Showing posts with label Meir Weinstein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meir Weinstein. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Goudreau Claims To Not Have Written Post Encouraging Murder Laughable; We Have Videos Dude!

This past Monday Kevin "No Show" Goudreau posted the following messages on his personal Facebook profile:

The last two are the most relevant as the appear to be advocating and encouraging the murder of individuals and members of groups Goudreau opposes. The posts were up for at least 5 hours before he removed them, but ARC was only one of several groups and individuals who grabbed screen shots.

There has been significant media coverage and Goudreau might actually be finding himself in trouble after years of similar threats (more on that later) but in true Goudreau fashion, he is (a) denying he wrote and posted the comments (b) claiming they are the work of "antifa" who either hacked his profile to write the comments or created a dummy account to write them and then deleted the profile and (c) suggests he will soon be suing those who posted the screen shots:

Hmmmm, I wonder why "Dane Adam" seems concerned about his name being known in association with white supremacist Kevin Goudreau?

Ah, well yes, that might do it.

Back to Goudreau, aside from those credulously commenting and cheering on what will be a non-existent lawsuit, his claim not to have written the posts are laughable for two reasons. First, he also posted the exact same message in his closed Facebook group promoting the formerly White Nationalist Front (now going by the name the Canadian Nationalist Front):

Second, we do have actual video evidence of Goudreau making threats. Like.... a LOT of videos!

Let's start with those from 2010 shall we?

I would point out here that Goudreau's Aryan Polish princess actually didn't exist and he was caught in the lie.

We then move on to 2013:

Monday, January 14, 2019

Ronny Cameron and Richard Spencer: The Thrill Is Gone

ARC hasn't published much about Ronny Cameron in some time, mainly because there hasn't been much to write about. Oh, he's still the same jackass he's always been, but he hasn't exactly been doing much. He's still putting out the occasional videos which rehash the same tired racist tropes he's been talking about for the better part of a year as well continuing to claim the title of the most important alt-right figure in Canada which, even if true, has about as much distinction as me claiming to be the mayor of the cardboard box town I created when I was six; the two other citizens of Awesomeville eventually voted me out of office due to a scandal involving an ice cream sunday bar at a sleepover.

In short Ronny, always profoundly derivative already, is really boring.

The one "big" announcement he made occurred last month when he was proud to post that he was co-hosting a podcast with the spiritual founder of the alt-right, Richard Spencer:

I made sure to include a post featuring your buddy Robert, Meir. ;)

That Spencer would deign to co-host a podcast with someone as insignificant as Cameron says far more about the decline of Spencer's fortunes than it does Cameron's significance, but it was obvious that Ronny thought this was his big break.... or something. He was so pleased to be Renfield to Spencer's Dracula that he willingly allowed himself to be completely emasculated and humiliated in his defence of Spencer:

It.... went down hill from there.

Still, later in the video Ronny said that the name calling didn't bother him because he had thick skin. On the eve of the new year crowed about the joy of being Ronny Cameron, super influencer for the alt-right!

Well that is just lovely! He is just so darn optimistic about 2019 it is almost adorable!

Yeah. If you're a long time reader, you already know where this is going:

Now Ronny wasn't entirely clear about what resulted in what is his most recent public meltdown, but at least one person commenting had an idea:

Well no, Cameron isn't Jewish, but it did soon become clear who his anger was directed towards.

It probably didn't help his mood that the person who humiliated him on the podcast chimed in as well:

I offer the remainder of the posts without commentary:

Yep. Thick skin indeed.



This is dedicated to you.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

My Observations Concerning Saturday's Anti-UN Migrant Compact Protests

As I watched protests in a number of Canadian cities which were ostensibly about opposing the UN's non-binding agreement setting up guidelines for the orderly and safe movement of people as a violation of Canadian sovereignty but which were in fact anti-immigrant (read: non-white) and Islamophobic in nature, I couldn't help but make a few observations.

First, the choice to wear yellow vests to mimic the French protests (the vast majority of whom are not racist trash and who have endeavoured to remove that element from their midst) indicates a distinct lack of originality on the far-right in this country. I mean, are they not capable of any sort of creativity? They copy the name Pegida even though the acronym makes no sense in the Canadian context. They form groups such as the Soldiers of Odin which originated in Europe and the III%ers based on an American model which itself is mostly myth. It's all rather disappointing.

Second, despite some media coverage of the events, the numbers of those who participated in the events haven't really grown that much and still consist mainly of the same people I've seen year after year.

Take Ottawa for example.

This was supposed to be the marque event and was to have featured Maxime Bernier who ultimately no-showed. Some have suggested this was due to not wanting to associate with the extremists (some 14 or 15 groups in total) who organized the Ottawa event, however one speech suggests that he might be comfortable with these bigots after all:

He has certainly not been shy about appearing with individuals belonging to.... shall we say questionable groups such as the Proud Boys?

Or having supporters of white nationalists work in his new political party:

Had he shown up to the Ottawa event, he might have felt quite comfortable with organizers such as Le Meute and the Storm Alliance as well as participants including the Northern Guard, Soldiers of Odin, III% militia, Canadian Combat Coalition, Donald Trump supporters, Christian Heritage Party supporters, and QAnon conspiracy theorists among others:

Still, despite being the largest of the protests with more than a dozen groups participating in the organization of the event, they may have attracted a little over 200 people. The anti-fascists countered with roughly 100. The same could be said of most of the protests that occurred across the country and though they claim they will be holding more events including this Saturday, I'm not sure if they will improve on these already low numbers given the weather growing colder and the upcoming holidays.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Ontario 2018 Civic Election

I've been watching "Murdoch Mysteries".

Anything interesting happening? ;)

Okay, okay!


Let's start with Faith Goldy. She is currently a very distant third place with 24,852 or 3.39% of the vote. On the one hand it is disappointing that many people voted for her, she doesn't seem likely to break 4% and given her name recognition when associated with "Sun News" and later "Rebel Media" perhaps this shouldn't be a surprise. It also is likely to be the high point in her political career, such that it ever was.

I'm a glass half full sort of person

Other fascists have performed much worse. Chris Brosky running under Don Andrew's Nationalist Party of Canada banner is currently sitting at 2,694 (0.37%) while James Sears of the neo-Nazi rag "Your Ward News" has an emasculating 657 (0.09%) of the vote.


Oh, Paulie.... why do you continue to subject yourself to this humiliation. Oh, I know there must be some sort of financial angle, but still, 298 (0.59%) has got to hurt.


In terms of the percentage of the vote, Kevin "the Poodle" Johnston is doing the best. As of this writing he has 2,201, or 13.3% of the vote with 309 polling stations out of 692 reporting. It doesn't look however as if there was much of a serious challenge to Bonnie Crombie who is running away with the election and will win a second term so perhaps given his self-promotion Johnston was able to get people to park their vote with him?

UPDATE: Since Brosky, Sears, and Fromm are non-entities, I'll just look at Goldy and Johnston.

With 465 polls out of 692 (67.2%) reporting, Johnston has 12,877 votes, or 13.4% of the total. He had been as high at 13.6%. Given he totaled a little over 700 votes total in 2014, I admit this is a bit of a surprise. I can think of some reasons to explain some of this (name recognition, the only person other than Crombie who ran in 2014, etc) but this is still a significant number for a man who is facing hate crime charges, at least one lawsuit for (I believe) defamation, and who isn't known to be particularly truthful. Still, this might be the high point of the man's life as he faces a criminal trial in a short time.

In Toronto, Goldy 25,576 votes or 3.4% with 1794 of 1800 polling stations reporting. I had spoken with friends and suggested she had an outside chance of between 3% to 5%, though I could have seen her getting less. Given the size of Toronto even that small percentage looks like a bigger number than anyone would like to see.

Still, rather than celebrating, her allies are actually quite upset including the man who coined the term "alt-right":

You see, her former alt-right supporters aren't happy that she began aligning herself with the JDL and Meir Weinstein or with non-white ethnic groups in order to broaden her base. Given her views it was a rather cynical and ultimately fruitless effort, but it did result in the rupturing of her previous relationships as evidenced by Richard Spencer's current tweet storm:

Which isn't to say that there aren't those who dispute Spencer's perspective:

What I am interested in though is what Canadian alt-right figures such as "Cracker Jack" (aka "Jack Tyler"), other members of ID Canada, and her supporters have to say about Ms. Goldy. I'll be posting an article on that soon, but if this tweet is to be believed there is already dissension in the ranks of Goldy's campaign:

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Monday, October 08, 2018

Guest Article: Faith Goldy -- Anti-Semite or Pro-Israel? Why not both?

By now it seems hard to deny that Faith Goldy is an anti-Semite:

However, some of the more dense among us have yet to catch on. They think her (ostensibly) being pro-Israel nullifies all of this.

