Showing posts with label Levant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Levant. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Peaceful Red Deer Anti-Racist March A Success; Far-Right Narrative At Odds With Reality

This past Sunday, Red Deer Against Racism and the Black and Indigenous Alliance Alberta (BIAA) held a march in the city of Red Deer, AB. In stark contrast to the event which was to have taken place on September 20 where far-right hateriots and assorted hate groups (instigated by Pat King despite his claims of innocence now) physically attacked and intimidated attendees, this march was wildly successful:

The march began at 3:30 pm after a smudge ceremony. It continued to City Hall Park -- some marchers were seen to pick up trash along the way -- where speakers discussed the need to have an honest dialogue about racial injustice.

The media also noted the peaceful nature of the march, despite the efforts of the hateriots:
There were of course hateriots present who attempted, but failed, to disrupt the march owing in large part to the heavy police presence:

Friday, February 21, 2020

Far-Right Groups Engaging in Vigilantism

UPDATE: We have received a reportback from an individual who was present at the Edmonton blockade. Scroll to the bottom to read it. 

The RCMP raids of Wet'suwet'en territory set off a series of rail blockades in defense of the First Nations' community. Some of the blockades have been in place for over two weeks, and regardless of how illegal the RCMP actions are far-right groups have begun to show impatience with the length of the blockades.

Far-right groups such as the Yellow Vests, United We Roll, and WEXIT are beginning to turn towards a form of vigilantism justice in retaliation. This is disturbing since members of all three groups have repeatedly discussed running protestors over with vehicles.

On Wednesday a group of vigilantes took down some materials being used for a blockade near Edmonton to much fanfare among far-right groups. United We Roll were present even though they were asked by police to not attend. Afterwards they stuck around for a photo-op, holding up a train. 
We identified one of the vigilantes as being a member of WEXIT, and upon the notoriety for his involvement in taking the blockades down he immediately set up a GoFundMe campaign. Typical behaviour for right-wing grifters.

The support for this by United We Roll and the Yellow Vests is very hypocritical, considering they modeled themselves after the French movement which has blocked roads and fuel depots.

After the blockade was taken down, Conservative Party of Canada leadership candidate Peter MacKay tweeted his support for the far-right vigilantes, but quickly deleted it after receiving criticism.

Many on the right are spreading false claims about the First Nation's land defenders, the first of which is that the protestors are being paid. There is absolutely no evidence that is happening, even the Post Millennial had to admit as much in their article titled: Indigenous chief says some anti-pipeline protestors are getting paid.

The next unsubstantiated claim is that protestors are derailing trains. This is based on a CTV report about a derailment in Lanaudiere, QC. CTV cited an anonymous unsubstantiated report that "something was set on the tracks in order to derail the train". CN have not confirmed whether that happened and no evidence has been provided.

Ezra Levant of The Rebel Media tweeted his support by offering to pay the legal fees for anyone arrested taking down the barricades, something which has not gone unnoticed by the far-right.

Cory Morgan of Calgary created a group called "Citizens For Rule of Law", and they appear to be interested in vigilante justice.

Some of Cory Morgan's Facebook 'likes'
More concerning is that an as of yet unidentified person created multiple social media profiles named after Colorado Synagogue shooter Richard Holzer and attempted to rally people to the rail blockade in the Tyendinaga Mohawk territory in Ontario. Whomever created the account also referenced the Proud Boys. At this time, much of his social media and the Facebook event have been shut down.

'Richard Holzer' Facebook account before it was removed
The 'Richard Holzer' account cited Ezra's tweet
A Facebook group called Belleville protestor removal team popped up, started by Greg Crabb. 


According to, Crabb is quoted as saying,
I’m gonna be going sometime today to check out the area for the best plan of attack.
We’re going to keep it simple and unexpected to the protesters.
Pat King and other yellow vests are planning to confront the blockades on Saturday at noon. These people are very disorganized so it's hard to say what will take place.

The Threepers are now also rallying their supporters to begin infiltration of blockades as well as railway patrols.
We shall continue to monitor far-right social media for any other potential vigilante actions and threats.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article indicated that the Edmonton blockade was removed by agitators. Media reports and video showed barrels and wooden pallets being removed by agitators, however the bulk of the blockade was made up of community tents (food, meeting) and social spaces. These community and social spaces were removed by the blockade and their supporters.

UPDATE: We've graciously received a report-back from our friend Trevor Riel, who has provided additional context and first-hand information/experience (emphasis ours):

On Wednesday February 19th, in the early hours of the morning, approximately 30 indigenous youth and settler accomplices barricaded the Edson Sublet CN rail line on the outskirts of Edmonton. This line serves as a vital artery for train traffic across the Rockies. The objective was to extend the rail blockades started on the West Coast and Tyendinaga to the Prairies and was successful in shutting down rail traffic for more than 12h, disrupting rail transport for 7 days. It also faced opposition and a dangerously inept police response, which this will focus on. 
Petrofascist reaction had been an anticipated response to the blockade. Alberta has a worrying problem with far right reactionary violence, stoked by public figures, the UCP government, and numerous grifters who have graced the posts of this blog already. While preparation is half the battle, there are substantial challenges to enforcing a non-violent response to violence. In order to protect supporters both from legal consequences and an increasingly dangerous situation, the call was made to disperse around 2pm, with the camp having been fully removed before 3pm. 
For the first several hours, the camp was serene and we watched the sunrise. Our only interaction with police occurred before dawn, when an officer from CN police approached two of our police liaisons, and asked for their names. They didn’t offer them, the officer returned to his car, and this was the last interaction we would have with police of any jurisdiction until being informed of the affidavit at approximately 2pm. 
We allowed traffic to pass along Range Road 216, as the blockade was focused on rail infrastructure, not local businesses and residents. Being right beside a road, we had taken precautions to protect ourselves from cars driving in to the camp, including multiple barrels filled with concrete and a parked car of our own blocking both the tracks and the entrance to the camp from the road. Passing cars and trucks ranged from the expected ‘get a job’ to raucous support, with our first run in with a doofus happening well into the morning. Sporting a mullet, an array of bumper stickers from grifting far right figures and two stars and bars, we had good ol’ boy Cody Frederickson from EcoRite780 roll down his window and yell at us. He only left his truck to yell at a police officer, then screamed incoherently into a television camera that was not turned on. 
As news spread and people started getting lunch breaks, reaction intensified. We had one particular chud, unknown to organisers at the time but now identified as Guy Simpson, storm into the camp and attempt to tear down the pallet wall on the rail tracks. He was blocked by a crowd of people from approaching the barrier and there was a long period of negotiating him out of the camp during which he claimed to be indigenous and also claimed to have personally lost 500k$ because of the rail blockades. He seemed to know little to nothing about Wet’suwet’en and was mainly angry about the blockade itself, and has subsequently attempted to join the ranks of reactionary grifters with a GoFundMe. 
After talking him down he left the camp, threatening to return with a posse. At this point, we started erecting more barriers on the road, anticipating further disruption. Becky and Karen also showed up, before a MAGA hat wearing stooge and his affable friend joined the party of whiny white people concerned about our safety. 
During the lunch hour, numbers swelled both in our camp and in the small gaggle of reactionary ghouls and numbnuts. Keeping people safe is always one of our top priorities, and this is very challenging to do when attempting a permanent blockade. 
While none of the barricade itself is necessary, defending the boundaries of the camp was a necessary step in maintaining the safety of everyone in it. Having scrums over pallets and barrels is both absurd and also a necessity, with the fear that small victories would embolden reactionaries to continue pushing. The original camp had spanned both sides of the track with barrels and signs, but at this point, the West side of the camp was more or less wrapped up. Despite being very tense, this period went mostly without incident, though reactionaries did shove several people, bowled over media and camera equipment, and were constantly threatening us with greater violence. Many also regurgitated the same stochastic terrorism talking points we see from public figures and government. 
As the situation escalated, the camp moved from eating, prayer, and ceremony with a minimal presence defending the perimeter of the camp to forming a human wall at the edge of the camp. While this was framed as part of our receiving the affidavit it had actually been coordinated to protect the camp from incursion and disruption by the reactionary mob that had now brought out a flatbed. The wall sang and came together, and was successful in deterring any further action from reactionaries. Upon our being served notice of an impending injunction, the mob started jeering and celebrating police violence that would never arrive. 
The cleanup period was complicated. We had received a great deal of material from supporters who had been unable to stay, leaving us with a large amount of stuff we didn’t have the vehicles to remove immediately. Despite this, the entirety of our camp was dismantled in an orderly fashion, packed up, and kept by supporters. The lower priority things that remained were largely scrap wood and barrels that had been part of the barricade. Had we been free to do so, our plan was to simply drag this off the tracks and remove it in a few trips. However, no one felt that it was wise to try and defend scrap wood from an angry mob with a dwindling number of supporters. As a result, much of it was carried off by the counter-protesters and especially the pallet wall, a low priority for us to remove, was targeted. This was misrepresented by them as a victory over the blockade, but in reality, they were just picking up garbage faster than we could. On this note, I think we should be careful about how we describe a blockade. The blockade was not the pallet wall or any other physical piece of disruption, those are just symbols and tools. The blockade was the people on the tracks, and we were not removed by the vigilantes, we voluntarily walked off. 
It was also as the camp was being cleared out that the reactionary mob changed from a few local dickheads to more well known figures, with Les Michaelson and Peter Downing arriving to harass media and the few remaining blockaders then further delaying the trains by posing for a selfie on the tracks. 
During all of this process, police were entirely absent, providing ample evidence for ACAB. Despite the police having a supposed duty to protect all citizens, even those breaking the law, police did nothing to deescalate the situation. In addition to being a moral failing, this should also be viewed as an operational failure. Our camp was disciplined and organised, had things descended into violence we would have been much less able to extricate ourselves, lengthening the blockade. Going forward, police giving carte blanche to reactionaries will result in a greater threat of violence, and everyone should condemn EPS and CN for their utter failure to uphold, wait for it, the rule of law. Our government and its agents were signaling in no uncertain terms that they are more than willing to look the other way when it comes to white supremacist violence against indigenous people. The lack of violence was entirely the result of the incredible deescalation work of our camp, and the number of supporters that came out and joined us in resisting the threat of violence as a community. 
I’ve alluded already to a few trends we noticed. First, that reactionary violence to protests does not stem from a particular affinity or knowledge for what is happening in Wet’suwet’en. It stems from a more basic hatred of people disrupting the status quo, and the people who are disrupting it. There is little room or purpose for discourse or debate with these people, and our focus has to be deescalation. Second, that reactionaries are poorly organised on the ground, taking all day to organise any response by leaders in their community, but radicalise a wide ranging online base and can depend on activated angry white men to act on their own initiative. This makes them more dangerous for planning actions outside of familiar spaces because it is hard to gauge how committed to violence these activated angry white men are and how seriously to assess their threats. It also highlights the profound threat posed by declarations like Peter Mackay’s that normalise and encourage white supremacist violence. Third, that this will get worse without either a firm resistance from a much broader segment of the population, or our governments taking more responsibility to clamp down on white supremacist extremism. In other words, organise your communities.

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Keeane Bexte From Rebel Media Targeting Edmonton Community Activist for Helping a Family

Recently, we heard about more antics of the Rebel Media terrorizing everyday Albertans they don't like (seems to usually be a person of colour or science supporters). Rebel Media, a far right outlet pretending to be the news, has been pushing out conspiracy theories and skewed "news" stories for a few years now centred around immigration (mostly about Muslims), taxes and anyone to the left of Mussolini. Their past entertainers like Lauren Southern, Faith Goldy and Gavin McInnes have all developed their own careers in performative assholery:

Keean Bexte, who cosplays as a reporter for the Rebel Media has targeted a historian and local activist out of Edmonton named Bashir Mohamed. Bexte referred to Mohamed as an "unhinged Muslim refugee", described him as thuggish and accused him of pushing Bexte off the sidewalk into oncoming traffic.

If you watch the footage, you can see that Bexte never actually moved, lost his footing or anything to suggest a push. I guess when you're someone like Bexte, having someone stand next to you is a push.  This is important to note as it seems to be Bexte's brand of hyperbolic melodrama. An example of Bexte doing this is to describe Mohamed attending a meeting as crashing it, we'll elaborate further and how Bexte is creating space for violence against Mohamed.

Bexte didn't show the video clips where Mohamed interrupted Bexte's interviews to inform the interviewee that the person they were talking to was working at a white supremacist online store. 
Bexte has a hilariously long winded resume of gotchas and is someone we've covered on ARC before.

To give some back story on this - Mohamed has been helping a family and issues around discrimination at school by staff. A child named Emmel wore a durag to school, he was asked to take it off and that the durag was gang affiliated. The family reached out after the mom, Una Momolu was banned from the school during a meeting.  Momolu was banned due to a report of aggressive behaviour, except that the Edmonton Journal reports that Momolu had been recording audio of the meeting and the audio tells a different story, as does Emmel.

You can watch a video summarizing the incident here:

Mohamed, who has amassed a decent sized following has been helping the family by lending his voice in the community around these issues. Bexte, as mentioned before about his brand, said that Mohamed CRASHED the meeting, here's the video of that meeting that you can see for yourself and how he CRASHED it (he didn't, he sat in his chair, put his fist in the chair 10 minutes in and held up a petition).

So let's recap. A family has a son made to take off his durag by the school, when his mother comes to advocate for her son, she is accused of aggression. The police are involved and the mother is banned from the school for a year. Mohamed helps the family, canvasses the community and attends meetings. Our local "Rhodesian noob" Bexte then turned this story into a hit piece.

Bexte posted a twisted version of this story to Twitter and YouTube and the comments are alarming.
You can find tweets here

Bashir Mohamed is now monitoring the comments where these videos have been posted across social media . These comments are full of threats fueled by anti-immigrant sentiment and outright racism. All of these are memes we've seen before about diversity and Trudeau. It's never going to stop is it?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Don Cherry Gets Fired For Being a Racist; Reactionaries React

On Saturday long time hockey commentator Don Cherry went on a racist rant during his Coaches Corner segment on Hockey night in Canada:

You people … that come here, whatever it is, you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that... 
These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada, these guys paid the biggest price.

The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council were so overwhelmed with complaints after his rant, they posted on their website that they were "exceeding the CBSC’s technical processing capacities."

Sportsnet promptly fired Cherry for these comments, and rightfully so. Cherry has a long history of using racist dog whistles and sharing right-wing political views, but this was one his more bigoted statements.

The Royal Canadian Legion denounced Cherry's comments as well.

With the Legion not backing him you'd think that would be the end of this story, however the far-right are melting down about his firing and coming to his defense.

Members of the yellow vests, proud boys, neo-nazis, WCAI, C3, Northern Guard etc., have all spoken out in defense of Don Cherry.

Yellow Vests:

Oh, and of course that justified hateful comments made by the yellow vests:
Paul Fromm:


 Rebel Media:

Canadian Combat Coalition:

Faith Goldy:


Proud Boys:

Ed Jamnisek (C3/Northern Guard/PEGIDA):

 National Citizens Alliance:

Joey Deluca (Worldwide Coalition Against Islam):

Peter Downing (Wexit):

The list could really go on and on but one of the funniest responses was from neo-nazi Lily (last name unconfirmed) who wants to protest in front of the CBC, even though Sportsnet is owned by Roger's.

To top this all off, people have been tweeting at The Legion that they will no longer buy poppies going forward.That kind of flies in the face of their supposed patriotism, and undermines Don Cherry's promotion of the campaign.
Obviously being on the same side of an argument as the far-right does not necessarily mean a person is sympathetic to their cause, but I've noticed a few easily debunked arguments that I would like to draw attention to.

Don Cherry has a right to free speech: Yes he does, and this right has not been violated. People had the right to complain about what he said, and Roger's had the right to fire him.

Don Cherry didn't say anything wrong: He certainly didn't say anything right. Claiming that new Canadians don't wear poppies isn't based on any documented source. Also how can Don Cherry know someone's immigration history by looking at them? (Hint: racist profiling)

But it's OK when Trudeau wore blackface: It actually isn't. Justin Trudeau apologized and owned up to the mistakes he made. Don Cherry has made no such acknowledgement, and most likely won't.

