Showing posts with label Walsh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walsh. Show all posts

Saturday, February 06, 2016

February 2016 Bits and Bites

So PEGIDA Canada held another rally today without telling anyone. The results were as sad as the previous effort despite the spin they placed on it:


In related news, we're still following the aftermath of our recent article detailing the often violent anti-Muslim/anti-refugee and anti-government rhetoric found on a number of Facebook groups such as PEGIDA Canada. We will be doing a follow-up soon, but we thought we would provide a preview of the reaction from one of the groups we were monitoring until recently, "Trudeau is Malignant":

Oh you are just adorable!

We can't seem to find the group any longer which means they have either shut it down or have figured out which of the 50+ members was our dummy profile. Either way, what was posted there wasn't much different than the bigoted, hateful, and often violent posts found in other groups.

We'll save that all for a later article, but for future reference just because we haven't mentioned you, doesn't mean we aren't aware of you.

In the meantime, let's talk about Paulie's latest adventure:

Worst. Abbey Road. Reenactment. Ever.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part XI

Our readers have likely noticed that our output has been rather limited of late. In part that's due to not having as much to cover here as we rework some of our intel gathering strategies.

The other reason is we just haven't felt like writing all that much. And a lot of what has been published has been really labored (to those who have made mention that we have been phoning it in, it's not as if you're telling us something we weren't already well aware of ourselves).

Hey, everyone goes through lulls. 

Regardless of our current state of ennui, we thought that it would be appropriate before 2014 ends to include one more article in our long running series on a very special group of boneheads.

More on Dan Hall another time, but he does bring up a pertinent question. What IS up with Brodie Walsh?

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part X

While the lead writer of the ARC Collective is planning on taking a hiatus for a month or so to recharge the batteries on a beach somewhere in Baja soon, it wouldn't seem right to leave when there are still a couple to loose ends to tie up.

Then again, we don't expect this particular loose end to remain tied for very long.

Our readers have been following a series that we lovingly refer to as the "cast of stooges" where we provide a running account of some of the misadventures of the Southern Ontario "Skinheads." One of those stooges, Jeremy Crawford, can't seem to help continuing to make a clown out of himself and a fool out of the rest of the SOS, particularly Max "Come at me bro!" Hynes who founded the gang.

In one rather epic and very well read piece on the blog, we posted the email exchanges between ourselves and Crawford who inexplicably believed that we were the SOS or, at the very least, would be willing to help him get in touch with Hynes and then member Brodie Walsh (who later had his own problems one can read herehere, and here). Eventually Crawford figured things out, but not before we were able to string him along for more than a month. Suffice it to say he was a little bit upset.

Now to get an understanding of why Crawford took so long to figure out who we really were, here is a recent example of Crawford thinking:

First, one would think that a prerequisite of running a prison gang like the Aryan Brotherhood would be the ability to spell Aryan. Second, we appreciate his simple logic, if one could refer to this line of thinking as logic: "Black are all criminals who sell drugs. You can trust me because I'm a former federal inmate jailed for selling drugs and possessing illegal weapons."

That being said, we didn't think we would hear from Crawford directly anymore. He's dumb as a brick, but even he knows when to quit, right?



Oh Jeremy Crawford. You are just a national treasure!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part IX (Aftermath)

It really is funny how things can turn on a dime. As early as August 18, Brodie Walsh was a member in good standing of the Southern Ontario "Skinheads," posing with his fellow boneheads as they model their latest t-shirts:

How come so many bonehead think that vacantly staring at
a camera is intimidating?
Oh, those were among the salad days of the SOS, a time when they were hopeful, naive, and ready to change the world. Or get drunk and beat up random people of color and excuse it as revolutionary activism. Either way, right?

But only two days later, things went a bit south. Very, very, south.

The reality is the SOS were, and still are, comprised of a bunch of ex cons and general fuck-ups so it isn't exactly a surprise that they would continue to fuck up. We have, however, been enjoying the very public nature of the implosion.

Our readers will have noticed that Max "Come At Me Bro!" Hynes posted the following two comments under the article in question:

brodie is out of the S.O.S, i fucking hate race traitors. i can deal with prior drug convictions but this is way over the line. That fucking piece of trash is out! He talked so much shit about how he was done with that life but i guess you can only go so far. that fucking goof is outof S.O.S!!!! 

brodie walsh is so stripped its not even funny!!

No Max, it is actually very funny.

The action wasn't confined to our little corner of the Interweb however. Walsh posted a comment on Facebook complaining about the article which he soon removed for what we think our readers will determine is an understandable reason:

Friday, August 22, 2014

Max and the SOS Don't Seem Happy

While we will provide a much more detailed article regarding the Southern Ontario "Skinhead" backlash to our previous post on Brodie Walsh's.... uhm.... indiscretion, we thought that for now this clip from the classic movie, "Airplane!" should suffice as a teaser since it best captures the subtle nuances of their reaction:

More to come later, though we would like to teach "pure German" Jeremy Crawford a new word first.

Schadenfreude: (noun) Pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part VIII (Nail in the Coffin)

Members of the Southern Ontario "Skinheads" keep giving us gold. It's as if they can't help making fools of themselves.

The latest entry in our "Stooges" series is once again Brodie Walsh:

See the really poorly executed "WaL$H" tattoo on Brodie's forearm? Remember it because you'l be seeing it again very shortly.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

An SOS Bombshell?

Okay, that might be selling it a little too much. They are, after all, boneheads.

Be that as it may, we recently received some interesting photos taken in a public place of one Southern Ontario "Skinhead" member in what would constitute an awkward situation. Well, awkward if you're a bonehead.

We have to confirm things, but if it is who we are 99.99% certain that it is, take a look at our update tomorrow.

Lucy will have some 'spainin to do.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part VI (Greatest Email Exchange Ever!!!)

You know, there are times when we have to wonder what good karma we have amassed for fortune to fall into our laps.

Ladies and gentlemen, might we introduce you to the newest member of the Southern Ontario "Skinheads", Jeremy Crawford:

We should at this point provide a little background. Crawford actually contacted us in May thinking that either we were the SOS or that we could hook him up with the SOS:
my name is jeremy crawford when u here the name u say skinhead thats feared and well respected im friends with brodie walsh anyways i lead small skinhead groups in london and sarnia ive been through thick and thin being a skinhead but i always come out on top because were more intelligent than the others [emphasis ours] i want in im 32 and i want in i want a group to call my family that i can trust with my life im 220 pds and covered in white power tattooes covered. im the poster child for skinheads im purebred german blonde hair blue eyes etc please get back to me. WPWW
Jeremy Crawford 32 220 pds pure german and life long skinhead i want in i have ran little clicks and iam well respected i want in the southren ont skins get back to me at ************ or ************ get ahold of me please i would be an incredible asset to the group and i know brodie walsh
This in and of itself wasn't actually a surprise. It actually isn't all that uncommon for ARC to receive messages from boneheads who are either functionally illiterate or who neglect to actually read our stories (or the rather large Anti-Racist Canada banner) and who believe we are a racist group. So it was with Jeremy Crawford. As he also provided his email, we decided that we would get in touch with him to see if we could extend this little dialogue. However, we didn't hear back from Crawford so we published an article making fun of him for contacting an anti-racist organization to request membership in a racist organization.

We knew this would likely result in the SOS reaching out to Crawford, an assumption that soon proved correct:

Later, on June 28, Walsh posted a follow-up on his wall:

That, we figured, would be the nail in the coffin. No chance that Crawford would reply to our email.

Then, on July 4 (which ironically turned out to be Crawford's birthday) we received this:

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part V

It's been a month and a bit since our last post in the "Stooges" series, but that isn't for lack of content. For example, Brodie Walsh has proven to be a goldmine of material. Here is a veritable Whitman's Sampler of Walsh d-baggery:

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part IV

Because the Southern Ontario Skinheads give us so much material, we decided that, "A Cast of Stooges" will be a regular feature here on the blog. But before we begin with the actual SOS members, we thought we would start with a prospective member:

my name is jeremy crawford when u here the name u say skinhead thats feared and well respected im friends with brodie walsh anyways i lead small skinhead groups in london and sarnia ive been through thick and thin being a skinhead but i always come out on top because were more intelligent than the others i want in im 32 and i want in i want a group to call my family that i can trust with my life im 220 pds and covered in white power tattooes covered. im the poster child for skinheads im purebred german blonde hair blue eyes etc please get back to me. WPWW

Now, you might be wondering by what black magic we managed to obtain this, for lack of a better term, "application" to the Southern Ontario Skinheads. We wish we could tell you that it was as a result of hard investigative work and an inside mole feeding us information, but the reality is, Mr. Crawford left it as a comment on our blog. Honestly, it is still surprising how often this happens; a semi-literate bonehead is unable to understand the "anti" part of "Anti-Racist" and sends us queries as to how to join a particular hate group. Really, it is the lowest of the low hanging fruits, though we still really enjoy the irony found in this part:

ive been through thick and thin being a skinhead but i always come out on top because were more intelligent than the others

You don't say?

To be absolutely clear that he wants to be a member, he sent a second message five minutes later:

Jeremy Crawford 32 220 pds pure german and life long skinhead i want in i have ran little clicks and iam well respected i want in the southren ont skins get back to me at ************ or ************ get ahold of me please i would be an incredible asset to the group and i know brodie walsh

Now we debated whether or not we should publish this message since we really don't want to add anyone to their numbers, especially when they are such an, "asset." But we figure that if they want someone as blisteringly stupid as Jeremy Crawford in their ranks, they really do deserve him. Besides, given the current membership, he really does fit in quite nicely:
Now, since his name was brought up, why don't we now move on to Brodie Walsh? He too has decided to start leaving messages on the blog, though he at least knows what "anti-racist" means, though does seem to think we value what he thinks about us:

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part III (Trouble in Paradise)

The bromance between Southern Ontario "Skinhead" founder Max Hynes and his newest member Brodie "Bee Fresh" Walsh has continued through it's honeymoon period this week. Here they are wearing matching hats:

Our guess on the next SOS product placement? Beer koozies. Still, it can't be a bonehead photo without at least one person being shirtless, in this case a decidedly doughy Walsh. Really, we're surprised to see Hynes in a tank top as we had grown to suspect that he might have sensitive nipples considering the number of shirtless selfies he takes. He's back to form in the next photo though:

Max, you do understand that you don't have to feel the need to flex in every photo of yourself? It seems you're trying a little too hard.

And, uhm.... you boys know those are walking sticks right? Hard to be menacing when you look like you're into cosplay from "The Hobbit":

And this one is for you Brodie:

But not all is well in SOSville. Our previous article wasn't very well received as evidenced by the well considered, and totally not functionally illiterate, response by Mr. Brodie Walsh:

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part II

In one of our previous posts, we briefly introduced our readers to the Southern Ontario "Skinheads'" most recent member:

Meet Brodie Walsh, aka "Bee Walsh" aka "Bee Fresh" aka "Straightt Menacee." On the surface, Brodie seems to be a perfect fit for the SOS. After all, he has started posting the appropriate "White Pride World Wide" photos:

And he likes taking shirtless selfies almost as much as Hynes does:

There's just one fly in the ointment. You see up until very recently, Mr. Walsh styled himself as a bit of a rapper:

There are a lot more of Walsh, "freestyling" than the example we provided above. That being said, the reality is that Walsh really isn't all that out of place considering the number of members/associates who have or had been immersed in this particular subculture.

But really, it isn't Walsh's past involvement in the urban music scene that we find problematic. It's stuff like this that is cause for concern:

The Woodstock Police Service has arrested and charges five city residents as part of its investigation into the trafficking of crack cocaine.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fallout from the Free Press Article

First, it looks like the Southern Ontario Skinheads have a new member:

More on Brodie Walsh later. Trust us. He's a real catch for the SOS and sure to fit right in.

Back on May 9, "The London Free Press" published an article on an event hosted by an associate of the Southern Ontario Skinheads which, while billed as a birthday party, also appeared to be a gathering of the boneheads which is sort of like the gathering of the juggalos, but with less face paint and more racism:

The reaction to the article? Not exactly unexpected.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Southern Ontario Skinheads Outed

First, and in deference to our friends who actually ARE skinheads, it needs to be made clear that no one in the SOS is actually a skinhead. They've co-opted the look and, to a degree, very selected elements of the skinhead culture, but it's only window dressing. They are, and always will be, boneheads.

And now the boneheads in the SOS are known to more than the relatively small circle who are part of the Canadian racist movement or who make a point of monitoring the movement in Canada. And that is not a good thing if you are an SOS bonehead:

London skinhead party on police radar

By Jennifer O'Brien, Randy Richmond, The London Free Press
Anti-racism activists are warning about the rise of a new neo-Nazi group in Southern Ontario and a celebration planned for the Victoria Day long weekend near London showcasing their strength.

But the man hosting what’s billed online as a White Pride World Wide celebration, and who’s connected to the group, says there’s nothing to fear from either the gathering or white pride views.

“It’s just a birthday party for me and my daughter, too,” said Jared Gilkes of Dorchester, east of London.

“It’s not white power, it’s white pride. All I am about is being proud of our own race. It’s not hatred. It’s about pride in your heritage, not hate.”

Some members of the group, Southern Ontario Skinheads, have been invited because they’re friends and he has joined them on rallies.

“But I’m part of no group. I put up on my (Facebook) wall: anybody that comes leave your attitudes at home,” Gilkes said, shortly before inviting a Free Press reporter and photographer to drop by May 17.

There’s more to the new group than white pride and the long weekend gathering than a simple birthday party, warn anti-racism activists.

“In reality, it appears to be an excuse for members of the Southern Ontario Skinheads from London and Kitchener, like-minded individuals, and a contingent from the biker culture to get together,” said a spokesperson from Anti-Racist Canada.

Anti-Racist Canada, which describes itself as a non-violent collective of people battling hatred, has been monitoring the Southern Ontario Skinheads (SOS) for just over a year.

The group has at least 12 members, the spokesperson said. “Things have picked up during the last few months and there seems to be more growth.”

SOS recently handed out flyers in Kingston in April, and members posted photographs on their Facebook pages of a small run-in with police and some members of the group giving the Nazi salute.

Several members have criminal records and some were connected to Western Canada’s violent Blood and Honour, a white supremacist group involved in physical attacks on non-whites, Anti-Racist Canada says.

Provincial police said they’ve been monitoring the group for some time and know about the party.


We had access to the Facebook group announcing the gathering as well so we were able to speak to some of the questions posed by the "Free Press":