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Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. There's a reason that most of the guys down south of the border call him "Retard Josh"

The guy lives with his dad, is in and out of jail for petty shit all the time and was actually told to fuck off by B&H back in the day because of his stupidity. Got to wonder what Ian Stuart's reaction would have been if he were around to see someone like steever running the show.

4 July 2011 at 21:03

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably get drunk and drive into a phone pole like the worthless trash he was... here's hoping the car's full of boneheads like last time.

7 July 2011 at 12:53

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hatchet is the founder of the Aryan Terror Brigade. I wonder if Puddles is shaking in his boots.

8 July 2011 at 15:56

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