Showing posts with label Canadian Military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian Military. Show all posts

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Suspected Active Military Member of Northern Guard

As a result of Yellow Vest Canada Exposed's efforts to bring attention to a far right concert hosted by one former and one (maybe) current member of the white nationalist Northern Guard, the mainstream press has taken an interest. For example Mack Lamoureux of Vice News Canada published a story on July 2 detailing the effort as well as the connection to a Canadian Combat Coalition rally occurring at the same time.

We've covered similar events such as this. Last year a group of Proud Boys, Northern Guard, Nouns of Odin, and other extremists planned on going to Hamilton ostensibly to support businesses in the community but was really an effort at self-promotion as well as to antagonize anti-fascists so they could be ambushed and assaulted.

These far right groups also seem to be military fetishists in how they both glorify the armed forces and attempt to emulate them with the ridiculous quasi-military gear which allows them to "play" soldier without actually ever having to put themselves in harms way; the III%ers are the most notorious, but they certainly aren't alone:

Now as bad as it is when they are playing soldier, a greater concern are those who are in the military who have been radicalized by right-wing extremism:

ARC has documented a few such instances in the past:

There's of course more.

And now we have another person to add to this list:

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Gavin McInnes and Others Respond to Halifax Proud Boy Incident

Based on Rear Admiral John Newton's tone in during his press conference, I didn't hold out much hope that there would be serious repercussions for the "Proud Boys" who disrupted a Mi'kmaw memorial remembering MMIWG in Halifax.

I might however end up being pleasantly surprised:
Armed Forces members who disrupted Indigenous rally could get the boot 
'Their future in the military is certainly in doubt,' says Gen. Jonathan Vance, chief of defence staff 
The members of the Canadian Armed Forces who disrupted a protest organized by Indigenous activists in Halifax on Canada Day will be removed from training and duties as the military investigates and reviews the circumstances, says the country's top general. 
"We are the nation's protectors, and any member of the Canadian Armed Forces who is not prepared to be the defender we need them to be will face severe consequences, including release from the forces," Gen. Jonathan Vance, chief of defence staff, said in a statement Tuesday night.
It has been heartening to see that the actions of these five men (as well as a sixth individual whom I suspect but won't confirm unless I know for certain) has met with, in general, universal disgust:

Gavin McInnes, founder of the Proud Boys, correspondent for Ezra Levant's alt-right Rebel Media, and man who was not too long ago condemned for his antisemitic remarks (though he claims that he's not an antisemite) has rushed in to defend his acolytes:

Sort of. He kind of does it rather half-assed.... or maybe no chinned?:

And my favorite:

First, how was it their job to disrupt a memorial?

And second, McInnes' decision to start the Proud Boys and ramp up violent rhetoric directed at those beta cuck leftard snowflake sjw's is in part the cause of the mess these five are in now. McInnes owns this as much as the five who disrupted the ceremony.

Now while McInnes is trying to cram the genie he let out back in the bottle, other "alt-right" and over racists are celebrating the actions of these men.

Such as the folks at Stormfront:

Members of the anti-government III% militia:

New groups like the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam, including the Saskatchewan "captain" who was convicted not to long ago of threatening to harm the prime minister....

.... as well as Canadian Action Party Alberta "leader" (and WCAI ally) Devon Mannix who isn't even subtle in his racism:

Even old relics like Canadian Nazi Party founder John Beattie is excited:

So, word of advice to Gavin McInnes.

Stop trying to help.

You've already screwed up enough lives quite enough.

Oh, and on that note, more of McInnes' Kids in San Diego.

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Naval "Proud Boy" Members in Halifax: Slap On the Wrist?

It would seem that at least one "Proud Boy" isn't so proud anymore, or at least he isn't so willing to speak with the media. Tom of Community TV contacted Grant Gauchier (Did I get that name right Grant? You insisted that your name be correct last time) but was left with this as a response:

Today the military confirmed (and what ARC had already confirmed) that all five men who disrupted a Mi'kmaw memorial remembering MMIWG in Halifax are in fact members of the Canadian Armed Forces though has only confirmed that two are members of the Royal Canadian Navy:
Five servicemen involved in incident at Indigenous ceremony in Halifax: militaryAdina Bresge, The Canadian Press Published Tuesday, July 4, 2017 1:30PM EDT Last Updated Tuesday, July 4, 2017 2:35PM EDT 
HALIFAX -- The military says five men involved in a filmed confrontation at an Indigenous ceremony in Halifax are members of the Canadian Armed Forces, and any misconduct will be addressed.
National Defence spokesman Daniel LeBouthillier confirmed Tuesday that five Forces members were involved in the incident, at least two of whom belong to the Navy. 
As such, ARC will confirm that at least 4 of the 5 are members of the Royal Canadian Navy and one is likely a member of the Army Reserves. One of our readers has provided the following information:

LS John Eldridge from HMCS Ville De Quebec
OS David Eldridge HMCS VDQ
CPL Eric Maurice 36 Signal Regiment
OS Grant Gauchier HMCS Scotian
OS Braidyn Pollitt HMCS Montreal

The article continues:
Commanders of the Canadian Army and Navy released a joint statement Tuesday saying that the chain of command "takes action" when a member's conduct is not in keeping with military code. 
"The actions of a few do not reflect the Royal Canadian Navy and Canadian Army commitment to being inclusive and diverse organizations," Vice-Admiral Ron Lloyd and Lt.-Gen. Paul Wynnyk said in a Facebook post. 
"Unfortunately, some of our sailors and soldiers have not ... made the necessary mind shift that leads to deep institutional change."
Well that is all well and good, but while Rear Admiral John Newton confirmed the five were members of the Canadian Armed Forces, he did so with the tone that they were mischievous scamps who carried things too far and disappointed their dad.

At this point the five have not had any formal disciplinary hearing, but it looked as if they would not be discharged. I may be wrong about that, but we'll see. Also, LeBouthillier's response to a question about whether First Nations would be consulted during the process -- they will consider it -- doesn't leave one with a great deal of confidence.

Now all five of the men have shut down or locked down their Facebooks so ARC was not able to get any other information, however Alheli Picazo managed to get some screen shots that indicate that at least some of the members also have interesting views not only about First Nations, but also Muslims, transgender persons, and rape.

Oh, and they seem not only to be "Proud Boys" bat a few are adherents of the alt-right:

Oh, the trolling is adorable.... 

Discussion on Kek from the Southern Poverty Law Canter

Ladies and gentlemen, your Canadian Armed Forces.

But hey, at least these five men have the support of III% Alberta, an anti-government militia:

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Sunday, July 02, 2017

Military "Proud Boys" Disrupt Mi'kmaw Memorial in Halifax

UPDATE 4: I'm actually reminded that this isn't the first story of far-right individuals who are or have been members of the Canadian military:

On Canada day, while members of the Mi'kmaw Nation held a memorial remembering MMIWG in Halifax, a local contingent of "Proud Boys" arrived to disrupt the event, because the "Proud Boys" are classy that way:

While two of the group were rather reticent about providing their names, the others were quite happy to do so:

UPDATE 1: There's a second video as well:

The gang later hit the pubs to celebrate their.... victory?

Left to Right: Braidyn Pollitt  John Eldridge, David Eldridge, Grant Gauchier, and Eric Maurice

As they kindly provided their names, it wasn't all that difficult to track down information about them. And the kicker is that all five of them are members of the Canadian Armed Forces:
These are John Eldridge, David Eldridge, Eric Maurice, Grant Gauchier, and one guy haven't confirmed the name yet [Braidyn Pollitt]: so-called "Proud Boys" - members of a far-right ultra-nationalist group - that turned up at the park where some Mi'kmaw folk were having a ceremony to mourn those kidnapped and murdered by the Canadian state. Most of them are also members of the armed forces [Note: all are in the Armed Forces]. 
We think it's important to spread their names and faces around so they can be held accountable, and also so folk can stay safe. One of the stages of membership in the organization requires committing an act of violence against an "antifascist". They might be some cowardly little shitweasles, but they *want* to be a white supremacist street organization, so keep your guard up.

So let's take a look at our new friends:

First we have a "Proud Boy" who doesn't seem to be so proud that he is willing to provide a name. That is something that can easily be rectified:

First, the hair. That neo-fascist style? No.... just no.

Also, and perhaps it's just me, but I can't seem to find his Facebook profile any longer. Again, why would a "Proud Boy" wish to disappear himself?

In any case, as evidenced by the caption provided by another participant in yesterday's desecration, Braidyn Pollitt is a member of the Royal Canadian Navy as are three of the remaining four who will be profiled:

More on Grant very soon.

Then we have the first to bravely provide his name, John Eldridge:

We follow John with his brother Dave Eldridge:

Also surprisingly shy for a "Proud Boy" is Eric Maurice who, since his identity has been discovered, has tightened up his Facebook profile, though not before someone was able to get the following screen shots:

It looks as though Eric might be in a different branch of the Canadian Armed Forces and not in the Canadian Royal Navy like the others (UPDATE: seems he too is likely in the navy).

Last the fella who insisted that anyone watching the video get his name right, Grant Gauchier:

Dear god, you can smell the douchiness even before looking at the screen shots. These are from the day they disrupted the memorial:

And these are him in uniform:

Now, if anyone thinks that the Canadian Royal Navy should be made aware of what Braidyn Pollitt John Eldridge, David Eldridge, Grant Gauchier, and Eric Maurice are up to (because goodness knows nothing bad has ever happened with overt far-right nationalists in the Canadian military before), who am I to stand in your way?

The Honourable Harjit Singh Sajjan: Minister of National Defence
Royal Canadian Navy
Vice-Admiral Maurice Frank Ronald "Ron" Lloyd
UPDATE: Well, it seems that this has become quite a popular article as it has, in less than a day, passed "The History of Violence" as ARC's most read article.... and the numbers are still climbing.

It also seems that the collective efforts of those who are disgusted with the display by these five men are yielding some results: