Showing posts with label Brazau. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazau. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Islamophobe and Racist Eric Brazau's History of Violence

This might be a bit dated, but ARC just received some information that makes it relevant again.

Back in July 2014, Eric Brazau entered a crowded subway car along with fellow bigot Ron Banerjee. His intention was to "debate" (read: harass and harangue) individuals on the car about the dangers of Islam and Muslims while Banerjee, acting as if he didn't know Brazau, took a video of the exchange:

Not long after, Brazau was arrested:

Cut to January 2015 when he was convicted of mischief, causing a disturbance, and breaching probation. He was sentenced to 9 months in jail but was released pending an appeal:

At the time of his conviction, Christine Blatchford wrote an opinion column for the "National Post" in which she seemed to mock the sentence and overly sensitive Torontonians. One part stands out for me:
Astonishingly in a province where those convicted of more serious offences regularly receive suspended sentences or house arrest, Mr. Brazau was denied bail and has been in custody since his arrest that day, July 29, or for five months and nine days.
Yeah, about that....

Brazau did appeal his sentence which was perhaps not surprisingly rejected. ARC received a link to a copy of that appeal where we learned that Eric Brazau has a criminal history that includes assaults, uttering threats, and use of a weapon that goes back more than 30 years:

So, maybe a long criminal history and a history of failing to comply with the conditions of his probation has something to do with the reason he was held in custody prior to his trial?

Just throwing that out there.

Suffice it to say ARC will be updating our "History of Violence" article very soon.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

James Sears and LeRoy St. Germaine of Racist Rag Your Ward News Convicted

I'm actually out of town but I figured that this was news worth publishing:

ARC was also sent some photos of the aftermath by a supporter.

Apparently Sears compared himself to Jesus being crucified because of course he did.

Sears and St. Germaine also had supporters who attended:

The woman was a frequent attendee at the Ernst Zundel trials. In the bottom photo the individual on the right appears to be Bahman Yazdanfar (not sure who the neckbeard dude is).

Lawrence McCurry and Arthur Smitherman were present.... they seem upset:

This is my favorite post left on Smitherman's video:

Gotta love the lack of curiosity or willingness to investigate the claim.

Full time Islamophobes Sandra Soloman and Eric Brazau could be seen (and shrilly heard) outside the court house:

UPDATE: Seems that the video Smitherman posted isn't accurate (it might actually be from 2017). Also, ore information from a friend:
Sorry...but there’s an error on the blog. Solomon and Brazau were not outside the courthouse. They were outside the Eaton’s Centre at the south/west corner of Yonge/Dundas. They were protesting against a Muslim organization that sets up shop there everyday (well, they’re always there when I go by, at least) to hand out free copies of the Quran. That particular corner attracts a lot of proselytizers of various sorts. Quran dude (possibly multiple dudes) was always one of the laid back ones in my experience. Brazau and Solomon showing up there with a poster with the Quran dude’s table on it, to protest him/his org directly on the street with their hateful bullshit is incredibly hostile! I’m shocked they weren’t charged with harassment or intimidation or similar.
No word if Paul Fromm was also present, but we're sure to hear from him about this, as well as I'm sure an earnest request to donate money for an appeal; whether or not said money reaches James Sears and LeRoy St. Germaine is a very interesting question.

Thursday, January 03, 2019

Far Right Losing Collective Mind Over Islamic Party of Ontario Attempt To Register As An Official Party

Imagine that a political party has emerged which condemns secularism and the separation of church and state, promotes the recriminalization of homosexuality, strong censorship of what it deems to be blasphemous, adherence to strict gender rolls, and which advocates the for their religious views to become the law of the land. In Canada, that has been a reality since 1987 when the Christian Heritage Party emerged.

A year after it came into existence, the CHP won 102,533 votes in the 1988 federal election. Since that time support for the CHP has declined; after temporarily losing official part status they won 10,110 votes in the 2000 election while their lowest vote tally with party status was 15,284 in 2015. Still, the party remains and will likely run in the next federal election on this platform, choice portions of which I've included below:

In general, most Canadians recognize the CHP and other similar religious based parties that have come and gone as being on the political fringes with no real chance of attaining power on their own. Of course this doesn't preclude other groups and individuals who hold similar views from influencing mainstream political parties:

Still, political parties such as the CHP are generally ignored as being rather irrelevant.

Such is also the case for the relatively new Islamic Party of Ontario, a group so fringe that it barely has an online presence:

Not yet a political party, should they ever run candidates the Islamic Party of Ontario will have likely even less of an impact than the CHP has in Canada; I can't imagine the IPO breaking 1000 votes in all of the province. That said based on what little there is online their positions are as extreme as that of the CHP. One thing that is certain is that the current leadership (and perhaps only member) of the IPO is a fan of what Doug Ford has done in the province of Ontario already:

Basically, a social conservative party that is similar to that of the CHP. In fact if you were to replace "Bible" with "Quran" in the CHP platform and vice versa for the the limited amount of information on the IPO, they would be almost indistinguishable. 

However this hasn't stopped the far-right Islamophobes from losing their shit:

Goldy's claim regarding the founding of the IPO may not be true as I
remember a news article that predate Goldy's and Loomer's stunt by a
few months.... though damn if I can find it now.

I might note here that of the 82 people who were following the Islamic Party of Ontario Twitter account, fully half of them appear to be conservatives and right-wing nationalists who oppose the fringe party including Goldy....

.... and Georgeanne Burke who has been featured twice on the blog:

There is also this woman who has followed the account and who has posted and retweeted some rather incendiary comments:

Two are of special concern. Islamophobe Eric Brazau has created a caricature of a Muslim extremists that he has been using spread his hatred; Ms. Forbes re-tweeted a video in which he makes incendiary comments without questioning the source:

In another tweet she suggests that she is ready to use violence to oppose not just the political party but Islam in general and a desire to join the virulently Islamophobic III% militia:

I might also mention that she's okay with Dara "Nazi Mom" Graham and her involvement with the reactionary Yellow Vests Canada protests:

I can't help noticing that a video lasting several minutes has been edited to include only 8 seconds.

Now all of this would be the reaction that one might expect from the equally fringe far-right. Unfortunately, enablers in both the media and politics have decided to magnify the issue for their own rather cynical purposes.

First Tarek Fatah who writes for the "Toronto Sun" wrote a hyperbolic article about the founding of the fringe party (not the one he linked to in the screen shot below). A man who appears to treat every Islamophobic conspiracy theory with credulity, Fatah also couldn't help injecting himself into the story:

Saturday, September 08, 2018

PEGIDA Canada Members in Nathan Phillips Square Exploiting 9/11 Tragedy

I didn't post much about it since I didn't want to give them any oxygen, but right now PEGIDA Canada is holding a rally in Toronto's Nathan Phillips Square, ostensibly to memorialize the 2001 9/11 tragedy.... on 9/8 I guess.

In reality, it is a cynical ploy to exploit the tragedy to serve their own purposes. The Canadian Combat Coalition also claimed they would be attending and explicitly stated that they would claim that any counter-protesters who showed up would be disrespecting the dead (as if using the victims to promote Islamophobia is more noble).

PEGIDA really is spent force, if one could ever even consider it to have been much of a force in the first place, in the Canadian far-right. The can only ever manage a handful of individuals and are routinely outnumbered by counter-protesters by as much as 6 to 1. This rally seems initially seemed to be no different.

And fyi, the Tweets are coming from Kosalan Kathir who is reporting from the scene. If you're on the platform please follow him:

UPDATE 1: Well looks like things have gotten a bit more interesting.

Looks like at least one Soldier of Odin and some Northern Guard, Proud Boy, La Meute (UPDATE 3: turns out Kosalan mistook the CCC insignia for the La Meute one), and CCC members in the mix:

Eric Brazau was taken away by the police:

Also sounds like there may be III% militia members, though that isn't certain:

Well THIS is a first:

And now confirmation of the presence of the III% militia:

Currently taking screen shots from CCC member Dunn Ryan Mclean's live feed. It looks like most of the people are the usual suspects, including Charlene O'Farrell and the Hamilton SoO:

A few of the comments:

This is Cory Knowles, by the way.

They began marching with a police escort. Not sure where they are heading though one person (who was uncertain himself) suggested city hall:

Well, this is more of what I've come to expect sadly:

I'm going to take a bit of a break as I have an event I need to attend, however I will be back in a few hours.


So, anything interesting happen while I was away?

If PEGIDA Canada and their fellow far-right supporters thought that they would be welcomed as heroes, it would appear that they were badly mistaken: