Welfare Rights Centre is a community legal centre specialising in social security and family assistance law.

We help people who have a problem with Centrelink.

Want to know more about options when Centrelink raises a debt?
This free online session is designed to provide practical information for community workers and volunteers wanting to assist clients with Centrelink debt matters. Speakers will explain common reasons debts may be raised and give an overview of measures you can take to check that there really is a debt and/or the amount of the debt has been calculated correctly. β €
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The session will cover how to appeal decisions that are incorrect or seem unfair, and the type of circumstances in which a debt can be waived. They will also address negotiating repayments, garnishee actions and possible criminal prosecution.β € 
When: Thursday 7 March, 2.00 - 4.00pm AEDT
Where: Online via Zoom, register through link in bio πŸ’œ

Thank you to @ecstra.foundation for making our training program possible.
This free online session will outline Centrelink payments targeting families with children, including Parenting Payment, Family Tax Benefit, Parental Leave Pay, Dad and Partner Pay, Carer Payment and Child Care Subsidy.
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Speakers will address eligibility requirements, income and assets tests, mutual obligations relating to work, and the way that the number and age of children affects different payments. The session will explain how relationship status (single/partnered) affects payment, and will outline Centrelink payments intended to support people trying to escaping domestic violence. It will also address how issues related to separation can have a major impact on social security payments, particularly child support and the amount of time a child is in the care of each parent.β €β €
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Speakers will explain how people needing further support may access a Centrelink Social Worker, and what they can do if a claim is rejected, payment is stopped, or a debt is raised.β €β €
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Target audience: Community workers and volunteers, social workers and lawyersβ €
When: Tuesday 6th February 2024, 2.00 – 4.00pm AEDT
Where: Online via Zoom, register through link in bio πŸ’™ 

Thank you to @ecstra.foundation for making our training program possible. #SocialSecurity #Centrelink #SocialSecurityTraining #welfarerightscentre
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