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Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, Gaede would be the first to defend inbreeding... I hope her daughters are now far, far away from that disgusting woman, for their sake.

26 March 2011 at 22:58

Anonymous Jebać Prowokatorów na 100% said...

I noticed they ALWAYS refer to Muslims (usual, common spelling) as Moslems (just an error, or an alternative??)

It seems like it might be some form of silly retaliation to being called "white" rather than "aryan", anyone notice how they always label "white" a spelling error with [sic]??

What gives boneheads? Why the [sic] and "moslem"? I know there is someone reading this that can answer.

By the way, its not that spelling it different seems like something novel and unique, i think you're all retarded so dont go thinkin youre all cool for that...

26 March 2011 at 23:39

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure whether Paul's fingers are too fat to be able to press individual keys on the keyboard, or if he's just had too much red wine to be able to type properly. Quite possibly both..it must be hard to live with yourself if you're that much of a failure.

Anyway, thanks for summarizing the radio show for those of us that really didn't want to listen to it ourselves.

26 March 2011 at 23:39

Anonymous Anonymous said...


omfg omfg omfg LOL LMAO ROTFLMAO!

27 March 2011 at 00:16

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit between all the coughing and gagging Fromm is doing i couldn't stand to listen to it anymore.
LOL..Almost sounds like it could be an SNL skit.Reasons Fromm was a no show at the March was because as usual unless his flight and ALL expenses are paid he doesn't show. This man is breathing my air and i'm tired of it.

27 March 2011 at 09:55

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Red wine does goes well with far right fringe politiks.

27 March 2011 at 13:20

Anonymous JML said...

paulie holds a wine glass like a rube.

27 March 2011 at 13:57

Anonymous Anonymous said...

muslim and moslem are interchangeable. moslem has fallen out of use in this century though. if you look at any british publications from the imperial period etc, it is always moslem. or mohammadian (though this has been out of use for like 300 years).

27 March 2011 at 18:45

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the horse had something to do with all his gagging?

27 March 2011 at 19:43

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