

So really, these guys participating in an event in which boneheads are indeed welcome shouldn't be all that much of a shock:

Managed to get the last name we were not certain about.
So, let's shift our focus back to the Southern Ontario Skinheads, shall we?

The life span of groups like the SOS are between 6 months and 3 years, though a few manage to make it to 5 years. They ultimately fail in large part as a result of the inadequacies of the membership itself. Thus far there is nothing in the SOS that lead us to conclude they will be no different. In fact, given what we've seen we think they are already setting up their own imminent collapse.

Much of the membership itself has some problems with self-control. As members of a gang SOS members derive a sense of power as being part of a larger group. And when they feel empowered, they attempt to intimidate (and threaten) their opposition into silence:



It also doesn't help that a number of the folks now in or associated with the SOS have rather extensive criminal records, including one of their more recent members:

Long term survival in groups such as the SOS require self-control and regulation. Does anyone believe the SOS are capable of these feats?

But you don't have to take our word for it. How about from the horses' mouth? In addition to the few photos they posted online, the SOS decided it would be a good idea to video their march through the streets of Kingston. Because, you know, how could that go poorly?

Complaining about the cold? Come on! Do you think Ragnar Lothbrok would complain about the cold? Some viking warriors you guys are!

The following videos are really the ones that are indicative of the mind set of the SOS membership. As you're watching these videos, we want you to consider how the average Kingston resident would react to a gang such as this walking down the street:

Monday, March 24, 2014

White Man's March and Canadian Factionalism

You know, we have to admit to having a bit of a soft spot for Sebastian Ronin of the grandiose sounding Renaissance Party of North America. Sure, he's an unjustifiably arrogant bigot with delusions of grandeur, but when he is able to provoke reactions from boneheads such as this particular Rhodes Scholar, one can't help but be just a little appreciative of the work he is doing:

Later, the masked narrator in the above video did a public reading of James Thurber's "The Night the Bed Fell" at the New York Public Library.

Ronin is a bit of a shit disturber. And he's really proud of that notoriety. When the White Man March inevitably failed and the few participant were mocked by.... well.... almost everyone who was even aware of the effort in the first place, Ronin couldn't help saying, "told you so" in as wonderfully dickish a way possible:

Ah, the New Orleans Protocol. We'll get to that again soon enough.

There's a lot more to the exchange, but we think this provides the gist of it.

Still, there was at least one Canadian who believes that the event was an unbridled success:

BTW, thanks for allowing the public to view your profile John.
John Beattie, former leader of the Canadian Nazi Party, current spokesperson for the British People's League (which exists solely as a website and YouTube channel), and fading, doddering, relic of a bygone era desperately trying to claim relevancy in a movement that has LONG passed him by, was overjoyed by the "massive" success of the march. Still, one has to keep in mind that he also has spoken of the avalanche of interest in his efforts as evidenced by the fact that his, "youtubes" have been watched by dozens of people. Still, Beattie was disappointed that there was no march held in Canada, though he didn't know at the time that there were in fact two marches.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Southern Ontario Skinheads Gone Walkabout in Kingston

On March 15, boneheads around North America participated in an event called, "The White Man's March." Well, "participated" might not be an accurate description of what happened on that day. What might be a more accurate description is that a lot of boneheads talked about participating in, "The White Man's March" in their respective communities but ultimately did nothing.

Yeah, it was sort of a HUGE failure, though the boneheads would have you believe that is was really a HUGE success.

One group that participated in the event was our friends in the Southern Ontario Skinheads who traveled to Kingston, Ontario. Wes Smith was ever so kind as to provide some photos:

They apparently spent time flyering and acting brave when members of the Kingston Police Service asked them what they were up to.

Now, as this event occurred a few days ago, our dear readers might be asking us why we are so slow to update the blog. That's a fair question and deserves a an answer.

The reason why we haven't mentioned it until now is because we were trying to figure out who attended based on the shitty photo they provided (really, SOS members take terrible pictures):

Left to right: Paul McCarroll, Wes Smith, Dan "Buddy" Hall
(aka: Odin TheCelt.... really dude, if you want to conceal
your identity, you might consider a different ski mask and
jacket), Gatlin Gooding, Max Hynes, Luke Northmore, Jared Gilkes,
Simon Letourneau, "Mike White" (which may or may not be his real name).
We have an idea who "???" might be, but the focus isn't clear enough to make a definitive identification.

But still, we have to thank the SOS for their cooperation.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Paul Fromm Goes to Bat For.... Michelle Erstikaitis???: Part VIII - Fromm Doesn't Understand How Prison Works

Back in June 2013, Wes Smith of the Toronto chapter of the Creativity Movement interviewed an individual who was brought to our attention by Paul Fromm who INSISTED that her legal troubles were as a result of her "White Nationalist" political views and not because she was a violent sociopath. We include a few excepts of that interview below:

Yes. We are absolutely terrified of Michelle Erstikaitis' political acumen.

But we do digress:

Not all that surprisingly, there are a lot of boneheads who remain confused as to why Paulie has taken on Erstikaitis' cause and not all of them are as... we'll say as forgiving, as Paulie is:

Wait, he doesn't respect us at all yet uses the information
in our blog to make his case? Cognitive dissonance anyone?
But Paulie has achieved some success in bringing Erstikaitis into the White Nationalist fold. She certainly seems to have been accepted by Paulie supporter Wes Smith and she had been attending a number of White Nationalist events, including a Doug Christie memorial (where she stood alongside Malcolm Ross and Marc Lemire), an event to support Brad Love, and a protest in front of the South African consulate in Toronto organized by professional Geppetto impersonator Sebastian Ronin.

Some of our more astute readers may have noticed, however, that Michelle Erstikaitis has been really quiet lately which, given her seemingly constant need to be the center of attention in some way, might strike one as a bit odd. Well there's a very good reason for that. Not long after her interview with the Toronto Creativity Movement, this request of the public was issued:

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 2014 Bits and Bites: Fun Times in Southern Ontario

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Especially if your name is Max Hynes.

On the one hand, he is the "leader" of a small group of boneheads in southern Ontario with supporters in Toronto. Recently he has been trying to become more of a public presence, at least online:


But on the other hand, being more public has certain pitfalls, such as when people start asking uncomfortable questions.