Showing posts with label Nationalist Party of Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nationalist Party of Canada. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Ontario 2018 Civic Election

I've been watching "Murdoch Mysteries".

Anything interesting happening? ;)

Okay, okay!


Let's start with Faith Goldy. She is currently a very distant third place with 24,852 or 3.39% of the vote. On the one hand it is disappointing that many people voted for her, she doesn't seem likely to break 4% and given her name recognition when associated with "Sun News" and later "Rebel Media" perhaps this shouldn't be a surprise. It also is likely to be the high point in her political career, such that it ever was.

I'm a glass half full sort of person

Other fascists have performed much worse. Chris Brosky running under Don Andrew's Nationalist Party of Canada banner is currently sitting at 2,694 (0.37%) while James Sears of the neo-Nazi rag "Your Ward News" has an emasculating 657 (0.09%) of the vote.


Oh, Paulie.... why do you continue to subject yourself to this humiliation. Oh, I know there must be some sort of financial angle, but still, 298 (0.59%) has got to hurt.


In terms of the percentage of the vote, Kevin "the Poodle" Johnston is doing the best. As of this writing he has 2,201, or 13.3% of the vote with 309 polling stations out of 692 reporting. It doesn't look however as if there was much of a serious challenge to Bonnie Crombie who is running away with the election and will win a second term so perhaps given his self-promotion Johnston was able to get people to park their vote with him?

UPDATE: Since Brosky, Sears, and Fromm are non-entities, I'll just look at Goldy and Johnston.

With 465 polls out of 692 (67.2%) reporting, Johnston has 12,877 votes, or 13.4% of the total. He had been as high at 13.6%. Given he totaled a little over 700 votes total in 2014, I admit this is a bit of a surprise. I can think of some reasons to explain some of this (name recognition, the only person other than Crombie who ran in 2014, etc) but this is still a significant number for a man who is facing hate crime charges, at least one lawsuit for (I believe) defamation, and who isn't known to be particularly truthful. Still, this might be the high point of the man's life as he faces a criminal trial in a short time.

In Toronto, Goldy 25,576 votes or 3.4% with 1794 of 1800 polling stations reporting. I had spoken with friends and suggested she had an outside chance of between 3% to 5%, though I could have seen her getting less. Given the size of Toronto even that small percentage looks like a bigger number than anyone would like to see.

Still, rather than celebrating, her allies are actually quite upset including the man who coined the term "alt-right":

You see, her former alt-right supporters aren't happy that she began aligning herself with the JDL and Meir Weinstein or with non-white ethnic groups in order to broaden her base. Given her views it was a rather cynical and ultimately fruitless effort, but it did result in the rupturing of her previous relationships as evidenced by Richard Spencer's current tweet storm:

Which isn't to say that there aren't those who dispute Spencer's perspective:

What I am interested in though is what Canadian alt-right figures such as "Cracker Jack" (aka "Jack Tyler"), other members of ID Canada, and her supporters have to say about Ms. Goldy. I'll be posting an article on that soon, but if this tweet is to be believed there is already dissension in the ranks of Goldy's campaign:

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Man Who Founded Short-Lived Hate Group Running For Mayor in Manitoba Town

We have the fine folks in Winnipeg with FF1 to thank for this tip.

So far we've seen a number of examples of far-right individuals running for mayor in major cities in Ontario. Toronto has Faith Goldy, James "ew!" Sears, and Chris Brosky (who has the added distinction of spending time in an American prison for a racially-based killing). In Mississauga and Hamilton yapping poodle Kevin Johnston and Paulie Fromm are running respectively. However we also suspected there might be a few who were running in smaller communities that we had yet to come across.

That brings us to Ryan Brady who is running for mayor in the town of Thompson, Manitoba:

Second mayoral hopeful, second incumbent councillor registered as municipal election candidates
With less than 24 hours to go before the nomination period ends, Thompson has a race for the mayor’s position for the time being, with Ryan Brady having put his name forward to run against current councillor Penny Byer, who announced her intention to run back in May.
Bumper crop of 35 candidates for 2018 municipal election, including four wannabe mayors 
It will be a four-way race for mayor in the Oct. 24 election, with three of the current councillors – Penny Byer, Colleen Smook and Ron Matechuk – seeking to become the head of council, with Ryan Brady also in the running.
As it turns out, Brady had come to ARC's attention back in 2009 when he attempted to help fill the vacuum left by the temporary absence of the Aryan Guard while it's founder Kyle McKee was awaiting trial for attempted murder; he eventually pleaded to lesser charges and upon release the Aryan Guard "patched over" to Blood & Honour.

The identity that the Ryan Brady running for mayor in Thompson is Ryan Brady who posted on Stormfront under the username "honoryourlife" is confirmed here:

Top photo posted to Stormfront by Brady in 2009; bottom two posted to Facebook by Brady in 2018
Now it has been a number of years since Brady was active on Stormfront. For example, this is his last post:

As such he may not hold the same views that he once held. However, considering he was a sustaining member of Stormfront while active (meaning that he financially supported them) and his posts include the following, I think that as a candidate for public office Ryan Brady needs to explain himself:

Monday, October 27, 2014

Election Night in Ontario...

Or, perhaps better put, yet another night of futility and frustration.

Now while the rest of the country will be focused on the mayoral race in Toronto and specifically who among the big three with take the top job (our money is on Tory, though we still hold out hope for Chow), we here at the Collective have a much more modest mandate.

We're going to look at a few races where some of the boneheads we cover here are running.

We begin with former Canadian Nazi leader John Beattie who is running for the position of Deputy Reeve in Minden. We aren't very familiar with voting practices in rural Ontario, but we are going to suggest that Beattie will receive less than 40 votes total.

Moving on to Toronto there are a few candidates running. 

Don Andrews is again running for mayor. Based on his previous total and because of the high profile for this election, we are going to guess he takes about 1300 votes.

At the ward level, we are making the following predictions:

Neo-nazi and convicted murderer Christopher Brosky in Ward 28: 150 - 200 
Long-time Andrews supporter and Nationalist Party member Bob Smith in Ward 31: 200 - 250
James Sears aka "Dimitri the Lover" (lost medical licence for sexual misconduct, misogynist, and anti-Semite) in Ward 32: 450 - 500 (mostly because of name recognition)

The big one though from our point of view is Paulie running for money.... er.... I mean mayor in Mississauga. He ran in 2010 and took 917 votes (or 0.65%). We're going to predict that he will score around the same, though given the long time incumbent isn't running this year, there may be more of an interest driving up the number of voters. We'll say he breaks a thousand and finishes at 1050.

Time will tell, though we will have fun watching the results. We generally suck at making these kinds of predictions so take what is written with a healthy grain of salt.

UPDATE 1: Don't underestimate the power of name recognition. James Sears is currently at 538 after 27 of 33 polls.

Chris Brosky is also doing better than our estimate sitting at 248 after 56 of 65 polls.

Others seem to be under performing at this point though and there are no results yet for Minden. 

UPDATE 2: Sears is currently at 686 with 2 of 33 polls remaining. Brosky has managed 316 with 3 of 65 polls outstanding. It looks like Smith might end around 250 as he is currently at 24 with a single poll remaining. Andrews is at 953 and doesn't look like he'll reach 1300 at this point.

Fromm is currently at 511 with 346 of 416 polls reporting. Doesn't look like he's going to hit 1000 and his percentage of the total vote is 0.5%, lower than 2010.

Nothing on Beattie, though I'm guessing that once there is a result, the final outcome will be quick.

UPDATE 3: Sears finishes with 797 votes, more than we had guessed, though given he claimed to be ahead in the polls, scoring 3.08% to the winner's 60.916% doesn't even count as a moral victory. Smith finishes with 256 votes, so we did a decent job of predicting at least one election (we did sort of imply that we sucked at this). Brosky 325 votes (or 1.383% of the total in Ward 28).

Fromm doesn't look like he'll be breaking 1000 and is not, as he had claimed, competitive in the race (shocking, we know). Andrews might also struggle to break 1000 votes. Still waiting on Minden, though that looks to be any time this hour now.

UPDATE 4: Looks like Don Andrews might not even reach the vote tally from 2010. With 1 polling station remaining, he has 1012 votes. And Fromm also looks like he might only barely break 800(correction: he might not break 800).

Finally a result in the Minden race. The incumbent has been re-elected. Nothing about Beattie's vote tally, but we suspect the word minuscule might be appropriate. 

UPDATE 5: Last update. Results in Minden has Beattie taking 214 out of 4564 total votes. We were not certain how many people would vote in the election (we thought perhaps 1000 or 2000) but were off significantly there. In total, Beattie received 4.6% of the vote, not quite the win he had anticipated.

In the Toronto and Mississauga mayoral election, we over-estimated what Andrews and Fromm would receive. Andrews tallied 1012 votes and Fromm 775, both less than what they received in 2010 despite a higher voter turn out.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Another White Nationalist Running For Public Office: Jeff Goodall in Oshawa

We've gotten a lot of positive feedback regarding our SOS Stooges series. However, we have discovered that not all of our readers are fans:

We first wrote about Goodall when BCL noted that Ontario MPP Randy Hillier posted a link to an article on Goodall's blog. BCL further observed that Goodall had made some rather bigoted comments about African-Canadians while we couldn't help notice his shout-out to Kyle McKee's Blood & Honour out of Calgary suggesting they were classier than the Calgary Police.

Oddly, Goodall didn't seem to appreciate our observations.

An examination of Goodall's blog quickly indicates the sort of person he is. Anti-immigrant, anti-Jew, anti-LGBTQ, anti-Black.

And now he wants to be an Oshawa city councilor:

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Beattie and Brosky Endorsed by Andrews and Bob Smith

Ugh. We should have known that Bob Smith, another of Don Andrews' Android followers and a perennial candidate himself, would be running in the Toronto municipal election. Smith is running on Ward 31 on an explicitly racist platform which, no doubt, will be wildly successful in a multiethnic and relatively progressive city like Toronto. But being the selfless fella that he is, he also gives a shout-out to his fellow racist candidates:


Normally, one would think such a characterization as a "racist candidate" would be a label that said candidate would vigorously reject. It's sort of the kiss of death in electoral politics.

But then there's John Beattie who apparently believes that any publicity (including that provided by us) is good publicity:

Come this September, he might not feel the same way.

We leave our readers to ponder this last statement while looking at photos of John Beattie leading members of the Canadian Nazi Party in a march in Allen Gardens, an organization he now claims never existed.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Neo-Nazi and Convicted Murderer Running For Toronto Council

The Toronto civic election, already a three ring circus, needs some clowns. And for that you can always rely on Don Andrews and his Androids:

Seated around Andrews' table with him at the weekly gathering were five people who had jobs. The rest of those present stood around the table; numbering about 10 people, Andrews called them his "Androids": unemployed persons who lived in Andrews' rooming houses. We were told that Andrews took the cheques they received, subtracted the rent and other expenses, and gave them the rest of their money, making a big production

Last time we heard the name Christopher Brosky was when Michelle Erstikaitis was name dropping him in an effort to bolster her neo-Nazi street cred:

I first came into the movement at fourteen years old, dating my first Skinhead, and then I continued dating skinheads for most of my life. The most recent high profile guy that I went out with is Chris Brosky, a Northern Hammerskin.(Yes, the same Chris from Texas who killed a black man)

However, as Erstikaitis alludes to and which we detail in "The History of Violence," Brosky was well known to us before for another far more serious reason:

Monday, December 30, 2013

Short Update on ARC's History Project

As we enter the final couple of days before 2014, we thought we would provide an update on the ARC history project. Those who follow the blog will remember that we sent out a request a year or so ago asking that anyone who has news letters, racist propaganda, photographs, newspaper clippings, or any other documents that might be able to tell the story of the racist movement in Canada to send us a scanned copy. Our focus had been primarily on the Heritage Front and the period between 1989 and 1999, however we decided to expand our focus, so we have in our possession not only electronic and hard copies (thanks to a good friend in Victoria) of primary documents originating with the Heritage Front, but also documents from the Nationalist Party of Canada and the Western Guard Party.

Our readers might have noticed that we have again added to our, "History of Violence" article and time line. Originally the time line ran from 1989 to 2011, but as contemporary events continued to unfold we extended forward to the present date. Likewise, as we conducted more research, we pushed back the starting point, first to 1981 and now to 1970. Many of the new additions feature the Western Guard, but the earliest focus on the Edmund Burke Society.

In a lot of ways, the Edmund Burke Society was the grandfather of the modern racist movement in Canada. The organization was established by three men, Leigh Smith, future Nationalist Party of Canada leader (and perpetual Toronto mayoral candidate) Don Andrews, and this fella:

Yep, our buddy Paulie.

The philosophy of the Edmund Burke Society, founded in 1967 at the University of Toronto, would be described today as paleo-conservative. Not overtly racist when it began, it became increasingly so as the membership became more active and more raucous. Eventually the organization changed its name from the Edmund Burke Society to the Western Guard (later the Western Guard Party) in 1972 which was indeed overtly and violently racist.

Paulie has denied he was a member of the Western Guard. But that isn't quite true as he was a member for at least the first few months after the name change and the "change" in tactics and ideology (though to be fair he did split with the organization before the end of 1972). Paulie suggested he didn't agree with the direction of the Western Guard and instead went on to form his own organizations.

That being said, we actually have some evidence that Paulie's views might not have differed so much from the Western Guard.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Old Haunts of the Heritage Front

We're currently waiting for some information regarding a couple of upcoming articles, but we thought that we would revisit our project concerning documenting the history of the Canadian racist movement. The primary focus of our research has been on the years 1989 to 1994 under the leadership of Wolfgang Droege which coincided with the rise and decline of the Heritage Front, though there was a brief mini-resurgence in 2001 under the watch of Marc Lemire.

Two weeks ago a couple of ARC members began documenting some of key locations in the early history of the Heritage Front in Toronto. There are rumors that some of the locations, such as the, "Zündel Haus" may be torn down to make way for condos so we decided to record them while they still exist.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Don Andrews: Nothing If Not Persistent

Summertime and the livin' is easy!

We have to admit that the blog has not be a primary focus for our members. Life has gotten in the way in the best possible way and we've been just having way too much fun. As such we really haven't been interested in allowing the miserable excuses for humanity that we cover here to harsh our mellow.

Then, this evening, one of our members doing a pretty routine check of bonehead websites noticed this on the Nationalist Party of Canada's website:

And, as is clear by the following article, we weren't the first to catch this brainfart by the city of Regina:
Regina duped by white supremacy group 
The city agreed to a request by the Nationalist Party of Canada to proclaim a week in Oct. "European Heritage Week"CBC News  Posted: Aug 20, 2013 6:47 PM CST 
The mayor of Regina has cancelled a proclamation to declare a week in October "European Heritage Week" after he says he was fooled by a white supremacy group. 
The group called Nationalist Party of Canada put in a request in July.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blast from The Past: Nationalist Party of Canada and the Western Guard

UPDATE 3 (replacing UPDATE 1): Never mind. :)

A little while ago we spoke of our interest in documenting the rise and fall of the Heritage Front (and yes, Grant Bristow and CSIS play a significant role in that history, "Narrow Back"). We have received some information and photos, but we thought we would take this opportunity to remind our readers that we would still like your help.

Some of the information we have received actually goes WAY back. Those who know the history of the Heritage Front are aware that it was created by disaffected members of Don Andrews' Nationalist Party of Canada. Nationalist Party members Droege, Bristow, and Lincoln founded the Heritage Front soon after they returned from Libya after attending the the twentieth anniversary celebration of the invitation of the Gaddafi regime, as they felt that the Nationalist Party was no longer an effective means of pursuing their goals. In that sense, the Nationalist Party (according to their own family tree) might be thought of as the Heritage Front's daddy:

Hmmm, we guess then that the Western Guard would be the grand daddy and Paul Fromm's Edmund Burke Society would be the great grand daddy.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Heritage Front in the News Again: Libya Connection

When the people of Libya rose up revolt some months ago, there were very few people who defended the Gaddafi regime. One of those who did defend Gaddafi was Ian Verner Macdonald who, as we wrote about soon after he made his statement in defence of the tyrany in Tripoli, has a very long association with racist extremism in Canada and helped to facilitate a meeting of Canadian racists with the the Libyan government in the late 1980s.

We wrote about the links between the Libyan government and Canadian racists, as well as the fact that the experience in Libya in large part led Wolfgang Droege and others to found the Heritage Front. Now the msm has decided there's a story here as well:
Gaddafi’s ‘Libyan Friendship Society’ with Canada’s racist movement
May 28, 2011 – 9:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 27, 2011 7:54 PM ET 
Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has been a lot of things during his more than four decades in power: coup leader, revolutionary, nuclear proliferator, dictator — and friend of the Canadian racist movement. 
Libyan agents began forging ties with the leaders of Canada’s extreme right in the late 1980s. Twice, the Gaddafi regime brought delegations of Canadian “white nationalists” to Tripoli, where they were feted and given cash. 
“The common ground was the hatred of Jews,” said Grant Bristow, who went on one of the trips in his capacity as an undercover Canadian Security Intelligence Service agent. “That was the basis of the relationship.” 
The Libyan support for Canada’s racist right is a reminder that long before Col. Gaddafi began his brutal crackdown on the Libyan opposition, triggering a NATO military intervention, he had been an international menace, fomenting violence and unrest. 
Even in Canada. 
In 1987, the Libyans invited the Nationalist Party of Canada to send a delegation to an event marking the first anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Tripoli, said the Toronto-based party’s longtime leader, Don Andrews. 
President Ronald Reagan ordered air strikes on Col. Gaddafi’s compound after Libyan agents bombed a German nightclub, killing American servicemen. The dictator survived but his adopted daughter died.
“I knew they needed the white faces for Libya’s one-year celebration of the Reagan bombing,” Mr. Andrews said in a recent interview. “I knew we’d be used as propaganda but I thought, ‘Sure, why not. We don’t mind that.”
Based out of a house in east Toronto, the Nationalist Party was Mr. Andrews’s latest far right group. Before that he had headed the Western Guard. “White People,” read one of his flyers, “Canada belongs to us.” 
He said the Libya trip was mostly just a free vacation in the desert but the Nationalist Party also opposed “foreign aggression,” such as the U.S. air strikes. He sent a delegation of 13 to Tripoli. The Libyans paid for the trip and gave the group US$700. 
Two years later, Mr. Andrews was invited to send another delegation, this time to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the coup that brought Col. Gaddafi to power. Mr. Andrews sent Wolfgang Droege, the co-founder of the Canadian Ku Klux Klan. He had just been released from a California prison. Also on the trip was Mr. Bristow, who was posing as a racist while he spied on Mr. Droege. “We sent 17 the second time,” Mr. Andrews said. 
In an interview, Mr. Bristow called it “the great Libyan adventure.” The Libyan government paid for everything. He said Mr. Droege saw the trip as a chance to lobby Col. Gaddafi’s regime to fund the Canadian racist movement. 
“Droege was hoping to set up a long-term relationship with the Libyans,” recalled Mr. Bristow, who now lives in Alberta under the name Nathan Black. “He was looking at maybe there could be some stable, substantial movement funding from the Libyans.” 
As documented in Warren Kinsella’s 1996 book Web of Hate, the delegates flew to Rome and then to Malta, where they boarded a ship to Libya. “We got taken off the boat and moved to a place that we jokingly referred to as Camp Gaddafi, which looked like it was a foreign worker type compound for oil workers or something,” Mr. Bristow said. “It had a swimming pool, almost like guest villas.” 
The Nationalist Party delegates visited the Tripoli market and the ancient Phoenician trading post at Subratha. They toured the house bombed by U.S. warplanes, which had been converted into a museum. 
“There wasn’t exactly a lot to do,” Mr. Bristow said. “It’s not like the Mai Tais and Margaritas were aplenty there. It would basically be your Mormon version of the all-inclusive.” 
On the day of the revolutionary celebrations, a problem emerged over what to wear. The Libyans wanted the delegates in uniforms but Mr. Droege refused. “Droege said, ‘No, we’re not going to wear some sand n—ers’ uniform,’ ” Mr. Bristow said. “He said it’s not going to happen.” 
In the end, the Canadians agreed to wear the uniforms, which were simply green pants and t-shirts. But the dispute exacerbated a rift in the Nationalist Party, and Mr. Droege began planning to form his own breakaway group. 
Mr. Droege was souring on Libya. He had been unable to meet any officials to solicit funds, and he was troubled to learn that Col. Gaddafi was supporting Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress. “This made the regime anathema to him, from a racist ideology point of view,” the Security Intelligence Review Committee wrote later in a report. 
The main event was held at the Tripoli stadium. “It was your usual contingents of people with a variety of uniforms on from various Third World banana republic-type countries,” Mr. Bristow said. “You know, the Congo and places like that that sent some army people to march through the stadium in solidarity of Muammar, some speeches and that kind of grand spectacle.” 
Before the delegation returned to the ship for the voyage back to Italy, a Libyan agent gave them $1,000. It was a disappointing outcome for Mr. Droege, who had envisioned a lucrative financial pipeline. “It didn’t work out the way Droege wanted it to,” Mr. Bristow said. 
But even that meagre Libyan donation soon evaporated. On the return flight from Rome, the plane stopped in Chicago, where Mr. Droege was arrested for violating his parole conditions, which prohibited him from entering the United States. 
The Libyan money paid his legal fees. Mr. Droege was escorted to the border and returned to Toronto. Within days, at least partly because of what happened in Libya, he formed his own racist group, the Heritage Front. 
Mr. Droege continued to talk about getting money from the Libyans, and wanted to identify Libyan agents in Montreal so he could sell them information on Jewish groups in Canada. But it never happened. 
Penetrated from the start by Canadian intelligence, the Heritage Front collapsed and Mr. Droege became a full-time drug dealer. In 2005, Mr. Droege was murdered by a delusional addict named Keith Deroux. 
And with him died what Mr. Bristow called the Libyan Friendship Society. But he does have one memento, a photo he took of Mr. Droege standing next to a policeman in Malta.  
“We thought it was very funny, the only time when Droege was ever really friendly to a cop.” 
We have the feeling that the mere mention of Grant Bristow will drive our friends at Free Dominion to distraction, as they are convinced that the entire Heritage Front affair was a creation by CSIS to discredit the Reform Party and to push a social engineering agenda:


We've sort of given up trying to convince them that they're wrong (we don't doubt that they will learn that the hard way in the end). However, it might be instructive to take a look at one of the early meetings of the Heritage Front. The following video (thanks to the kindness of the CJC) is a commemoration of terrorist Robert Mathews and features not only Wolfgang Droege's introduction of the speakers, but also Paul Fromm who continues to be a figure in the Canadian racist movement (in the first video, Fromm begins speaking at the 10 minute mark after the woman representing the Women for Aryan Unity and a young man from a group calling itself the Canadian Alliance, and begins the video in Part II). We think this will turn out to be one of the earliest public meetings of the Heritage Front to be published online, dealing with an event that took place about a year after the Libyan experience.

Droege was killed in 2005. Fromm is still a significant figure in the Canadian WN movement. Perhaps our Free Dominion friends might wish to discuss whether the Heritage Front was entirely a CSIS operation with Paulie?

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Situation in Libya: Gaddafi Victim of Jewish Propaganda Campaign and Evil Zionist (Not Really)

Well, at least according to disgraced former member of the Canadian diplomatic corp., Ian V. Macdonald by way of Paul Fromm:

Anyone with any knowledge of the Canadian racist movement shouldn't be surprised by Macdonald's defence of the Gaddafi regime which is currently trying to hang on to power, killing thousands Libyan citizens in the process. In 1987, Macdonald organized a Canadian delegation to Tripoli to commemorate the American bombing of Libya the previous year. Warren Kinsella also noted a link between Macdonald and the Gaddafi regime:

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Former Heritage Front Member Going to Prison For a Long, Long, Long, Long Time

Remember when we wrote about how Chris Newhook snapped a prosecutor looking to put him away after he stabbed another resident of a rooming house in the eye?

He didn't help his case it seems by that stunt:

Halifax stabber declared a dangerous offender

A Halifax man who has spent almost half his life behind bars for committing violent offences has been declared a dangerous offender and locked up indefinitely.

Christopher Edward Newhook, 40, appeared in Halifax provincial court Monday for the judge's decision on a dangerous-offender application.

The Crown launched the application in 2007 after Newhook pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and possession of a knife.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Don Andrews Courting Public Humiliation By Running For Mayor. Again

Don, Don, Don.....

We'd asked if you had any dignity remaining after your other public humiliations, but we're afraid that would have been a rhetorical question.

Yes, Donald Andrews, "leader" of the Nationalist Party of Canada, is running for mayor.

I registered as a candidate for Mayor of the City of Toronto on January 8th. I fancy the number eight as my lucky number

Hold the presses! Actually, that's one of Donnie's big complaints. Seems the Toronto media isn't taking Mr. Andrews' run seriously and he is righteously outraged!

We wish to protest to you and your newspaper the injustice of failing to mention the candidacy of Don Andrews for Mayor of Toronto in your coverage of the Toronto 2010 Municipal Election.

It is the height of unfairness and bias when the news media only focuses on one or two "approved" candidates and deliberately misinforms the voters by censoring or omitting coverage or even mention of all those who legally register as Mayoralty candidates.

We ask that you publish a full and complete list of all candidates for Mayor of Toronto and update it when needed, so that all voters are fully and fairly informed.

Toronto, Ontario
January 9, 2010

Don Andrews is quite familiar with another individual who frequents these pages. Don and Paul Fromm both go way back together and founding members/founders of the Edmund Burke Society, later the overtly neo-Nazi Western Guard. While a member of the Western Guard, Donnie was sentenced to two years in prison for conspiring to murder members of the Israeli soccer team and was the first person in Canada to ever be charged for willfully promoting hatred in 1975.

But whereas Paulie gets to hobnob with White Nationalist luminaries like Kyle McKee, Kevin Goudreau and Terry Tremaine, poor Donnie has almost been forgotten. Except for his (or his little buddy Bob Smith's) pathetic election campaigns.

Keep on reaching for that rainbow Donnie!