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One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society (1964)

by Herbert Marcuse

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2,127227,181 (3.65)4
One of the most important texts of modern times, Herbert Marcuse's analysis and image of a one-dimensional man in a one-dimensional society has shaped many young radicals' way of seeing and experiencing life. Published in 1964, it fast became an ideological bible for the emergent New Left. As Douglas Kellner notes in his introduction, Marcuse's greatest work was a 'damning indictment of contemporary Western societies, capitalist and communist.' Yet it also expressed the hopes of a radical philosopher that human freedom and happiness could be greatly expanded beyond the regimented thought and behaviour prevalent in established society. For those who held the reigns of power Marcuse's call to arms threatened civilization to its very core. For many others however, it represented a freedom hitherto unimaginable.… (more)
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    P_S_Patrick: Social and political criticism, tending toward libertarianism, promotion of individual responsibility, and against of materialist or political homogeneity.

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Goodish, but neither the first nor best on this theme. ( )
  sfj2 | May 26, 2023 |
Utile tornare ai classici, soprattutto se non li si è mai letti. In Marcuse, al di là dell'iniziale barriera linguistico-ideologica (testo del 1964, ma sembra più vecchio), c'è una delle più concrete condanne del razionalismo tecnologico che guida la società occidentale. In questo senso, questo libro (di cui a essere mitico è già soltanto il titolo) fa il paio con quelli di autori come Anders, Mumford o anche Debord. Si muove tra la filosofia e la sociologia, e uno dei principali meriti del libro è quello di ragionare sulla relazione fra tecnologia, arte e filosofia. Non è inutile dire - come altri qui sotto - che il libro conserva tutta la sua attualità anche a distanza di 50 anni e oltre. ( )
  d.v. | May 16, 2023 |
One of those mystifying books I’ll read over and over again for the hope of understanding just one more sentence.
( )
  HundredFlowersBloom | Jan 27, 2023 |
'(1) I ride in a new automobile. I experience its beauty, shininess, power, convenience--but then I become aware of the fact that in a relatively short time it will deteriorate and need repair; that its beauty and surface are cheap. its power unnecessary, its size idiotic; and that I will not find a parking place. I come to think of my car as a product of one of the Big Three automobile corporations. The latter determine the appearance of my car and make its beauty as well as its cheapness, its power as well as its shakiness, its working as well as its obsolescence. In a way, I feel cheated. I believe that the car is not what it could be, that better cars could 'be made for less money. But the other guy has to live, too. Wages and taxes are too high; turnover is necessary; we have it much better than before. The tension between appearance and reality melts away and both merge in one rather pleasant feeling.

(2) I take a walk in the country. Everything is as it should be: Nature at its best. Birds, sun. soft grass, a view through the trees of the mountains, nobody around, no radio, no smell of gasoline. Then the path turns and ends on the highway. I am back among the billboards, service stations, motels, and roadhouses. I was in a National Park. and I now know that this was not reality. It was a "reservation" something that is being preserved like a species dying out. If it were not for the government, the billboards, hot dog stands, and motels would long since have invaded that piece of Nature. I am grateful to the government; we have it much better than before ...

(3) The subway during evening rush hour. What I see of the people are tired faces and limbs, hatred and anger. I feel someone might at any moment draw a knife-just so. They read, or rather they are soaked in their newspaper or magazine or paperback. And yet, a couple of hours later, the same people, deodorized, washed, dressed-up or down, may be happy and tender, really smile, and forget (or remember). But most of them will probably have some awful togetherness or aloneness at home.'
  rory_online | Sep 14, 2022 |
Rough going for casual reading. ( )
  Popple_Vuh | Oct 24, 2021 |
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» Add other authors (11 possible)

Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Marcuse, Herbertprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Brand, PaulTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Elorza, AntonioTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Gallino, LucianoTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Giani Gallino, TildeTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Kellner, DouglasIntroductionsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Rand, PaulCover designersecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Schmidt, AlfredTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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Dient nicht die Bedrohung durch eine atomare Katastrophe, die das Menschengeschlecht auslöschen könnte, ebensosehr dazu, gerade diejenigen Kräfte zu schützen, die diese Gefahr verewigen?

(Deutsche Übersetzung von Alfred Schmidt)
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(Click to show. Warning: May contain spoilers.)
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One of the most important texts of modern times, Herbert Marcuse's analysis and image of a one-dimensional man in a one-dimensional society has shaped many young radicals' way of seeing and experiencing life. Published in 1964, it fast became an ideological bible for the emergent New Left. As Douglas Kellner notes in his introduction, Marcuse's greatest work was a 'damning indictment of contemporary Western societies, capitalist and communist.' Yet it also expressed the hopes of a radical philosopher that human freedom and happiness could be greatly expanded beyond the regimented thought and behaviour prevalent in established society. For those who held the reigns of power Marcuse's call to arms threatened civilization to its very core. For many others however, it represented a freedom hitherto unimaginable.

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Beacon Press

An edition of this book was published by Beacon Press.

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