Meir Weinstein is hardly a model of opposing Nazis given that he has repeatedly demonstrated having blind spots to right-wing anti-Semitism (Soldiers of Odin, Ronny Cameron, WCAI, etc.). But it is by no means just the JDL who is falling for this dumb argument. This brings up the question: what actually are Faith Goldy's views on Israel?

Long-time observers of nationalist, xenophobic movements in the West will know that there are a few positions these groups and figures can have on Israel. There is the traditional anti-Semitic one, which sees Israel as the world headquarters of the international Jewish conspiracy and as being parasitic on the white man. There is also the anti-Muslim "counter-jihad" one which sees Israel as the first line of defence against Islamic expansionism, often tempered with Christian Zionist or neoconservative themes. Lastly, there are positions that fall somewhere between, such as the alt-right figures who see Israel as a model ethno-state but take an isolationist position on Middle-Eastern affairs, perhaps while still pushing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Israel (such as that Israel supports ISIS against Bashir al-Assad).

So where does Faith Goldy stand? While it may seem long ago with all the hateful things she's said, she hates Palestinians and has called for a "crusade" against them. She has also advocated for a "one state solution" which presumably doesn't mean one state with equal rights for Arabs and Jews and right of return for Palestinians, like some pro-Palestine people support. No, she means Israel should annex the West Bank and expel all the Palestinians, (I believe that's what she would call "ethnocide") or at least have them under permanent Israeli occupation. She often touts this fact to try to dodge accusations of anti-Semitism. She can’t be an anti-Semite if she hates Arabs!

As abhorrent as all of this may be, none of this would be anything too outstanding among anti-Muslim circles, which typically reactively sides against the “Muslim” side in any conflict and will justify any actions taken against them. But as Faith started to become more open about her alt-right associations, her views on Israel started to take a slightly different tune. She started praising its ethnic demographic policy, portraying it as a model for the West, describing it as a “religious ethnostate” (her words, not ours):

But she also saw certain Israeli government policies as being antagonistic with her goals of a Canadian ethnostate. In April, she spoke out against an Israeli government plan to deport African asylum seekers to Canada.

“Open borders for Israel” is an alt-right meme. The neo-Nazi Daily Stormer appears to have been an early promoter of this phrase.

Later that April, Donald Trump fired some more missiles at Syrian government targets to respond to a chemical gas attack. Naturally, the pro-Assad alt-right jumped to Assad's defence and blamed an Israeli conspiracy to drag America into war. Faith was among them:

Faith also blamed "dual citizens" for America’s missile strikes on Syria. Jews, in other words....

If there's any doubt, let's just search to see where this parody of Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" comes from:

That’s right, it's from "the Daily Shoah" podcast. And while this obscure reference may have went over the heads of some of her conservative fans, clearly some of her Twitter followers got where it was coming from. Note the many reference to the podcast hosts, Mike Enoch and Sven (AKA Seventh Son):

This is not the only time in that month alone that Faith Goldy used subtle anti-Semitic dog whistles to signal her support for the alt-right. One time she made a negative reference to a "culture of critique.”

Culture of Critique is the name of an anti-Semitic book by Kevin B. Macdonald, which tries to use evolutionary psychology to argue that "Jewish intellectual movements" in the 20th century were bent on subverting the cohesive social structures of WASP-dominated America. The author has worked for various white nationalist publications, and is very influential in alt-right circles. Evolutionary psychologists often ignored this work, dismissing it as pseudo-scientific. But over the past year it has come under more serious intellectual scrutiny in response to its role in popularizing the contemporary rise in anti-Semitism.

Again, her anti-Semitic fans heard what she meant loud and clear.

While writing this, Alheli Picazo in Canadaland notes that Faith Goldy had previously mentioned Kevin Macdonald as being important in her shift towards alt-right “ethno-nationalism.” So she’s definitely aware of his work.

Back to Israel and Syria. Back in this same month, Goldy also took umbrage over Israel’s airstrikes against a Syrian airbase.

She also opposed the Trump Administration’s attempt to rip up the Iranian nuclear deal:

While this in itself is not controversial, it is remarkable that the JDL, which picketed liberal politicians for supporting the nuclear deal, seems to take no issue with their right-wing anti-Semitic friends supporting it.

So, we see that Faith Goldy supports Israel’s demographic policies excluding Arabs and African refugees as a model for the West. She considers this to be an ethno-state, something she says she wants for Canada. At the same time however, she opposes Israel’s foreign policy and sees it as being in conflict with Canada and America. She also blames aspects of America’s foreign policy that she opposes on Jewish control.

In other words, she is an anti-Semite who "supports" Israel.