Showing posts with label Cahill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cahill. Show all posts

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hey! We Forgot We Had Video of Blood & Honour BC

In addition to these pictures we had forgotten about....

.... we also remembered that we had managed to save some videos of at least one of the Blood & Honour members arrested December 8.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

More Photos of Blood & Honour (BC) Activities

It looks like our blog here is being used by the msm to do a little research on the B&H movement in Vancouver as evidenced by our last article and the photos that are being used in their stories.

We figure that we might as well post some of the other photos in our collection:

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Boneheads Turning on Paulie?

Oh, K.G. You make it so hard not to make fun of you.

No, we're not going to discuss, "he who shall remain unnamed" even though the exchanges on Stormfront are hilarious. However, when we were reading through the comments, we did come across one that we felt we should share with our readers:

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

White Pride March Planning and More Dirty Laundry Aired

On March 21, 2008 the Aryan Guard organized an event they termed a, "White Pride." A little over three dozen boneheads showed up, however well over 200 Calgarians opposed to the Aryan Guard also showed up to protest their presence in the city.

On March 21, 2009 the Aryan Guard organized a second march which as attended by a larger number of boneheads. Calgarians rose to the challenge, resulting in as many as 500+ coming out to oppose the hatred represented by the Aryan Guard, W.E.B., Paulie and other boneheads.

On March 21, 2010, Calgarians who were against everything that the Aryan Guard stands for came out again in large numbers on March 21, however, few boneheads were present. They had good excuses for the no-show though. Most of them were in jail.

Well, it looks like Kyle McKee and the Aryan Guard.... whoops.... we mean Blood & Honour, are going to give it another try this year, however there are a few snags that they may be facing that could put a kibosh on their plans:

Sunday, December 26, 2010

December 2010 Bits and Bites: Violence in Russia Supported By Canadian White Nationalists and More Blood & Honour Feuding

As we enter the final days of 2010, we thought we would remind our dear readers (though most of our regulars need no reminding) of the fact that, "White Pride" and "White Nationalism" is really just a euphemism for justifying hatred and violence.

In early December one of the Canadian regulars on Stormfront posted a link concerning right wing extremism and violence in Moscow:

Now the appropriate WN script will pay lip service to this violence being regrettable, but also being symptomatic of deeper racial animus that could be solved merely through a, "sensible" immigration policy (failing to mention that the targets of the Russian ultranationalists are indigenous to the modern state of Russia, having been incorporated into the Empire between 1817 and 1864). And if it were David Duke, Don Black, Paul Fromm or any of the other elder statesmen of the WN movement who commented on the link, this, or a variation of this, is what we would read. Of course they don't believe this either, but it does sound so much more respectable.

Fortunately, the unwashed masses of the WN movement often forget protocol and actually say what they think:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

B&H; vs. B&H;(C18): Stormfront Moderator Takes A Side

There is a context for this latest pissing contest which we will comment on in a few days, but in the meantime we thought we would contribute we can to sowing further dissension by providing a bit of a prologue.

We've written in the past about the mostly online arguments between the two rival Blood and Honour factions, the one aligned with Combat 18 and the other with the Hammerskins and Volksfront. The latest chapter as it pertains to the situation in Canada began on Stormfront a week or so ago and includes the following exchange, beginning with John Marleau announcing the launch of a new Blood and Honour website his faction created:

This announcement resulted in an exchange begun by Shawn MacDonald
--> (Model) who belongs to the rival Blood and Honour faction. Surprisingly, he's not so keen on anyone associated with Combat 18 claiming the Blood and Honour title (thread has been edited for content):

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Blood and Honour Plan Vancouver Island March

More and more, it really looks like if there's going to be any march in Calgary this month, it's going to be a bit of a disaster:

With the likes of McKee, Sturrup, Reitmeir, Marleau and others either in jail or under house arrest, we can't imagine anything organized will be much more than an utter failure. We could be wrong though which is why we hear that counter demonstrations are already being organized.

Still, it is the march season it appears, and there appear to be two marches planed on March 20 and 21 in British Columbia.

The first is one we covered here a few weeks ago. UPDATE: We had originally included the names of the two individuals who set up the website promoting the event, as well as the event notice on Facebook which was associated with the Facebook group, "Advocates For White Civil Rights," when we wrote about this event some weeks ago. Not long after, a woman, claiming to be the husband of one of the subjects of the article started complaining and threatening criminal proceedings if we didn't remove his name. On March 27, 2010, she sent us a section of the criminal code in an effort to intimidate us. After we stopped laughing (as the part of the criminal code she cited had absolutely nothing to do with this issue, and we were well within our rights to publish the information as her husband and his friend had their names publicly associated with both the march and the group, making it public domain), we decided, what the hell! We'll grant her wish. Instead, we'll post pictures of the now strangely missing website for Advocates of White Civil Rights. If names happen to appear on the picture, well, we could hardly be blamed for that: