Idaho’s 200 Cities

Their Past...Their Present… and Their Future

Idaho's 200 Cities tells the story of Idaho through the history and development of its communities.

Read here about the founding, the key turning points and important parts of all of Idaho's cities from the large - Boise - to the smallest, from the days they were first settled up to the present. Idaho cities have distinctive and often surprising stories, and these books are the best place to learn about them.

The books are the culmination of a decade of work by the Association of Idaho Cities, spearheaded by former legislator and business analyst and writer Hal Bunderson. The books were written in part by Bunderson and in part by people all over Idaho, in cities from Moyie Springs to St. Charles.

The detail is startling, and the insights often surprising - there's a lot more to these communities than almost anyone but locals know (and not all of them). One of the most useful parts of the books is the section on turning points, describing the developments and events that caused the city to grow and change, for better or worse, the way it has. A of lessons can be found there.

If Idaho is of interest - and if you live there it ought to be - then these books belong on your bookshelf. They're available now, and in both paperback and full color hardbound flavors.

Three regional volumes are dedicated to North, Southwest and East Idaho, with a chapter profiling each city in the region.

Also, three regional trivia books for North, Southwest and East Idaho offer up the questions and answers for all the large and small pieces of Idaho.

If you'd like to send your books to an address other than your own, just send an e-mail to when you place your order, telling us where you would like those books to be sent. Thanks!

AIC 200 Cities History paperback
AIC 200 Cities History hardbound
AIC 200 Cities History trivia books
Deluxe set (all 3 hardbound with trivia)
Number of sets

Make checks payable to: Ridenbaugh Press

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