Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Goudreau. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Goudreau. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kevin Goudreau: Male Gigolo

We haven't made fun of Goudreau in a while, at least not since he, quite by accident and through no effort or skill of his own, managed to convince the "National Post" (who likely found his picture after a brief Google search with the key words, "Toronto" and "neo-Nazi") into promoting him as the face of organized racism in Canada, much to the chagrin of his embarassed fellow travelers:

Yep, he's the smartest and bested looking person he knows. And popular! That's what mama Goudreau tells him at least.

In any case, as a result of the recent msm coverage, we decided that he does warrant our attention, though not in the manner that Goudreau would likely wish.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

ARC Celebrates Six Years of Online Activism....

.... by picking a little low hanging fruit.

That's right. Yesterday marked our sixth year of documenting the activities of some of the more colorful members of the far right in Canada. Truth be told we hadn't planned on being around this long, but we've been having too much fun to leave.

With that in mind, we thought we would revisit one of our favorite creatures, the Yellow Bellied Goudreau because we all know just how fun the Goudreau is. After all, it's funny that a creature that claims expertise in all fields it writes about ranging from playing the stock market and taking over Facebook to military matters to computer hacking....

.... has such a difficult time knowing who its "friends" are:

Again, we remind our reader that the Goudreau
always adds us after being deleted from Facebook.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Kevin Goudreau's Brother Involved in Homicide

Yesterday, in the middle of a lighthearted article we posted on the blog, we included the story of a murder that took place sometime on November 27. Kevin Goudreau, who's no stranger to those who are readers of this blog, claimed that the accused was his half-brother and the victim his stepmother:

Given the nature of what Goudreau has written in the past, we did view this claim with some skepticism, however there was something about it that actually seemed more authentic than his regular ravings. So we did some research.

This morning we were contacted by one of our friends who was able to confirm that Kevin Goudreau and the accused are half-brothers and that the victim was his stepmother.

On the surface while this murder is connected to Kevin Goudreau only through his relationship with the accused and the victim (and it seems apparent that he was estranged from his family), our friend did point out to us something that really stood out for us and which is mentioned in some news coverage of the incident:

Rene Goudreau, who is charged with first-degree murder of his wheelchair-bound mother, 53-year-old Lucie Goudreau, has a long history of mental illness, including schizoaffective and bipolar disorders, according to Ontario Review Board documents obtained by the Sun.

Consider this information regarding Rene Goudreau. And consider that some families have histories of mental illness.

Do these posts by Kevin Goudreau then make a little more sense given this context?

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Kevin Goudreau Planning Rally in Toronto And Might Be Pretending To Be A Hammerskin

When anti-government/anti-refugee extremist groups held rallies across the country on September 30, they were outnumbered in most locations by as many as 10 to 1 (only in Quebec were numbers more or less equal and perhaps Regina where no one even noticed the four people who were protesting). Perhaps the most humiliating event was that experienced by Kevin Goudreau in Peterborough, ON where 300 to 400 counter-protesters showed up while Goudreau hid. Only one fascist supporter attended and he was given what I've come to describe as an antifa kiss. Now while many of those supporting the anti-government/anti-refugee cause were justifiably disappointed, Goudreau has been trying to frame the day as a great victory. A recent video posted by the Goudreau continues on this theme:

ARC readers know Goudreau has a tendency to engage in self-aggrandizing rhetoric, so Goudreau claiming victory by not showing up is par for the course. Also something that ARC readers know, but haven't experienced in a few years now, is the Goudreau's menagerie of imaginary friends which includes the membership of the White Canadian Nationalist Party, many of his early girlfriends, and now it seems CNP boosters from other hate groups.

For example, Goudreau posted the following on Stormfront announcing a rally to take place on November 4 in Toronto:

What is interesting is the videos suggest that the Hammerskins are now supporters of Goudreau:

Those who are aware of the history of the racist movement in this country would be surprised that Goudreau would receive support from the Hammerskins because of a very long running grudge held by Goudreau against the Hammerskins as well as the Hammerskins generally viewing Goudreau as a mouthy little joke. That nature of their relationship is best explained by this photo which has been kicking around since 1989 or 1990 in which a Hammerskin finds Goudreau's face to be irresistibly punchable:

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Goudreau Goes Off the Rails

So it looks like the on again, off again, on again, off again, on again etc relationship between Kevin Goudreau and Alicia Reckzin is finally and most emphatically off for good and has been for about a month. And Goudreau did not deal with it well. At all.

A few points before we continue. We really don't care at all about either one of the sad, pathetic individuals involved in this case. Both are deserving of ridicule and scorn. However this turn of events over the last few weeks presents us with an opportunity to heap yet more scorn on Goudreau who has pretty much burnt every single bridge with anyone in the racist movement in Canada.

As for Reckzin, as crazy as some of his ramblings are, Goudreau did manage to hit on some truths regarding his past paramour. Reckzin has also made some comments regarding claims to having "contacts" within ARC. Let us be very clear about this, Ms. Reckzin. You have no contacts within ARC. You know not a single person who is involved with ARC. When you are claiming that you do have contacts, you are either willfully lying or have managed to mislead yourself. Regarding your recent questions for us, the answers are all no.

Oh, and we told you so.

As we care so little about these fools, we aren't going to bother with a long write up ourselves. Instead we'll post the content of a discussion we picked up on the Facebook profile of a person named Kelsey:

Friday, September 29, 2017

Goudreau's Peterborough Rally Already Unintentionally Hilarious

When ARC decides to write a story on Kevin Goudreau, it is usually, and justifiably, because he needs to be mercilessly made fun of because dear GOD does he deserve it consistently and frequently. When he receives mainstream press coverage, such as a few years ago when the National Post decided to run a story on him, the attention resulted in Goudreau's already undeservedly inflated ego growing three sizes those days:

Hey look! There's the TOTALLY NOT racist Nick Gallant, founder and president of
the Northern Guard, hobnobbing with two known neo-Nazis! Obviously a coincidence.
So you could imagine how puffed up "the Goudreau" is by all the attention he's receivg in the press because of his planned Peterborough neo-Nazi anti-Trudeau and anti-immigrant rally scheduled to take place this Saturday. In the most recent story by the CBC, Kevin suggested he would sue those who dared refer to him as a neo-Nazi:
One city councillor however was incensed tweeting that the group’s leader, Kevin Goudreau was a “neo-nazi” and the group should not have been allowed to hold the rally on municipal property. Goudreau refutes all such labels against him or his small group saying it’s an effort by leftists to marginalize and demonise their message. For his part, he claims he will begin defamation lawsuits against anyone who labels him as a “neo nazi”.....In a written statement to RCI, Goudreau said “They call Jews like Ezra Levant and our Jewish friends, Nazis, it’s just fear-mongering. White pride is preservation of culture and heritage as we support our Native Pride friends and everyone has that right. We are not in favour of proposing hatred or supremacy over any other groups”.
The city of Peterborough initially decided to give the Goudreau a permit based on their belief that the protest would be peaceful, however given the Goudreau's history and recent rhetoric, one has to question the nativity of the person who granted the permit (see here and here as examples).  It seems though that decision has been reconsidered and a permit would not be issued however the Goudreau still plans on soldiering on.

This brings me the point of this particular article.

In addition to his planned rally, the Goudreau has been crowing about how an "antifa comminist" meeting had been infiltrated and exposed as the dangerous terrorist he and others have claimed them to be:

The reality is a little less dramatic.

A newly formed group, Peterborough Against Fascism, posted an open invitation to a public meeting to discuss how to deal with the Goudreau's rally on Saturday. As it seems difficult to infiltrate an event that everyone was already welcome to attend, at least one person with I think it can be generously claimed ill will in mind attended the event and made an audio recording.

So here, in all it's reasonable and rather glory, is more than an hour and forty minutes of the dulcet tones of hard hitting political discourse about strategy and and community outreach:

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Neo-Nazi Kevin Goudreau is a Symptom of a Larger Problem

Those of you how have followed the blog for years know that Kevin Goudreau, a neo-Nazi active now for more than 30 years, has been covered on these pages mostly in the spirit of how he deserves to be treated.

As a joke whom even other right wing extremists who know him reject.

For example, here are some of his more recent attempts to present himself as a leader in the movement which he thinks make him appear tough and intimidating but which are in fact so cringe that even I am embarrassed for him:

I've strung together some of the YouTube short he has put out where he throws out cliché lines about being "based" and "red pilled" as well as his boilerplate "14 words" schtick.

I might also note that he has taken to couching his bigotry in religion which is sort of a new thing for him:

This one I kept separate as because receiving any advice from Kevin Goudreau about health matters is so deliciously ironic and hilarious.

But though he is a joke, Goudreau still represents a danger of sorts that needs to be taken seriously.

Certainly he is a danger to individuals. While he is ultimately a coward who only targets people who he perceives as being physically weaker than he is, he has a history of assault arrests as well as uttering threats:

He has also engaged in targeted harassment, most recently (at least to my knowledge) targeting a lesbian couple who lived in his apartment block:

Peterborough police charge neo-Nazi Kevin Goudreau in hate bias crime

Goudreau in fact has historically directed some of his most venomous hatred towards the LGBTQ community:

So then it shouldn't be at all surprising that Kevin Goudreau has jumped onto the anti-drag story time/anti-trans bandwagon as he attended a protest at a Peterborough library this morning:


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kevin Goudreau Is Delusional Part 102,091,199,347,162,830

Oh, Kevin. You are the gift that keeps on giving.

Not long ago Kevin Goudreau responded to our most recent article in which we featured him. Suffice it to say, nothing in the article was complimentary. However that seems to have been part of Goudreau's master plan:

Right Kevin. We're the idiots.

Does Kevin remind anyone else of the kid back in school who, trying to impress his class mates with some hair brained stunt, completely screws it up, falls flat on his face, then leaps up bleeding and says, "Ya, well, I meant to do that okay!" The reality is he's not very happy about us:

Problem for him is that we're merely quoting him, so if there are lies being told, he's the one telling them. No matter.

Well Kevin has been a busy, busy beaver since re-establishing his Facebook profile after being deleted for the 18th time. Kevin discovered how to post videos on Facebook and YouTube:

While the videos Goudreau created on his Facebook profile (one of which he uploaded 14 times) were lost when he had to recreate his profile for a 19th time (we have to say he's sure persistent) we managed to save them for our readers to bask in the lunacy that is Kevin Goudreau:

These videos are all a part of an effort by Goudreau to present himself and his "group" as a significant player in the Canadian racist movement. In fact, he goes as far as to claim that his "White Nationalist Front" is the largest such group in Canada (though we all really know he's the only member):

He's even stepping in to claim that the White Pride March in Calgary is not only going to be held, despite the collapse of the Aryan Guard (which still exists in remnant form as of right now) and significant trouble within W.E.B., but he will be the keynote speaker featured at the march. However, others are somewhat dubious about his claims:

The last comment was made by an out on bail John Marleau (bon89 is the username he utilizes on Stormfront) echoing a statement concerning the march he made earlier.

In fact Goudreau is rather infamous for similar lofty plans that don't amount to anything other than empty rhetoric. Last year he was planning on a big WN concert in Ottawa. He even contacted some WN and NSBM bands. But that was it. The bands he contacted were left hanging (no tears from us, mind you) and he blamed them for the failure to get a concert going. It seems that Goudreau feels he only needs to say he's planning something for it to actually happen.

It looks like even the racists are sick of Goudreau's schtick. In fact they're willing to publicly humiliate him to get their point across that Kevin Goudreau is a wingnut. To do so some are going back. Way back. Back almost two decades.

Back in 1993 or 1994, Kevin Goudreau (then 18) was a big talker who seemed to have gotten on the bad side of some neo-Nazis. Goudreau claimed he stood up against 15 Hammerskins. Others laugh at the claim. However the results of the encounter were not at all pretty. Want to know what Goudreau's nose is a bit crooked?

Ouch. Seems that he came out second best in that fight. We certainly don't sanction violence, even against the likes of Goudreau, but this picture does serve to illustrate a point we've made here on a number of occasions. If you run with racist gangs, you're far more likely to be the victim of violence perpetrated by fellow gang members than you are the average person of color that you'll ever meet or any anti-racist. In fact the racist movement is soaked in violence. Also illustrative is the reaction of Goudreau's fellow travelers:

Kevin. Baby. A little friendly suggestion.

You might want to consider a less violent group of people to hang around with.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Kevin Goudreau Arrested for Assault

You know who we haven't talked about for a while?

Not Paulie. We talk about him a lot.

No, we're referring to Kevin Goudreau this time or, as we've taken to calling him, the Goudreau.

We've profiled the Goudreau and his misadventures for years on the blog. Mostly because he amuses us, though we don't think he appreciates our brand of subtle humor:

Funny thing is, though he originally posted the above threat years ago, nothing has yet to happen.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Peace Bond Issued Against Kevin Goudreau Who Probably Complicated His Life Even Further Without Actually Realizing It

Why are the pretty ones so dumb?

Well okay, perhaps "pretty" isn't an apropos descriptor for Kevin or Lily?

Back in June Blood and Honour/Combat 18 was declared to be outlawed terrorist organizations and thus banned in Canada. Not long after, the folks on Stormfront, including Goudreau, began to post furiously about the injustice of it all:

One of my favorite parts of the thread is "Cydonia" whining about how the designation is racist against white people:


I mean there were literally jihadist terrorist groups mentioned as also being banned in the same document.

And there is already an extensive list in Canada of terrorists affiliated with all sorts of extremist views.

But you keep crying persecution there Cydonia!

Also of interest is a person who once was featured quite heavily on the blog at one point when he was associated with the Aryan Guard and Blood and Honor but who had fallen a bit off my radar:

Bill Noble would like to suggest that the folks with Blood & Honour were persecuted, innocent, little lambs, however he seemed to know a great deal about the propensity for violence in the hate group as evidenced by the secrete chat with an administrator for the Blood and Honour International Forum:

Noble is referring to the attempted murder of Tyler Sturrup via pipe bomb that Kyle McKee and an underage accomplice were implicated in. Though attempted murder charges against McKee were eventually dropped (he was convicted of possession of bomb making materials) it seems clear that Noble was much more aware of McKee's involvement than he had let on.

Incidentally when I originally posted the screen shot about, it resulted in a rather robust discussion:

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kevin Goudreau Is Delusional Part 102,091,199,347,162,831

Sometimes you just have to laugh at the ineptitude of boneheads.

This coming weekend there's going to be a conference in Toronto: Marxism 2010. Now, being that there are really no communist members of the Collective (the closest some of us come to that ideology would be champagne socialists). So considering we don't really have a dog in that hunt, we were inclined not to provide any commentary.

Except that boneheads really don't like communists, so we knew that if we waited long enough one of our subjects in Toronto would make the discovery that the "reds" were coming to town, and hilarity would then ensue.

Known arsonist and snazzy dresser Richard "Lurch" Martin did not let us down:

We note the following:

1. People who might try to follow the link might have difficulty reaching their destination, as this idiot savant (minus the savant part) didn't quite spell "conference" right. Also, it should be ".ca" not ".com" Hey, chin up sport! You tried your best, but for future reference, we would like to introduce you to the handy "cut n' past" feature on your computer. Might save some embarrassment in the long run.

2. When the people whom Martin associate with try to, "smash reds" it usually involves following from a distance and well out of sight (or so they believe), perhaps shouting a few Nazi slogans before fleeing with their tails between their legs, and then declaring victory. Oh yes, those reds sure were smashed! Alternatively, they sit in puddles and smack themselves.

3. While they might try to prey on individuals, we really don't think too many will view these folks as much of a threat, especially when you see who they're hanging out with now. Try to figure out who we're talking about:

Oh sweet Mary Lou! It's Kevin Goudreau. Just when you think that Benson, Gaio and Martin couldn't sink any lower, they literally scrape the bottom of the barrel. In another picture below, Goudreau is hidden behind Gaio. Consider that to be foreshadowing your future relationship boys.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

This Represents the Reality of the "White Nationalist" Movement in Canada

Goudreau and Paul Fromm
We once decided that we were no longer going to write any articles about Kevin Goudreau because even in the, "White Nationalist" movement, he is a pariah. Sure, we alluded to him euphemistically, but it wasn't even sporting to make fun of him anymore. Then, the "National Post" inexplicably decided to make him the face of the fascist movement in Canada.

So, here we are.

Goudreau and Mike Gaio
But you know what? Covering Goudreau here actually has been very useful since it has shown us yet again how polarized the movement is in the country.

After the "National Post" article came out, Goudreau's ego had, as expected, exploded. And he actually tried to present himself as somewhat of an intellectual.

It couldn't have lasted and boy, oh boy, did it blow up.

We begin with Goudreau being challenged for participating in the "Post" interview, which results in Goudreau making grandiose claims about his importance:

Monday, March 18, 2019

Paul Fromm and Kevin Goudreau Currently Under Investigation

Well, looks like Paulie has gotten himself in a little trouble after the national press caught wind of ARC's article published yesterday discussing his promotion of the Christchurch murderer:

“The Hamilton Police Service Hate Crime Unit is aware of the recent social media posting by Mr. Fromm,” Const. Jerome Stewart, a media relations officer, said Monday. 
“We are currently investigating in order to determine if a criminal offence has occurred.” 
Canadian law prohibits the wilful promotion of hatred against identifiable groups. A conviction carries a possible two-year sentence.....Richard Warman, an Ottawa lawyer who has long battled hate propaganda, told Global News he contacted police after the manifesto reappeared on a website linked to Fromm, a Hamilton resident. 
“I believe that posting the manifesto would be criminal on its own and that posting and endorsing the manifesto in the way Paul Fromm has done is absolutely criminal in my mind and I’ve reported it to the Hamilton Police Service,” said Warman, a board member at the Canadian Anti-Hate Network.
I don't know, but aside from the legal implications, Paulie might just have excluded himself from a few more countries.

But he isn't the only one who may be in legal hot water:

Kevin "No Show" Goudreau is planning a rally on March 21, though given his track record of showing up to his own rallies, I remain somewhat dubious;

However, even if he intends on actually showing up, he may be unable to do so:

Like other racists, the death of innocent people really seems to excite Goudreau because he is a terrible human being. He too has been justifying the murders and promoting the document posted online by the Christchurch murderer prior to his crimes:

Anyone interested in contributing to EggBoi's efforts to raise
money for the Christchurch victims' families, please click here.


But as if this wasn't enough, "No Show" has been a bit frisky today (I assume he started drinking by 11:00 am) and decided to post some overt threats directed towards anti-fascists, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, government agencies, the media, and finally your's truly:

He also posted this one on Twitter:

Not surprisingly he removed the posts after about 5 hours, but not before a lot of people saw them:

There are a lot of people who are shocked by the overt call by Goudreau to assassinate the people and groups lists, but honestly this is another case of Goudreau being Goudreau as this small selection of posts of his over the years indicates:

FYI, Patricia was at one time Paul Fromm's mistress. She is
pictured with him wearing a bikini six sized too small and a
swastika pendant; Paulie is wearing only leather, zip-up briefs.

If you've ever seen the photo, you can never unsee it.

Not that any of this means that we shouldn't treat this seriously. Goudreau has a lengthy criminal record for assault and is certainly capable of real harm with the right amount of liquid courage (because he is ultimately a small, cowardly, man who targets people he thinks are smaller and weaker.... and that is a rather short list). And with a weapon in his hands, a coward is even more dangerous.

So, I suspect that Goudreau might also regret his rather poor decision today.

Again, what do they say about birds of a feather?