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Hello From Your New TinyCo Lead Community Manager!
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Hello From Your New TinyCo Lead Community Manager!

Hey Folks! My name is Kate (or TinyKate) and I am excited to announce that I have just joined TinyCo as the new Lead Community Manager (yesterday was my first day). I have been working in the video game industry for nearly a decade and am super excited to be bringing my experience and expertise to TinyCo and of course, Marvel Avengers Academy. You should be seeing me around here fairly frequently, doing my best to answer your questions and getting to know everyone!

A few random facts about me:

  • My favorite Marvel characters are Deadpool, Loki, and Iron Man. I like my superheroes with a side of sass and humor.

  • My all time favorite video game is the Mass Effect series. I am not going to lie, I may have been emotionally compromised when I finished the third one.

  • I am a Hufflepuff, with some Ravenclaw tendencies. Badger Pride!

  • I love animals, both cats and dogs. I have three dogs, and two cats.

  • I am a sucker for British television. Merlin, Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Broadchurch are some of my favorite shows.

  • I post a lot of cat videos, images and memes. Cats are funny. They’re my spirit animal.

As Lead Community Manager one of my primary goals is to improve the communication from TinyCo to you, our awesome players. That means you’ll be seeing a lot more of me, and the team, around these parts in the coming weeks. While we may not be able to answer every single question right away, it’s my personal goal to make sure you get timely responses and updates, and that you feel listened to!

I will be around here for a little while, so feel free to ask questions about my favorite color, pie, movie, or more! I am still getting to know the ins and outs of the game, so my knowledge is still a work in progress, but I will do my best to answer those questions I can!

UPDATE @ 5PM PST - Alrighty folks! I have lots more cramming of new information I must do to finish of my second day, so I am going to leave you here for now. But I will be sure to check-in on the subreddit and post regularly! And if you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. I will do my best to answer everything I can, even if it takes me a little time (and I hope it doesn't).

Update from TinyCo Reps
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Update from TinyCo Reps

Hi everyone. We've had an update from TinyCo, but it was an older thread and got somewhat buried with some downvotes so we've devided to repost it here for visibility.

Hi Folks. My apologies for the quietness from us around these parts for the past few days. Please do know that we have been reading all of the threads and feedback you have posted, and have been conveying those concerns and frustrations back to the team. That being said, the reason we have yet to respond here is that the entire team, myself included, has been all hands on deck trying to get as many support issues/inquiries answered as we possibly can. As many of you have guessed, our Support volume has been higher than usual the past week and has required all of us to spend lots of extra time there, gathering feedback, resolving issues, and reporting bugs/issues to the Developers. In addition to this, our Developers have been working tirelessly, often into the wee hours of the night, to resolve outstanding issues, while continuing to work on new content.

Now, all that being said, we did make a promise to work towards improving our communication with you, and that is still a main priority for us as a team, and particularly me as the Lead Community Manager. I have been working hard in the last two weeks to get ramped up on everything as quickly as possible. There's still a little ways to go, but I have a much stronger grasp of everything now, than even just a week ago. We are going to continue to take steps forward towards consistent communication, even when things get a little crazy. We really do appreciate your continued passion for the game, and for this community, and we value all the feedback that you provide on a regular basis.

I do want to note, there are many pieces of information that we are not privy to or able to share here, particularly around upcoming content. Additionally, please do understand that dates, exact times, etc., often have to shift or change due extenuating circumstances, often out of the control of the team. When this does happen, we will do our absolute best to make sure we communicate these changes/updates as soon as we are made aware!

There are other posts that you can check in the history of the representatives but this was the most comprehensive and relevant response. I will not be linking any specific users or comments to avoid any brigading but you know where you can find them if you are interested.

We also need to talk about how we treat TinyCo representatives. There have been quite a few posts critical of them and TinyCo in general which are allowed, but harassment and excessive negativity is not. They are not responsible for how much they can share and are doing the best they can to help us. Please upvote any responses from them regardless of content so we can all see their messages. Do not PM them any negative comments or messages. We will be working on our enforcement of rule 2 regarding this situation and anything that breaks it will be punished accordingly, and we don't have any room for leniency if we want to maintain our relationship with TinyCo.

As a mod team we'll be working with TinyCo reps to determine the best way for them to give out information while also avoiding unnecessary negativity. We understand frustration is high but everyone still needs to be treated with respect.

Thanks for understanding, feel free to discuss everything here, but keep it civil.

Layoffs at TinyCo / Jam City
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The unofficial subreddit for the mobile game, Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow, made by TinyCo which closed down on April 20th 2023. Players gathered characters & saved New New York from the Hypnowaves whilst they created their own city. You could engage in space battles, special events and even player vs player combat when the game was active.

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[General] List of Bugs that TinyCo should fix.
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[General] List of Bugs that TinyCo should fix.

In relation to what u/galvantulite said in his post, if TinyCo ever actually does stop events and take some time to do the main story and fix a few bugs, they should probably start with these:

  • Wiccan and Crossbones' Voices. (They can barely be heard)

  • Bobblehead resizing. (Some Bobbleheads can't be resized and the ones that can lose their heads)

  • Rotation of a few decorations. (Some decos cannot be rotated)

  • Visibility of a few decorations. (Some decos are not visible after the Dr. Strange Event)

  • Mordo's R3 and R5 hair. (Do I have to explain this?)

  • Fluidity of the game. (The newest update made the game a bit more fluid and better than before, let's hope they keep doing this to make it perfect)

  • Lady Loki's Face. (Do I have to explain this?)

  • Dr. Strange Event Characters' Mission names and icons. (Ex: For Icons, Think in Circles and Zip Around. For Names, Watch Magicians and Study the Occult)

  • Hulking's "Reread Books" Mission. (It should use the books not the computer)

  • Doors don't open. (The ones in Timeless Archives, S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q. and Avengers Dorm)

  • Anything from inside a building doesn't come out. (Like Fury in missions like "Break and Enter" and Weights in She-Hulk's mission)

  • Sort out the Store, the Inventory and the Storage. (Do I have to explain this?)

  • Floating and Sinking Characters. (Characters who can fly often sink into the floor or float above the floor after their mission)

  • Tokens and Textbooks. (Textbooks stopped dropping and please let them double up on Token Missions)

  • Moving Paired Actions. (Ex: Tony is often behind Satana instead of the other way around)

  • Missing Actions for Event Buildings. (Wakandan Embassy and Pawn Shop)

  • Character Audio Bugs. (Some of them are not heard during or before missions)

  • Hawkeyes' Bows. (They are just not right man!!)

  • Get the Mission Board RNG fixed. (Missions for the Courthouse, Arcade and Training Centre are rarely/NEVER appearing)

  • Missing Animations for Actions. (Ex: Dracula's computing)

Please comment down below on what other bugs should be fixed and I will add it to the post. I really hope the TinyCo Redditors read this post.

I don't think TinyCo knows what the word 'soon' means.
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I don't think TinyCo knows what the word 'soon' means.

TinyCo. Here's a little lesson. This is the definition of soon: in or after a short time. 8 days ago you told us we would be getting story content very soon. Not just soon, you said very soon. And then you started an event. If we were getting story content very soon, as stated on June 22, it would have already happened. Unless you plan on giving us story content in the next few days, it doesn't even count as soon. You have done this before for other things. Don't say we are getting something soon, unless we actually are.

I would also like to teach you another lesson. Several. The definition of several is: more than two but not many. In the month of March, you told us that we would be getting several female characters as part of the Women of Power event. We only got two: Pepper Potts and Quake. And only Pepper was labeled as Women of Power. Several has not been used since, but I'm just letting you know for future reference.

I hope you now understand what soon and several mean.

TinyCo please read
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TinyCo please read

Why have you made this event so hard? It is impossible to get everything unless you spend A LOT of money. This is not a fun event and will have probably caused lots of players to leave. It is so obviously a cash grab event. It is so complicated, hard and time consuming. Please, we don't want events like this. People like the events like Pepper Potts and the British Invasion event. Those were fun and possible. This can be seen in the results for this survey -

As you should be able to see, no one has thought this event was brilliant and a high majority has given negative feedback about this event.

Also, please can you stop saying you are going to release story content after an event, but then completely lie. Companies shouldn't lie to their customers.

Thank you TinyCo - You helped me kick the habit
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Thank you TinyCo - You helped me kick the habit

As a player since day 1, I have spent several hundred dollars on the game and truly loved the experience until a few months ago. I slogged through Civil War, but I didn't love some things about it, and my spending dropped drastically.

Enter the British Invasion, and I spent nothing. Yes I wanted that Tardis, but I was tired of the way the game was being managed so I bought nothing. I am glad too because clearly there was no reason to do so other than cosmetic purposes.

So here we are, Spider-Man... wow. I gave it a week and it was a total disappointment. This is the first time I haven't been able to acquire the items I wanted, and it was obvious it would require ~$40 to do so. As we move in to week 2, they are already asking for another $40 for the crates and we haven't even seen the premium characters.

So I just wanted to say THANK YOU TINYCO! Because of this, I can move on. I will miss the academy and the shenanigans, but I will not miss the stressful events, the confusion, and the panic driven purchases that you support.

To the players fighting it out, I say good luck. I hope things change with the remaining Spider-Man event, and future events. I hope the comments in this reddit thread actually lead to meaningful action, but right now I just can't keep doing it.

Instead, I have found a different game, it's pretty awesome and the event is actually fun. I spent $10 and got several characters, a few buildings, and a very stress free experience. It's exactly what I would expect in a casual mobile game, and as long as they keep supporting it, I can keep supporting them.

Edit: Since a few have asked, it's Disney Magic Kingdoms. It's much more player friendly, plus there are many opportunities to earn premium currency without buying. Additionally, things feel more reasonably priced.

Things TinyCo Should Learn
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Things TinyCo Should Learn

This has been the best/worst event I have seen since I came back to the game about six months ago. I feel like I'm accomplishing more, but my accomplishments are mingled in with soul-crushing defeats.

The Good(ish)

  • Tons of fighters! Being able to recruit all five Guardians of the Galaxy before the event proper, plus the re-release of Yondu and Nebula helped this along, but the cast of potential fighters is diverse and the skill-ups for fighting doesn't feel too bad.

  • Episode 5 Ayesha has an interesting mechanic (having to defeat the priestesses before you can take her on), and thankfully the priestesses follow the same pattern so you can bring in a fresh team to take on Ayesha herself (hopefully). This has good, interesting elements.

  • Using the same material to initiate skill-up fights was a welcome change from recent events. Please, please, please keep this method going forward.

  • Side-fights are getting better. The separate UI for rank-up fights was clean and avoided campus clutter. The platform boss battle was good, too, but these kinds of battles have usually been done well.

The Bad

  • Obligatory Gamoragate. The worst part about this was giving us F2P and P2P-lite players hope of seeing the event through to completion. For a great many of us, Galactic Star Lord was the first premium event costume we've ever unlocked.

  • The Supercrate. We understand you're here to make money, but having more than one premium crate per event is pushing your luck. What happened to the crates you can buy with event-money? Those were nice.

  • Critical Hits. I may be alone here, but I have not got to streak 7 since week 2 of the event because of this, though the previous bads pretty much sapped my will to do so in the first place. Edit: Found I am not alone.

  • Once again, Cap's costume is in a crate that costs shards. Please switch this up in the future. There are several F2P characters who never get event costumes.

  • Event RNG is still on the rise, making any money we put into the game a risky venture.

  • Purchasing rank-up-material generators should not be a luxury for a smooth experience, not a necessity to earn a character.

  • No Howard the Duck? I mean, thanks for not having him as the secret unobtainable bonus character, but let's get him in the game at some point. GOTG event seemed like the place to do it. Not a large complaint, only here because wild speculation was wild in week 2.

Going forward

I'd like to support the game financially again in the future, but I can't justify it when the reward for my time and my shards is disappointment.

What else went well/poorly with this event? What should happen in future events?

Edit: Added some points from the comments.

Open Letter to TinyCo [How to improve your PRODUCT without losing money]
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The unofficial subreddit for the mobile game, Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow, made by TinyCo which closed down on April 20th 2023. Players gathered characters & saved New New York from the Hypnowaves whilst they created their own city. You could engage in space battles, special events and even player vs player combat when the game was active.

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Open Letter to TinyCo [How to improve your PRODUCT without losing money]

A famous scene in the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail has King Arthur being taught a lesson in politics by a peasant who is covered in sh!t. The sh!t serves to emphasize the point that he is taking correction from the lowest possible source. The peasant puts him in his place, even though he wants nothing of it. TinyCo: Consider me the peasant covered in sh!t. I am going to attempt to give you a lesson in business dealing with your customers (peasants) and I will try not to sound as condescending as the serf did in the film.

Too often, u/TinyNixon is the pin cushion on this site, absorbing the blows from every disgruntled user. While we appreciate his/her/their help (something tells me there is a team of people who use the handle), it is not their job to make decisions, but rather to pass info along. I thank them in advance for hearing me out on this long ramble, and considering these ideas for the TinyCo suggestion box. And thanks for being there and listening.

Problem statement: TinyCo (hereinafter referred to as "you") want to make money and (presumably) keep your customers (hereinafter referred to as "us") happy. You have two kinds of customers: The paying (e.g. whales) and the non-paying (F2P). Striking a balance between the two being happy is a delicate operation. Presumably, if you did not care for the F2P people at all, you would just make the app a paid-for product, rather than free, and that solves that. But likely, you would not get enough downloads and users to generate the funds you need (e.g. even "F2P" players might occasional spend a dollar or two). Plus, you likely realize the value of having a huge user base, and a site like reddit where you can get valuable feedback for bugfixes (albeit with some attitude occasionally) and improvement ideas, etc. Assuming that you wish to keep both user bases happy, here's some suggestions to improve your product for both bases. Not everyone will agree with my suggestions, and that's ok. I don't have all the one does. But one of the best things you can do in this situation is listen to your users (the vast majority) because they will tell you what makes them happy (unlimited pizza....jk).

I am going to try not to use this platform to b!tch you out and tell you everything you are doing have already gotten enough of that on this sub. This is meant to help you. Everyone is going to have an opinion of what they hate. It's a lot harder to come up with an idea that everyone loves. I am going to attempt to address some of the pain points with how you can improve the product going forward. Not all ideas are perfect, sustainable, or even pragmatic to code in the time allotted. But the best way to go about this is to think outside the box and ask yourself: 'What change will require minimal effort but biggest positive impact?' Example: People really seem to react well to events that are relatively easy to make progress (not necessarily complete), and get something for their efforts. A good example is the Thanksgiving event. People made progress, not everyone completed it, but they were relatively happy with what they were able to do and what they got, whether it was a few decos, a new character or two, or just a lot of bonus chips, etc.

For the next event (and yes, I realize that you might already have several events already lined up and can't change them at this time), hopefully you can take some of these suggestions into consideration in the near future.

  1. People really like be rewarded for their efforts. But they hate the grind. Grinding ad nauseam and not getting rewarded is a double slap in the face and a HUGE turn-off. Make the "grind" something that is INTERESTING and keeps you engaged. (Quoting Elaine from Seinfeld: 'Of course! Interesting! People love INTERESTING [writing]!') Not running the same map 40 times for a chance at a prize, with RNG at play. Suggestion: Create some maps where the cargo boxes move around. One day they are here, the next day on a different line, different map, stack 6-7 boxes in one line for a huge bonanza. Give the user something that actually excites them. Create the maps with gates that move around and change type. One day the map has level 39 Burglar Bender (grrrr), but the next day it's level 39 Amy. Or level 39 generic Captain. Wow! Now we have to be on our toes and it actually becomes INTERESTING. Will some people hate that? Sure. But most people will be happy that they are not blocked from 100% completion at the start and just give up. You will get more people trying to complete maps than your current format. GUARANTEED. That means people will buy more fuel, etc. You get the idea. That translates to money, bottom-line.

  2. RNG (Random-number-Generation) is a huge problem. You likely have some sort of algorithm that you currently use, perhaps different ones for different situations. I know how to program RNG, and have done it many times in a dozen different languages myself. But ever since you posted the odds of the "loot boxes" I now know that it is not a simple RNG method (e.g. generate random number from 0-9 and assign probability odds to each digit, etc.) so it must be fairly complex to get a 0.6% chance at a character. Doing the math, your odds don't actually add up correctly, so either it's a miscalculation or omission of some additional facts. Either way, I can't reverse-engineer anything with the current incorrect data, so I will just assume that you have some sort of weighted system in place. Ok, fine. So you don't want to give everyone EVERYTHING immediately. Sure. I get that. But since you have to publish these terrible odds, don't discourage us completely with these facts from the start. What do I mean? Well, if I see that a character that I really want has a 0.3% chance in a box, do you really think I'm going to grind day in and day out for it? I'll just cut my losses and tell myself it's not going to happen, so why waste my time and get frustrated for no reason. Suggestion: Create a semi-random lottery ticket system. How cool would it be to log in and a message pops up and tells me that I won a random prize. How do I redeem it? You can use your (coins, etc.) to cash in a box and you will be guaranteed a new character because it will remove the duplicates for one pull. Ok, now you have my attention. A different example, applying this same principle, a user might log in and find that he won a free prize -- he can clear any RNG object from a character (e.g. clear all fish bones from Zoidberg). But let's not stop there. What if I log in and it gives me a free daily lotto scratcher and I win 2 GB chips, 100 NB and a 2-star badge. Small potatoes, but people like getting (good) surprises and those little things are nothing to you, but it goes a long way for us. Sometimes, it's the little unexpected things. Use RNG to help us, not hurt us. It can't be 1 out of 1000 users. It just can't. It wont make a big enough impact. Not enough people will talk about it or care about it. And if they did, it would just make other people jealous and sad. So make the odds a bit better. If I log in every day for a month straight, I should have at least a 33% chance to get a nice prize like that. This would give me a nice bonus at least once every three months. Now you are giving me something to hope for, and keep my attention. The bottom-line: people who get rewarded with RNG are more likely to stay and pay. Otherwise, they don't stay, and you lose a customer.

  3. Events. Ugggh. They've gotten worse. Need a better way to make things fun again. You guys have no problem coming up with great themes and characters, etc. Give us some inventive way to earn stuff. Example: The Robot Devil boss was a nice touch. Hated the bomb-making, but loved the idea. A boss appears for a limited amount of time and you need to use strategy to defeat him. Love it. How can you build on this without getting more convoluted? How about using minions a bit differently? Sometimes you have to defeat them all first, sometimes a random number of them before the boss glows red and you know he is now vulnerable. Give the boss some interesting options instead of spawn and attack. Make the boss move around on the lines. Make the boss disappear for a turn (giving you the chance to wipe out some minions). Make him do a dance! I don't know...just SOMETHING other than the predictable usual. Make it INTERESTING! The events should not be all about the grind, but if you have 10 maps to get through, and you know that most people can't finish them all (that gives the whales something to do, though) - then keep a obtainable goal on the side that either works towards a boss, or works towards a prize. If I know that a great character (like Lrrr) is going to be obtainable, I will work my a$$ off to get him, especially if this new character has published passives that I like/want. Which brings my to my next point...

  4. Passives. Some are great, some are awful. No better way to discourage me from getting a character or leveling him up than to assign a useless set of passives. Passives were a great idea, much like what I have been preaching. The badge system has been more of a problem but I think we have talked about that enough on this sub...But the passives should be better. Make fun passives. Suggestions for new passives: A passive that allows the character to pass his ability to a teammate for a turn. Or a rapid-fire, machine-gun-like attack for a turn. Or how about taking what you did with Lrrr (a captain that does splash damage) and give sus a new character like that. A delivery boy that does splash damage. A captain that can also heal during their special. A villain that can do both a defense down and shield up buff. How about a robot that hits like a captain? How about a scientist that can freeze for a special attack? How about a 5% chance to do a Mortal-Kombat style kill-shot on one enemy? (without the gore, obviously)... Suggestion: make a Passive STORE where you can purchase an extra passive for your char (limit one extra each) for pizza, NB, or even chips to trade in. Give us something to do with out extra resources. Make things more customizable. Now that's INTERESTING. Goal: passives should be fun and the endless combinations should keep people engaged for a long time to come without suffering the same boredom (e.g. bleed, burn, electrify - that's really all the same thing, now isn't it?) Bottom line: An engaged user is a happy user and more likely to stick around and play and maybe even pay to keep getting more stuff. I would buy a passive if I found it awesome, wouldn't you?

  5. Innovation. Great games always found a way to challenge the gamer in a way that didn't completely discourage them from trying to beat it. I'm gonna use some old-school examples here. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out (NES) was tough. Most people couldn't beat it. Some did. It was doable, just took lots of practice. Some strategy. Maybe it was a bit too tough. Battletoads (NES) was flat-out impossible and EVERYONE gave up on beating it. Why? Because even the game designers couldn't beat it (allegedly). To this day, no one has ever shown a screen shot of the winning screen frame. Don't make things impossible. Make them challenging, but doable with the right amount of practice and persistence. The Legend of Zelda is a classic. Not just because it was innovative when it came out in the 80's but because it gave you something to do even when the game was won. Remember? You could play again -- on HARD mode! It's not over when you defeat Ganon! Of course you could always just stop there and bask in your triumph, too. Suggestion: Make events beatable in half the time for whales, then give them the option to replay everything on hard mode for more bonus prizes and inflated payouts. Hard mode means you step up the enemy levels and gates, etc. But if you demand more, you should also pay out more. You will get more people paying for fuel, etc. and this translates into more revenue.

Conclusion) Try to think outside the box. What made classic video games so great? From Atari 2600 (yes, I have a heavy-sixer and still play it), to NES, to Sega Genesis and Turbo Grafx 16 and onward there are some really great game designs that were great for a reason. They kept you engaged, interested, and on your feet. They had twists and turns around every corner, they gave unexpected surprises that were a joy (who didn't cheer the first time they played Zelda and got the Power Sword?, or whatever it was called)... Games should be FUN. Somehow, someway, what started out that way has gone terribly awry. Please, PLEASE, we beg you: Have a staff meeting and discuss this with the people who make decisions at TinyCo. Tell them that unless they just want to burn this world to ashes, they must do something soon, else a terrible backlash is coming. I promise you. You have a chance to do something great here and make a lot of money. Please don't squander it. For our sake and for yours.

Thank you.

--Signed, the collective majority of users

UPDATE:: Here is a reply from an anonymous "whistleblower" at TinyCo:

A little help for truth about tinyco games from TinyWhistleblower sent 19 minutes ago

[EDIT: the general consensus is that this appears to be fraudulent]:

I'm asking you(not only you, other too, so you aren't the only one that will recive this message) to publish a post in futurama wot subreddit for me because i cant do it myself with this account (probably beacuse a sort of spam filter) and i saw you can. Obviulsy you can say that it wasn't you the author of the post, but just the one who pubished it. If you decide to submit my text check before if someone else already have. Here is the link to my original thread (that is show in the subreddit)

Here's a copy of the content in case it's deleted: " First of all: yes, I'm working for TinyCo and that means I'm using a fake account (obviously) and I'm risking to to this. If you're wondering why I'm doing/not doing something and want to ask me just stop: all I can say is just to think why you have/haven't done that if you was me and you probably will find the answer. (if you can't that can mean that I was just too stupid to not think about it)

So, what's going on? Well, let's start from this: everything we do is to make money. How? Economizing and optimizing. We start from statistics and market analysis (not just from our games, but obviously also through external companies) to discover who will spend more money in f2p. Well, there are two categories only we care about (yes, I know there are a lot more, but the second one just spend 10x more money than all the others, and I don't mean person, literally a small amount of people make us earn more then 80% of the player): those who play more than 10 hours every day (yes, it's the right number) and want to complete everything and who will buy literally everything (I mean really anything, and for any price) and want everything immediately. These just make us earn more than 90% of every our revenues from our games and sadly that is why we care just of them. Now you can understand why a pull of a box costs more than 2k pizza or why to stay ahead in last events you have to play repeatedly space missions spending a lot of time (and maybe money in refills). Easy ways (so inexpensive) to take money from these two categories. But what's happening right now? We programmed three pahses after a game debut: these depends on how many active player there are. The purpose of the first phase is to collect player and it ended in september. Do you remember the omicron invasion event? Do you remeber that we even make a pop-up to give everyone pizza to apologize of a bug? Ended that phase we didn't need anymore to be "kind" with players because we have enough active player. Then started with the second phase: testing. How much can we get from our players? I think you arleady understand what this means... The last phases began at the beginning of december (if you are wondering why add the new battle system in this phase is just beacause it exceed the development budget, but it was planned from the beginning and still in develop since then): simply make money. At this time we reached a stable base of active player (of the two categories we care) and we don't need to invest money on this game anymore, just spend enough to maintein the player base (so to release a "cheap" event every week, or month-long one that are not as expansive as you can think). The game will not improve anymore now, just new buildings, decorations, characters and space. We don't care about f2p players, they aren't our target. You suggestions are ignored just because they don't make money to us. Last week I read on this subreddit a thread about the idea of add dogfight like space mission: it will never happen, and not why it's expansive or whatever but just because we reach the goal. And the goal will not change, because it's mathematically calculated for the max gain. Do you remember when, during christmas event, the support didn't answer? We said it was beacuse the high number of request, but it's just half of the truth: we decrease the number of people behind the support of this game just beacuse we didn't need anymore to support so much of you (I really hate this, but it's true...). We decrease also the number of developers behind this game (and they have a really strict timeline, with very little time available). The betatesting dosn't exist since the release of the game, and that's why thinks like burglar bender happens. So remember, everything we do now is just take money from those two categories of player, spending as little as possible. PS: if you like this post save it because I think (but I'm not sure) that our PRs are in contact with/are the moderators of thi subbreddit. "

TinyCo is getting more desperate....
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TinyCo is getting more desperate....

Yet they decide to solve their thirst for cash by putting generators on sale, more crates, even more rng (the skeleton key chests), and characters that people want (I already have winter soldier) as a whale goal. I don't think you're really listening to your consumer base here TinyCo, that's the exact thing we've been complaining about since December.

Let's show TinyCo that story content is profitable.
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Let's show TinyCo that story content is profitable.

So the long awaited (long, long, loooooong awaited) story content has finally dropped! Sure, we didn't get the full seven levels we were originally promised, or the "mystery" character, and Hawkeye is still probably only unlockable to our grandchildren, BUT we got Tigra and Hulk and a bunch of building and character upgrades, plus Thor!

So the reason TinyCo hasn't been making story content a priority is because they don't feel like it's profitable, especially compared to events. So my suggestion is that if you're willing and able, take however much you would usually spend on an event, and spend it on the story content. So for example, do you usually spend more than $30 on an event? Then it might be worth it to buy Thor, even though he's expensive, to show TinyCo that story is profitable, and we want more of it. Money talks, and unfortunately it seems to be the only language that TinyCo understands, so if you're P2P for events and you want more story content, we need to tell them that with our wallets! Let's show them how much we appreciate the story that we love and that we want more to come!

Things TinyCo Should Learn (Multiverse Event Edition)
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Things TinyCo Should Learn (Multiverse Event Edition)

Did this for week 4 of the GOTGV2 event. Let's have a look at the Multiverse event as objectively as possible and see what's going right and what's not so right.

The Good(ish)

  • Costumes for overlooked characters. Definitely ish, but it shows progress.

  • At least the prices on premium crates aren't as bad. Also ish.

  • Side costumes for Loki & Wasp that didn't require shards, and one for Falcon that only required a small purchase.

  • AIM Blasters (the initial material for side fights) dropped at a really good rate.

The Bad

  • Costumes for overlooked characters are nearly impossible to obtain, thanks to RNG creep. At least one of these costumes was required for the "best" RNG timestream mission.

  • Two premium crates again. No event-money crate again. This should not happen.

  • Winter Soldier was available for those who weren't around to recruit him the first time, but the materials required to do so were out of reach of many players (rank 23, was it? yeah, pass)

  • Completely ruined the fight table from last month's event by gating episode's required materials.

  • Material overload. Each episode had several unique materials that couldn't be used for other episodes. Boss fight materials I get, but why bottleneck fighter rank-up materials and lock them to episode fights?

  • Speaking of fighter rank-ups, is there a need for a 30-second activity to use them? This seems like an unnecessary step in the ranking-up process, and can be bothersome if the character you want to improve skills on is already doing something for the next few hours.

  • Upgrading the building to advance episodes felt tedious and unnecessary. The only positive of this was people could stay in an earlier episode if they chose to grind up colored timegates from the previous one, while others could say "Screw it, I'm staying here until the next event." It fragmented the player base, which is never a good thing.

  • Cap's costume is still in a premium crate.

  • A good portion of players aren't even bothering to advance in weeks or complete the event. That should say something about the event.

The Confusing...

  • Spider-Man 2099, the event's second premium character. Is it necessary to have two premium characters releasing for one event? Moreover, why show the advertisement for him and then not let us purchase him unless we're in Episode 4? Is our money not good? Guess they fixed this, and two premiums per event used to be normal.

Going Forward

This feels like a step back from GOTGV2 in many ways. I had to stretch to think of three good things that happened over the last four weeks, and two of those had lots of bads attached to them.

Did I miss anything?

Advice: You want to see TinyCo change?
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Advice: You want to see TinyCo change?

Hey guys.

I know there has been a lot of frustration since the Civil War event, and the player base is pretty much divided. I agree that TinyCo is being very greedy, and not giving us the respect we deserve, especially after how much money we've collectively given them. You guys want results from TinyCo? Do something to deter new players. write on all of AvengersAcadamy's social media pages, change your reviews in the app stores from 5 stars to 1, let perspective players know what TinyCo is pulling. Unfortunately, we are all replaceable to TinyCo. They couldn't care less if we stopped buying things/stop playing. Marvel is a big enough company, that their games will constantly be pulling in New players. It's easy for TinyCo to ignore subs and let players leave when new people are downloading this app constantly. If you want TinyCo to change their antics, hit them where it hurts, potential players.

PSA: This isn't an official TinyCo forum
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PSA: This isn't an official TinyCo forum

Hey, guys. Friendly neighbourhood Spider-Mod here.

In the past week or so, we've seen an uptick in threads addressed directly to TinyCo - usually complaints. There's no problem with people expressing their concerns with the game (as long as they're in line with the sub's rules), but I just thought it was worth clarifying the following, especially for some of our newer subscribers:

This isn't an official TinyCo forum.

Yes, there are some TinyCo staff members who have posted on this forum. They may be reading some or all of the threads here right now. That said, this is only one of the parts of their job, and we're only one (dedicated, but small) fan community for this game.

When you post glitches, bugs, or complaints here, assume that you're primarily doing so as a PSA for other people playing the game. If TinyCo happen to see it and respond to these bugs - or even fix them - this is an added bonus, not an expected outcome.

If you need technical support for your game, you need to fill out the official Contact form in-game - tap the gear in the bottom left, then Help, then Contact Us in the top right. This is the only official way to raise a bug with TinyCo. From my experience in related industries, I guarantee you there's someone in the decision-making chain at the company who doesn't understand "this complaint got 200 upvotes on Reddit" but does understand "we got 200 complaints about this bug".

Just to be absolutely clear: we're not saying "don't complain" or "don't talk about bugs"; just keep in mind who the actual likely audience of your comments is. Thanks for your time, guys, and good luck with Episode 4.

TinyCo Support Fail (why am I not surprised?)
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TinyCo Support Fail (why am I not surprised?)

Submit help ticket. Get a response asking me an additional question. Sounds like I might get help, right? Answer question to its full extent. Wait four weeks. Get ticket erased. Start new ticket asking what happened. Wait two weeks. Get ticket erased. One more go for old time's sake, saying that it's cool if it can't be resolved, but please just tell me that. Wait 1.5 weeks. Get ticket erased.

Do we just not respond to help tickets now? I'm cool if you can't do anything about it, but how professional is it to pretend the tickets didn't exist at all? Anyone else just get erased tickets or am I special here?

TinyCo AMA Announcement (8/22, 3PM PST): Allen Warner (Lead Narrative Designer), Eric Shen (Senior Product Manager), Kate Olmstead (Lead Community Manager)
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TinyCo AMA Announcement (8/22, 3PM PST): Allen Warner (Lead Narrative Designer), Eric Shen (Senior Product Manager), Kate Olmstead (Lead Community Manager)

We are excited to announce that TinyCo will be doing their first ever Reddit AMA! Please join us here Monday, August 22nd at 3pm PST to get to know Marvel Avengers Academy Senior Product Manager Eric Shen and Lead Narrative Designer Allen Warner! They will be here, along with Kate Olmstead (u/tinykate), Lead Community Manager, for a couple hours to answer your questions about Avengers Academy, including our favorite in-game characters, whether Loki and Thor will ever move past their sibling rivalry (doubtful), and why Nick Fury is so grumpy all the time (you try and handle a group of teenage Super Heroes and see what kind of mood that leaves you in).

In anticipation of this AMA please review the following guidelines so as to ensure a fun event!

  • The focus of this AMA will be the upcoming Daredevil/Hell’s Kitchen event, as well as currently available content; They may be able to answer questions about previous events, time permitting.

  • Questions about the game design and writing processes are highly encouraged (did you know that Allen has done tons of video game writing, some screenwriting, as well as writing for a variety of comic books?)

  • Feel free to ask about future features that you would like to see including combat, social, dating, etc. They will do their best to provide details when possible!

  • They are unable to provide exact dates for future content releases; this includes specific characters or features.

  • Please be respectful of both the team and your fellow Redditors at all times; this includes no personal attacks or insults. As a reminder, this subreddit's Rules 2 and 9 prohibit this kind of behavior, and this AMA will be actively moderated to ensure these rules are not being broken.

  • It is at the discretion of the Marvel Avenger’s Academy team which questions to answer and how much detail to provide.

  • They are unable to discuss any other Marvel games or lines of business such as films, comics, etc.

TinyCo does not care about international customers.
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TinyCo does not care about international customers.

I am really disappointed that they released the final four bobbleheads via klyntarite crates at a time when where normal people are asleep in my timezone. It made all the hard work on acquiring the previous bobbleheads (challenges, etc) wasted since now it will be incomplete for some of us.

If TinyCo would be so kind as to put forth an announcement or disclaimer that international customers are not supported, then it would be of great help that future potential players are aware of the risks when they invest time and money into this increasingly poorly managed game. Heck, make it region locked even.

It's ridiculous how they are so efficient at fixing bugs which helped us get through some unrealistic fights; and closing up an event. Yet things like generators are still producing items. I couldn't even finish ranking Venom to 5 because of the long-hour objectives for the ear plugs. However the mission still remains and the rewards aren't coins, they're klyntarite crystals.

Addendum: Meanwhile, TinyCo representatives in this sub are responding to other issues.

A much deserved high five to TinyCo
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A much deserved high five to TinyCo

Let me segway this by saying.... yes, I know everyone may not agree with what im about to say, and that's OK... but i would like to give credit where credit is due. I have been playing app games long enough to know when a game developer is LISTENING to its audience and quite frankly, TinyCo is one of the very rare and few that scowers social media to determine what their playerbase likes and what they demand. It almost seems as if the game has evolved based on our demands... and for that, I comend them!

Sure, we all have bits and peices we dont like... feedback we never saw come into fruition, but lets face it... its a business at the end of the day. Im just appreciative of the fact that our voices are heard and actions (legitimate actions) have been taken to show that they hear us!

We spoke, they listened, they acted:

  • character abilities other than the basic classes

  • leveling beyond 30

  • leveling using other resources than badges

  • pvp

  • increasing fuel capacity

  • why not zoidburg?

  • costume reserves (mom)

  • collect all button

I mean its an endless list! So yes... we all have our gripes, but i say CHEERS to a developer that listens to its audience and ACTS on their requests.


general - Dear TinyCo - Premium Characters being a hindrance to event instead of being beneficial!
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general - Dear TinyCo - Premium Characters being a hindrance to event instead of being beneficial!

I am P2P and I wanted to voice my concerns about how premium characters are actually making situations a lot worse in timed event.

I have spent a lot of money on this event so far and i was concerned how Spider-man made the situation a lot worse than intended especially with his ranking. The item he needed to get to rank 5 was insane

Plus his newspapers were urgh since that was locked behind lvl8+ Thugs and at the time it was slowing me down cos I was having to do 2x lvl9 bots to beat the lvl8 which did get fixed but wasted a lot of resources in doing so.

Sif = to officially be able to get the yellow belts without sharding, you thought it would be a good idea to lock an item behind a lvl 10 thug, which takes 12 lvl 9's bots to beat a 10 just so you can upgrade them to level 10.

(and going by GotG event, Premium character then were expensive to upgrade and was a hindrance) It makes me feel dubious for future events on premium characters now as to whether they WILL be beneficial or not cos Judging from past 2 events, I feel premium characters are a hindrance to the gameplay

Edit Adding this aswell, for characters that farm items, they really should use building that can have multiple characters instead of a station that locks other characters that uses on the board since it limits what mission you can get to help with decent timed missions for heroics

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