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Two Wars, Five Losing Nations

In terms of blood and treasure, the Ukrainians and the Gazans are losing and suffering the most.  The Palestinians have been victims of Israeli ethnic cleansing since Israel’s War of Independence.  The 1948 war involved one of the largest forced migrations in modern history.  Around a million people were expelled from their homes at gunpoint; civilians were massacred; and hundreds of Palestinian villages were destroyed.  Currently, Israel is conducting a war against Palestinian children with hundreds of babies being killed before they could be given names. More

Palestine & the Commons: Or, Marx & the Musha’a

Palestine’s planetary significance is threefold: first, there is its geography at the conjunction of three continents, Asia, Africa, and Europe, and the waters among them. Second, there are the extractions from the soil of Palestine, as well as from under it (grains, minerals, oil and gas). And third, there is Palestine’s significance concerning Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Three big religions, three big continents, and original economies of cultivating the earth, mining the earth, and drilling the earth, making modes of production from the “fertile crescent” to the petroleum present with its terrible planetary perturbations. The struggle for the liberation of Palestine has geographic breadth and historical depth, which explains why it is considered the “soul of the souls of all our struggles.” The whole world has awakened to it. More

The Last Child of My Lai

Around 11:30 on March 16, 1968, Captain Ernest Medina ordered a ceasefire of US troops under his command in the South Vietnamese village of My Lai 4. After nearly four hours of gunfire, there was silence. There was silence, even though the order only applied to American soldiers. There was silence because none of the Viet Cong in the village were firing back. There was silence because the Viet Cong had never fired on US troops that day. There was silence because there were no Viet Cong in the village that day. There was silence because most of the people who were in the village that day were dead. More

The Supreme Court Primary

Given that the Republicans have lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections, it makes sense that they would enter Donald Trump,  their leading candidate in 2024, in the Supreme Court primary, where only nine people can vote and a majority of them are in the bag for the former president. As they say, making it sound like Dixville Notch, New Hampshire: “As the Supreme Court goes, so goes the nation.” More