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Blogger Dr.Dawg said...

Heh. Happier now. Keep up the good work.

18 December 2009 at 17:38

Anonymous AuntieFa said...

Fortunately the CHRT has only gone after actual haters. Our countries legislation on hate crimes have unwittingly opened a door to misuse of the legislation further on down the road. Hopefully sane heads will prevail. Richard Warman is one of those sane heads, and best wishes to him!

19 December 2009 at 11:21

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read of this Bill White character. Basically, he is what I would call a "professional trouble-maker", as he stuck his nose into various issues, such as the Jenna 6 debacle and even praised the Columbine Shooters and otherwise created problems where he went. For some time, he ran a website known as Overthrowdotcom, and it became a notorious clearinghouse for various anti-semitic losers of many stripes, and he would regularily advocate violence, such as urging his readers to beat up those who waved the American flag. In addition, he would post propaganda from unreliable sources, such as Iran's state-run broadcasting center. Generally a site run by a conspirazoid who generally agitated for violence.

The main lesson that can be learned, is that by posting threats, agitating for violence or slandering people on the web one can leave oneself wide-open for legal consequences should action be taken against them, and their writings can easily be used as evidence.

19 December 2009 at 11:29

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