Don Cherry was fired for using the words "you people": This one is especially important because Don is himself saying this. He followed up "you people" with 'come to this country', so it's pretty obvious he was targeting supposed immigrants and that's why he was fired.

Don Cherry was fired for promoting poppies and Remembrance Day: He's been doing that for years. He was fired because he singled out immigrants.  

I would love for this controversy to be over but sadly, I'm sure it will continue for a little while longer. What's really sad is that this story has completely overshadowed Remembrance Day, which many people actually do care about.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

(Guest Article) Nazis, Russians, and Tories; Oh My! Penetration of Conservative Canadian Media by Pro-Russian Actors

Over the past year, Cosmin Dzsurdzsa, the husband of alt-right campus activist Lindsay Shepherd, has received recent coverage for his previous work as an editor for Charles Bausman's Russia Insider. A central hub for the dissemination of pro-Russian disinformation during the 2016 US Presidential Campaign, Russia Insider was funded by Konstantin Malofeev, the oligarch sanctioned by Canada for his role in funding Russian militias involved in the country's invasion and occupation of Ukraine. Malofeev is also known for funding the activities of Russian political operatives Aleksandr Dugin and Alexy Komov, individuals involved in foreign influence operations targeting western countries. Ever since his public exposure, Cosmin has made pains to self-censor himself as a means to stay relevant though still enjoys signalling his extremism to his followers. He frequently claims to have not known about Bausman's ideological inclinations, that is not true. A VKonkate page Cosmin created during his stint at Russia Insider shows the only person that Dzsurdzsa followed was Holocaust denier Aleksandr Dugin. Past tweets include quotes of American Nazi sympathizers during World War II, including Ezra Pound and James Laughlin. Currently, Dzsurdzsa now works as an editor for the Post Millennial, an astroturfed website cofounded by Jeff Ballingall whose coverage revolves solely around producing partisan propaganda favouring the Conservative Party of Canada.

Dugin's sordid past can be found elsewhere. Our preoccupation with this character today lies in his role in Russian influence operations of varying severity, from the invasion of Ukraine, to the 2016 coup attempt in Montenegro, to his follower's orchestration of an arson at a Hungarian cultural centre in Ukraine - an act meant to inflame tensions between Hungary and Ukraine. Dugin's totalitarian ideological framework is a major inspiration on the alt-right. Richard Spencer's estranged wife Nina Kouprianova translates Dugin's works in English alongside her colleague Michael Millerman, of the University of Toronto.

As previously mentioned, Dzsurdzsa is married to Lindsay Shepherd, the infamous alt right campus organizer who has worked to give speaking opportunities to Faith Goldy and Ricardo Duchesne. Both are affiliates with ID Canada, the Canadian branch of Generation Identity. On March 20, 2018, Shepherd hosted a speaking event for Faith Goldy titled “Ethnocide: Multiculturalism and European-Canadian Identity,” a speech based on an earlier interview Goldy had with George Hutcheson, the leader of Students for Western Civilization (SWC). The speech was to be recorded and uploaded to Youtube until a fire alarm derailed the event. Goldy's audience was led outside by Shepherd, with SWC members acting as security for Goldy. In February this year, Hutcheson interviewed Millerman for the SWC Youtube channel. Among their topics were, of course, the ideology of Aleksandr Dugin and supplanting the post-WWII liberal-democratic order.

In September 2018, I passed on information received from one of my assets to ARC Collective indicating that Faith Goldy's mayoral campaign was run by members of Generation Identity Canada (rebranded as ID Canada). Other evidence began piling up, proving the campaign was principally a joint operation between ID Canada and its Toronto campus affiliate, SWC. Campaign expenditure disclosures revealed ID Canada founder Tyler Hover managed the campaign webstore. Hover is mostly known for being a literal cuckold among antifascists when he confided to fellow StormFront users that his Russian girlfriend slept with his close friend when she visited Canada. Three months prior to these revelations, MARTIN SELLNER, a leading figure in Generation Identity, travelled to Moscow, Russia alongside his wife Brittany Pettibone and Lauren Southern to interview Aleksandr Dugin. Generation Identity is heavily influenced by the National Bolshevik movement that spawned Dugin, and Sellner himself has been interviewed in 2015 by the Centre for Continental Cooperation, a think tank founded by Yuri Kofner, a student of the Moscow State University of International Relations. At the same time Southern was interviewing Dugin, Ezra Levant, Southern's former employer, was in Moscow filming pro-Kremlin propaganda. On February 2019, I pointed out and provided information on the various relationships Rebel Media staff had with Generation Identity. Rebel Media was cofounded by Ezra Levant, Brian Lilley, and Hamish Marshall. Marshall currently serves as the campaign chair for Andrew Scheer and also works for One Persuasion, a political strategy firm founded by former Tory staffers which utilizes psychographic information to microtarget voters, in the same vein as Cambridge Analytica. Rebel is known for promoting far fetched and malicious conspiracy theories, including suggesting the Ste Foy massacre was a false flag, Rebel staffer Jack Posobiec "just so happened" to come across emails from French President Emmanuel Macron's 2017 presidential campaign stolen by Russian security services, and having a man who worked for an online white supremacist military surplus retailer shouting Russian propaganda at MP Kent Hehr about Chrystia Freeland's grandfather being a Nazi collaborator. Rebel acts as an amplifier for pro-Russian narratives in Canada's information ecosystem, making it impossible to think of him as anything other than an asset to the Russian Federation....

...which brings us to the point of this article. For three years, I have spent much of my time conducting surveillance and research into the western far right's networking with Russian actors. I have kept a close eye on Dzsurdzsa since his start at Free Bird Media, along with others that worked on the site (ie Students in Support of Free Speech). On occasion, I would even heckle him and Alex van Hamme through Twitter. Dzsurdzsa wasn't the only person writing for Free Bird Media to move on to become an editor for Post Millennial, nor was he the only person involved in actively spreading pro-Russian disinformation. Meet Alexandra Hollenbeck, former student of Moscow State University School of International Relations, former American Section Editor for the Post Millennial, and an unquestionable Russian asset:

As already covered by Dahn Shaulis, Hollenbeck has been travelling between much of the Anglosphere and Russia. Older articles since scrubbed from Post Millennial by Hollenbeck were extremely inflammatory and included propaganda about white South Africans, claims Donald Trump has been exonerated over accusations of a criminal conspiracy with a hostile foreign power to defraud the government of the United States, and opinion pieces denying the use of bots in Twitter campaigns. In her short and volatile career, Hollenbeck has had documented meetings with foreign dignitaries to Russia, peculiar opportunities for a "student journalist." As Shaulis notes, "Images from March 2019 show Hollenbeck posing in two photos, stating that she was at Putin’s party office and the Russian Duma, celebrating the news that Donald Trump had been cleared of Russian collusion allegations. Her images were posted with the hashtag #russianspylife." Interestingly, there is also a photo of Hollenbeck and Post Millennial staffer Yaakov Pollack outside Mar-A-Lago, celebrating the presidential pardon of Sholom Rubashkin, a white collar criminal with ties to Berel Lazar, a Chabad rabbi and the Chief Rabbi of Russia.

The Port Washington Chabad, known for its patronage by the Kushner family and ties to Russian organized crime, including Tevfik Arif (who is Russian-Turkish by nationality), Tamir Sapir, Rotem Rosen, Michael Cohen, Felix Sater, and Daniel Ridloff. All men were involved in Bayrock, a company central to several Trump "projects," including Trump Tower Moscow. It should be considered peculiar for a student journalist to be travelling all over the world. meeting foreign dignitaries - especially after only attending Moscow State University of International Relations for a short period.

When Mr. Shaulis contacted Post Millennial and TPUSA, they played down any wrongdoing, but silently removed much of Hollenbeck's content from their websites. The content that was removed were blatant examples of disinformation known to be pushed by Russian active measures, including narratives of supposed "white genocide" in South Africa, dismissals of Russian-sourced social media operations, and suggestions of failed attempts of interference of foreign agents in Russia's own elections without evidence. In the past, Post-Millennial co-founder Jeff Ballingall has been dismissive of foreign interference in the Canadian election. Is it really any surprise that he would be, in spite of warnings by our allies and own in the intelligence community?