Showing posts with label Schaefer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schaefer. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Blood & Honour/Combat 18 Listed as Outlawed Terrorist Organizations

I created the blog in November 2007 in large part to monitor the Aryan Guard, a Calgary-based hate group founded by Kyle McKee that I saw as having an incredible potential for violence. Eventually the Aryan Guard "patched over" to become Canada's first official (though there had been individuals affiliated long before) branch of the Combat aligned Blood & Honour.

As both the Aryan Guard and Blood & Honour, this hate group was implicated in numerous assaults, arson, a pipe bomb, weapons charges, uttering threats, and attempted murder. Two former members who created the rival WEB were later charged and convicted of murder. Another Blood & Honour group aligned with Volksfront was also implicated in a number of assaults.

My primary goal had been to warn people about this group. Though I've certainly expanded the scope of the blog significantly since its original creation, I've tried as best I could to keep tabs on the members and supporters of Blood & Honour as they became much more discreet online but no less dangerous in the real world.

As such, I view news as a significant event in the effort to combat hate:

I was interviewed by Vice News earlier today when the news of the designation of Blood & Honour and Combat 18 as outlawed terrorist organizations. I was asked about the activity of the group in recent years and noted that while not engaged in the overt activities of the past, it was still very much active as this 2016 screen shot indicates:

Rather than engaging in marched in Calgary or, as in the case of the last march Edmonton, the Calgary Blood & Honour instead engaged in surreptitious flyering and nearly monthly get togethers sometimes featuring guests who had been in the news:

I kept track of these events and while they were reasonably good at maintaining security, their failures were duly recorded:

More recently, Blood & Honour has been promoting a camp out that is to take place in both Alberta and New Brunswick:

McKee himself no longer lived in Calgary. He and his partner have moved to New Brunswick where McKee now runs a tattoo business.

Based on interactions on the business' Facebook cite, he seems to be one of the go-to tattooists for members and friends of the Northern Guard in the province:

I also mentioned in the interview that as happy as I was that Blood & Honour and Combat 18 have been designated at terrorist groups, I also hope to see further scrutiny on groups such as the III% militia, Northern Guard, Proud Boys, Soldiers of Odin (or any of the other Nouns), and the Yellow Vesters which often serve as "gateway drugs" so-to-speak for entry into even more extreme groups.

On this readers need not take my word for it:

Long time readers won't be at all surprised to know that long-time figure in the hate movement Paul Fromm is a bridge between the extremist Yellow Vests and the even more extreme Blood & Honour:

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

"White Nationalist" Travis Patron Trying To Book Room For Speech at University of Toronto

While ARC has been critical of the mainstream media in the past for not looking deeply enough at the ideology of the far right, it has been doing a better job of late. One journalist who I've found has been consistently good though is Stewart Bell who wrote the following concerning the reactionary Yellow Vest protesters and their calls to murder politicians, particularly Prime Minister Trudeau:

It is clear that there is a toxic hatred of the political left, immigrants, refugees, FNIM, Quebecois, Muslims, Jews, people of color, homosexuals, and other groups based on a mountain of evidence gathered here and by such groups as Yellow Vests Exposed. We've also witnessed how groups such as the Soldiers/Wolves of Odin, Northern Guard, Proud Boys, and other groups as well as individuals profiled on this blog -- John Marleau, Dara Graham, Thomas Trenerry, Paul Fromm, and Joey Deluca to name a few -- are attracted to this toxicity and in many cases are using the reactionary Yellow Vests protests to promote their own bigotry.

We can add another person to that list:

I've written about Travist Patron and his Canadian Nationalist Party in the past. Much like the Islamic Party of Ontario that the right-wing is currently in a panic about, the CNP is so fringe I'm not sure that they will manage to even get the necessary signatures to become a registered political party, though this isn't to say they don't have support on the far right:

Still, they are a rather pathetic bunch who have spent a great deal of time desperately trying to be relevant:

People who have actually looked at the platform, such that it is, of the CNP view it for the joke that it is:

When he has attempted to hold meetings, they have been failures. They have either been cancelled such as this planned Toronto event that never happened....

.... turned into a farce as occurred in Winnipeg....

..... or had very few people bother to show an interest:

But don't think continual failure and humiliation is going to thwart Travis Patron, would-be fuhrer leader of the Canadian Nationalist Party:

Like the Islamic Party of Ontario, there is absolutely no danger of the Canadian Nationalist Party achieving political power. Also like the Islamic Party of Ontario however, it is worth keeping an eye on Travis Patron's vanity project since the rhetoric coming from himself, his "party", and his supporters could pose a danger to individuals and vulnerable groups influenced by his extremism.

Is Travis Patron an extremist? Well, one has to ask one's self why a person who wishes to serve in government is so secretive about his "party's" real views and membership:

Yeah.... you sort of failed there Travis.

For example, Patron et al have some pretty regressive views of the LGBTQ community that he is considering enacting:

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Alfred Schaefer Back In Jail

Hey, remember when I suggested that Alfred Schaefer might end up back in a German jail due to his activities June 30?

Monika is still in jail (perhaps as a flight risk) but her brother is currently free, however given very recent events that might change
Just want to say that I called it:

Yeah, "whatever this 'crime' was..." indeed:
German-Canadian Alfred Schäfer was the first to speak. He vowed that if he and his sister Monika Schäfer are found guilty of violating German criminal law on Holocaust denial (Schäfer was back in court yesterday), the judge would feel the wrath of his supporters and "hang by his neck until death." At the end of his speech Schäfer gave the Nazi straight-arm salute, which is also proscribed under German law.
And really? Police state action? The German police apparently arrested him at noon (not the dead of night) and let him take a bagged lunch with him. Perhaps his wife forgot to include a bottle of gewürztraminer?

Ms. Renouf might be a little dramatic.

Now I am assuming that he's back in jail because of his participation in the neo-Nazi rally on June 30, his threat that the presiding judge would be lynched by his supporters, and his seig heil salute. I could very well be wrong, which would likely mean that he did something even worse that ARC doesn't know about.

In any case, we can expect more Paulie histrionics as well in the coming weeks and months I'm sure.

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Alfred Schaefer Threatens Judge in His and His Sister's Trial in Germany

The trial of Holocaust denying Canadians Monika and Alfred Schaefer (Alfred is a long time resident of Germany) began July 3 in Germany. Monika is still in jail (perhaps as a flight risk) but her brother is currently free, however given very recent events that might change (information courtesy of Helmut-Harry Loewen):

250 neo-Nazis marched in Nürnberg this past Saturday in solidarity with Holocaust deniers and NSU terrorism trial co-accused Ralf Wohlleben, a veteran neo-Nazi organizer. German-Canadian Alfred Schäfer was the first to speak. He vowed that if he and his sister Monika Schäfer are found guilty of violating German criminal law on Holocaust denial (Schäfer was back in court yesterday), the judge would feel the wrath of his supporters and "hang by his neck until death." At the end of his speech Schäfer gave the Nazi straight-arm salute, which is also proscribed under German law. There were no arrests, despite numerous violations of criminal law -- Holocaust denial, antisemitic hate speech, display of prohibited symbols and gestures, glorification (Verherrlichung) of the National Socialist regime, and so on -- as observed by the JFDA/Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Antisemitism at the rally.
Photo of Alfred Schaefer found here.

Now I'm no big time city lawyer, but I'm guessing that threatening to have neo-Nazis lynch the presiding judge in your criminal case then seig heiling during a speech to neo-Nazi supporters the day after your trial begins might just be rather counterproductive.

In the meantime, Paulie, Brian Ruhe, and the usual hive of scum and villainy continue in their efforts to save the Schaefer siblings from the justice they both richly deserve: