Showing posts with label Ford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ford. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2019

May 2019 Bits and Bites: Michele Tittler, the III%ers, Northern Guard and Robert Jones, and More

This is going to be long and disjointed. I'm also going to miss a lot of stories others are covering. Still, I thought it appropriate to provide a brief summary of what is happening on the far-right during the latter month of May. For starters, this happened:

I'm not holding my breath that anything will actually happen, but I may very well be surprised.


Sunday, February 17, 2019

Major Media White Washes Yellow Vests Movement and Convoy to Ottawa: Ignores Racism, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Homophobia, and Misogyny Endemic to Reactionary Movement

On Tuesday last week, "The National" on CBC uncritically profiled the Yellow Vests movement and provided a forum for overt hate groups such as the former Nouns of Odin now going by the name the Clann. There was little to no mention of the racism rife within the movement and no mention of the violent threats directed towards political figures on the left (or at least those the reactionaries consider to be on the left). As bad as this coverage was, news papers including the "Calgary Herald" and "Toronto Star" provided even worse coverage.

It was so bad, even Faith Goldy was angry, though I somehow suspect she was angry for different reasons:

The articles however provided cover for right-wing politicians to be able to support the event since they could now claim, citing these news sources, that the Yellow Vest sponsored convoy to Ottawa is solely about oil pipe lines despite what they themselves know to be true:

ARC and especially Yellow Vests Canada Exposed and the Canadian Anti-Hate Network have been exposing the racism and violent rhetoric behind the reactionary Yellow Vests movement in Canada for more than two months. We've done what the major media hasn't done; critically examine the ideology underlying this movement and bring to light the people behind it. Those include people like this guy:

Dave Selvers is the organizer for the Yellow Vest Convoy in Sault Ste. Marie:

In a "Sault This Week" article from early January, members of the local Yellow Vest group which included Selvers stated:
George Brown, an active member of the Yellow Vests wants to make clear that he and fellow Yellow Vests are not against immigration. 
It just needs to be “done legally and fulfil needs for Canadians”, to help Canada’s homeless and destitute, Canada’s veterans and first nations, Brown said. 
Yellow Vesters are not against helping those who must flee their countries because of violence and corruption, he added. 
“Those in the middle east both Christian and Muslim need to be looked after”.
Given his association with the paranoid M103 protests though, one might pause to question Selvers' own (as well as the movement in general) commitment to protecting refugees and supporting immigration:

My own dive into his Facebook profile found a gun-obsessed, conspiracy-minded individual who revels in his hatred of Muslims and "non-white" Canadians and who has called for the execution of Canadian politicians:

Sunday, January 06, 2019

"Tim vs Tim! Tim vs Tim!"

Remember this guy?

That's Timothy Reid Gavin, member of the Proud Boys from Hamilton who was involved in the rather disastrous march in the city which 'lil old ARC exposed (with a lot of help from some insiders).

Well, I guess I should have written "member of the Proud Boys" in the past tense:

Timothy Reid Gavin, Tim Kelly, Robert Jones, and a guy I can't be bothered to look up right now in happier times

We knew about Robert Jones being kicked out of the Proud Boys (MUCH more on him in a future article) but Timothy Reid Gavin being given the boot was new information. Still, he hasn't changes his spots so not surprisingly he has joined the reactionary Yellow Vests protests.

But the still equally extreme Proud Boys led by Tim "Braying Jackass" Kelly are also involved in the Yellow Vest protests which resulted in.... well, let's not beat around the bush:

I would put my money on Tim to win a fight, though Tim looks like he could take a hit from Tim pretty well, and Tim looks like he might have a bit more stamina than Tim.

I just don't know.

To the folks who managed to catch this brilliant piece of inadvertent performance art on camera which details, yet again, another example of how the far-right can't even get along with each other, I say bravo!

Thursday, January 03, 2019

Far Right Losing Collective Mind Over Islamic Party of Ontario Attempt To Register As An Official Party

Imagine that a political party has emerged which condemns secularism and the separation of church and state, promotes the recriminalization of homosexuality, strong censorship of what it deems to be blasphemous, adherence to strict gender rolls, and which advocates the for their religious views to become the law of the land. In Canada, that has been a reality since 1987 when the Christian Heritage Party emerged.

A year after it came into existence, the CHP won 102,533 votes in the 1988 federal election. Since that time support for the CHP has declined; after temporarily losing official part status they won 10,110 votes in the 2000 election while their lowest vote tally with party status was 15,284 in 2015. Still, the party remains and will likely run in the next federal election on this platform, choice portions of which I've included below:

In general, most Canadians recognize the CHP and other similar religious based parties that have come and gone as being on the political fringes with no real chance of attaining power on their own. Of course this doesn't preclude other groups and individuals who hold similar views from influencing mainstream political parties:

Still, political parties such as the CHP are generally ignored as being rather irrelevant.

Such is also the case for the relatively new Islamic Party of Ontario, a group so fringe that it barely has an online presence:

Not yet a political party, should they ever run candidates the Islamic Party of Ontario will have likely even less of an impact than the CHP has in Canada; I can't imagine the IPO breaking 1000 votes in all of the province. That said based on what little there is online their positions are as extreme as that of the CHP. One thing that is certain is that the current leadership (and perhaps only member) of the IPO is a fan of what Doug Ford has done in the province of Ontario already:

Basically, a social conservative party that is similar to that of the CHP. In fact if you were to replace "Bible" with "Quran" in the CHP platform and vice versa for the the limited amount of information on the IPO, they would be almost indistinguishable. 

However this hasn't stopped the far-right Islamophobes from losing their shit:

Goldy's claim regarding the founding of the IPO may not be true as I
remember a news article that predate Goldy's and Loomer's stunt by a
few months.... though damn if I can find it now.

I might note here that of the 82 people who were following the Islamic Party of Ontario Twitter account, fully half of them appear to be conservatives and right-wing nationalists who oppose the fringe party including Goldy....

.... and Georgeanne Burke who has been featured twice on the blog:

There is also this woman who has followed the account and who has posted and retweeted some rather incendiary comments:

Two are of special concern. Islamophobe Eric Brazau has created a caricature of a Muslim extremists that he has been using spread his hatred; Ms. Forbes re-tweeted a video in which he makes incendiary comments without questioning the source:

In another tweet she suggests that she is ready to use violence to oppose not just the political party but Islam in general and a desire to join the virulently Islamophobic III% militia:

I might also mention that she's okay with Dara "Nazi Mom" Graham and her involvement with the reactionary Yellow Vests Canada protests:

I can't help noticing that a video lasting several minutes has been edited to include only 8 seconds.

Now all of this would be the reaction that one might expect from the equally fringe far-right. Unfortunately, enablers in both the media and politics have decided to magnify the issue for their own rather cynical purposes.

First Tarek Fatah who writes for the "Toronto Sun" wrote a hyperbolic article about the founding of the fringe party (not the one he linked to in the screen shot below). A man who appears to treat every Islamophobic conspiracy theory with credulity, Fatah also couldn't help injecting himself into the story:

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Faith Goldy: "Really It [sic] Publicity For Her YouTube Channel"

It has been a little over a week since Faith Goldy and her dude-bro sycophants took their selfie with Ontario Premier Doug Ford:

One of those in the photo, "Jack Tyler" is a member of both ID Canada and Students For Western Civilization and can be found in these other past articles:

Where you won't find "Jack" anymore, at least for the time being, is on Twitter as Ms. Goldy laments:

I've mentioned this before, but "Jack" was a frequent guest of the racist podcast "This Hour Has 88 Minutes" and was one of the hosts of the successor "Ensign Hour" which was also de-platformed by Twitter:

ARC's friend Evan Balgord of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network was keeping an eye on this group as well
Others were also upset and exhibited a fundamental lack of understanding of what and what does not constitute a constitutional right:


No it's not.

I suspect that "Jack" was deleted for continuously flouting Twitter's terms of service with posts such as this:

There were others like this. many worse, but this should be enough to provide some indication of the boy's character.

Sadly, I never did receive the flowers he promised to send me when he was being especially smug:

Now at the time I had requested lilacs and lavender, but truth be told I'm currently far more interested in an orchid:

The Discord chat logs that were leaked and published by Unicorn Riot have been especially useful in a number of articles published on this blog, including an article that connected a neo-Nazi to Ms. Goldy's Roxham Road protest in Quebec:
However there has been another set of Discord chats that have been leaked that I am currently going through that are even larger than those published by Unicorn Riot and which provide some insight into Goldy's campaign. 

The user going by the name "Orchid" claimed to be working on Goldy's campaign despite being an American:

"Orchid" may very well have Canadian citizenship as well, but I haven't yet gone through all of the 6000+ of his posts. In his latter posts, he speaks of working on Goldy's mayoral campaign. There has been a great deal of speculation, which I personally agree with, that Goldy's efforts have been a publicity stunt aimed at raising her profile and perhaps further monetizing her online presence. While it will surprise few people, "Orchid" appears to confirm this view: