NPI's Cascadia Advocate

Offering commentary and analysis from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, The Cascadia Advocate is the Northwest Progressive Institute's uplifting perspective on world, national, and local politics.

Monthly Archives: October 2011

Poll Watch: Tim Eyman’s I‑1125 and Costco’s I‑1183 will be close, respected poll indicates

Excerpt: For the last sev­er­al years, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton’s Cen­ter for Sur­vey Research has tak­en the pulse of Wash­ing­ton’s elec­torate each autumn, in the weeks lead­ing up to Elec­tion Day. The Cen­ter’s sur­vey, known as the Wash­ing­ton Poll, has suc­cess­ful­ly pre­dict­ed the out­come of many fierce­ly con­test­ed bal­lot mea­sures, includ­ing the defeats of I‑933 and […]
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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When is a public vote not a public vote? When it doesn’t go Tim Eyman’s way, that’s when

Excerpt: Yes­ter­day, KING 5 aired a sto­ry on the pro­vi­sion of I‑1125 that attempts to sab­o­tage Sound Tran­sit’s East Link project. The pro­vi­sion in ques­tion, Sec­tion 3, would  for­bid WSDOT from trans­fer­ring part of the Homer M. Hadley Memo­r­i­al Bridge to the agency for light rail, which obvi­ous­ly would pre­vent light rail from reach­ing Belle­vue and […]
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Elections, Policy Topics, Public Planning
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Meet the hypocrites: Bank of America

Excerpt: You may recall that a cou­ple of weeks ago Bank of Amer­i­ca Bank of Greed insti­tut­ed a $5 month­ly penal­ty for cus­tomers who use a deb­it card that is tied to their check­ing account. All the while, mod­ern-day Scrooge,  CEO Bri­an Moyni­han was whin­ing that the bank “has a right to make a prof­it” and  […]
Written by:Ken
Categories:Economic Security
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Pacific NW Portal 5.0 (Newport) to launch in December after years of development

Excerpt: I have some excit­ing news to share this morn­ing: In a cou­ple of months, NPI’s Pacif­ic NW Por­tal is final­ly going to be get­ting a much-need­ed over­haul with the launch of Ver­sion 5.0, code­named New­port. We’ve been work­ing on this new ver­sion for a very long time, and I’m pleased to say we’re close to […]
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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A conversation with John Stokes, Part 3: The Belleuve community supports its schools by working together

Excerpt: This is the third and final seg­ment of a series of posts cov­er­ing my recent con­ver­sa­tion with Belle­vue City Coun­cil can­di­date John Stokes. John and I are con­nect­ed through our edu­ca­tion advo­ca­cy work and I know him to be a well-informed and ded­i­cat­ed advo­cate for children. In part one of our con­ver­sa­tion, post­ed last week, […]
Written by:Kathleen Reynolds
Categories:Elections, Unscheduled Programming
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Poll Watch: Support for Eyman’s I‑1125 sinks

Excerpt: Local poll­ster Stu­art Elway, whose firm has been sur­vey­ing pub­lic opin­ion in Wash­ing­ton State for many years, has anoth­er sur­vey mea­sur­ing sup­port for I‑1125 out today — the third in a series he has con­duct­ed for this election. The sur­vey found that sup­port for I‑1125 has sunk dra­mat­i­cal­ly, from fifty-six per­cent in favor last month […]
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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A conversation with John Stokes, Part 2: Let’s bring light rail and smart growth to Bellevue

Excerpt: Last week, I met up with  Belle­vue City Coun­cil can­di­date John Stokes in a Red­mond cof­fee shop.   John and I are con­nect­ed through our edu­ca­tion advo­ca­cy work and I know him to be a deep thinker and a ded­i­cat­ed advo­cate for chil­dren.  I want­ed to find out more about his deci­sion to run for office […]
Written by:Kathleen Reynolds
Categories:Elections, Unscheduled Programming
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Scott White: 1970–2011

Excerpt: Trag­ic news from Roslyn tonight: State Sen­a­tor Scott White, who has capa­bly rep­re­sent­ed Seat­tle’s 46th Dis­trict in the state Leg­is­la­ture since the begin­ning of 2009, was found dead in his room at the Sun­ca­dia Resort after house­keep­ing staff noticed that he had failed to check out. The cause of death is cur­rent­ly unknown, but it may […]
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Breaking News
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America’s occupation of Iraq will end with the close of 2011, President Obama confirms

Excerpt: Amer­i­ca’s occu­pa­tion of Iraq will come to a close as orig­i­nal­ly promised, Pres­i­dent Oba­ma said at the White House on Fri­day, con­firm­ing that all Amer­i­can forces — with the excep­tion of a token force left to guard the U.S. Embassy in Bagh­dad — will be pulling out of Iraq by year’s end. “Over the next […]
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Policy Topics, World Commmunity
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A conversation with John Stokes, Part 1: A progressive vision for Bellevue

Excerpt: Ear­li­er this week, I met up with  Belle­vue City Coun­cil can­di­date John Stokes in a Red­mond cof­fee shop.  John and I are con­nect­ed through our edu­ca­tion advo­ca­cy work and I know him to be a deep thinker and a ded­i­cat­ed advo­cate for chil­dren.  I want­ed to find out more about his deci­sion to run for […]
Written by:Kathleen Reynolds
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Bank of America joins Keep Washington Rolling, donates $10,000 to beat I‑1125

Excerpt: A year and a half after donat­ing $10,000 to help Tim Eyman get I‑1053 on the Novem­ber 2010 bal­lot, Bank of Amer­i­ca (which we like to call Bank of Greed) has donat­ed an iden­ti­cal amount to beat Eyman’s I‑1125, new PDC data shows. Keep Wash­ing­ton Rolling has been bol­stered by some $1 mil­lion in fresh con­tri­bu­tions […]
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Elections, Open Government, Policy Topics
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Jay Inslee releases positions on Washington’s 2011 statewide initiatives

Excerpt: Jay Inslee, Wash­ing­ton’s like­ly Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee for gov­er­nor in 2012, released his posi­tions on all three of Wash­ing­ton’s 2011 statewide ini­tia­tives this after­noon, after ear­li­er tak­ing a strong stand on one of them (Tim Eyman’s I‑1125) at the Wash­ing­ton Con­ser­va­tion Vot­ers’ Break­fast of Cham­pi­ons ear­li­er this month. Inslee oppos­es I‑1125 and Cost­co’s I‑1183, and sup­ports SEIU’s […]
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Bellevue City Council deadlocks as to whether to take a position on Tim Eyman’s I‑1125

Excerpt: Last night, the Belle­vue City Coun­cil had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a posi­tion against Tim Eyman’s I‑1125, which places impor­tant trans­porta­tion projects that would improve mobil­i­ty in and out of Belle­vue at risk. The city coun­cil sched­uled a hear­ing, as required by Wash­ing­ton State law, pro­vid­ing pro­po­nents and oppo­nents with an equal amount of time […]
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Policy Topics, Public Planning
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Washington has always trusted an expert commission to set tolls — why change that?

Excerpt: Hav­ing been in the busi­ness of sell­ing ini­tia­tives for more than a decade (and pos­sess­ing a gift for media manip­u­la­tion) Tim Eyman has become a mas­ter snake oil sales­man. Every year, he devel­ops a remark­ably slick (yet shal­low) sales pitch for his lat­est ini­tia­tive. This year’s sales pitch has stressed a com­fort­ing theme — con­ti­nu­ity. […]
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Elections, Policy Topics, Public Planning
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