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Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships (1964)

by Eric Berne

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2,929394,694 (3.57)31
Psychology. Nonfiction. HTML:

Dr. Eric Berne's classic study of the games underlying all our social interactions, from power games at the office to competitive games with friends.


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Knjiga koja je ubrzo po objavljivanju postala globalni hit. Štampana je u preko dvadeset pet miliona primeraka, na dvadeset jezika, ipak svaka nova generacija otkriva ovu knjigu i tako se održava njena stalna popularnost. Ubraja se medu pedeset najvažnijih psiholoških knjiga objavljenih u proteklih stotinu godina.
Erik Bern, americki pshijatar i psihoanaliticar imao je dragocenu sposobnost da kompleksne pojave ljudske duše i medusobnih odnosa izrazi na jednostavan nacin. Utemeljio je transakcionu analizu (TA) kao novi, širko psihvaceni psihoterapijski pravac.

• Ako ste se nekada zapitali „Zašto se to meni stalno dogada?“ ovo je knjiga za vas!
• Koje transakcije medu ljudima nazivamo igrama?
• Koje igre se igraju u porodici, u partnerstvu, a koje u širem krugu?
• Da li je to „untrašnje dete“ u nama koje voli da se igra?
• Kako izbeci destruktivne igre?
  vanjus | Jun 13, 2023 |
It is a classic book about human behavior which explains the wild and interesting psychological games that you and everybody around you play to manipulate each other in self-destructive and divisive ways and how to tame your ego so you can quit playing and enjoy healthier relationships. ( )
  faiqa_khan | Sep 8, 2022 |
one of my formative books ( )
  aeceyton | Sep 5, 2022 |
“Awareness requires living in the here and now, and not in the elsewhere, the past or the future.”
― Eric Berne, Games People Play

Here's the thing about this book.

I come from a family of Psychologists, social workers, ETC. I have read many books on this subject from human relationships, to dysfunctional people to transactional Analysis and human behavior, maladaptive behavior , personality disorders. I love some of these books, hate others, are in between on most.

This remains one of the few I could not complete.

Not because it is not good. It is. Not because it isn't educational. Believe me it is.

But it is also incredibly complicated. Many real life examples are used which normally I love but for such a short book, there was so much information crammed in, I simply could not understand much of it. Vert complicated writing and not in a format I could really follow.

I felt so bad not liking this! It is one of my dad's favorites but then again he is a Doctor (psychologist....although I guess many a Republican would say that doesn't count) but he actually understood my dilemma. The writing was simply to much for me.

I do recommend it . I have not had this issue in my other reads of this genre. This is the only one and I'd been looking forward to reading it. The only reason I gave up was, not because the writing is not good but because it so crammed with facts to the point my brain started to ache. I do feel bad about not finishing t his one as it does offer alot in terms of the negotiating the ins and outs of toxic or unhealthy relationships. Maybe a better fit for others who have an easier time with this type of writing. ( )
  Thebeautifulsea | Aug 4, 2022 |
Games People Play by Eric Berne, M.D.

Why I picked up this book: I just read I’m OK You’re OK by Thomas Harris, M.D. which was based on Berne’s Transactional Analysis or T.A. I have never red any T.A. material. I learned Berne wrote this stuff and wanted to learn more.

This books gets into the three, Parent, Adult and Child perspectives. It covers many examples people play in work, love, sex, and friendships. This book talks about the many ways that we habitually relate to one another through “games.” The version I read was from 1969 and quickly saw it had dated things.

Why I finished this book: this was an interesting read and there is more I’d like to read on it.

Rating: I’d give it a 4 out of 5 star rating because it had some good ideas and others I did not like too much so I’d rate it as I did. ( )
  DrT | Feb 7, 2022 |
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Psychology with wit ... Perhaps should be discussed only by groups confident in their insight and friendship.
added by KayCliff | editNational Housewives Register Newsletter, Hazel K. Bell (Sep 1, 1976)

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This book is primarily designed to be a sequel to my book 'Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy', but has been planned so that it can be read and understood independently. - Preface
The theory of social intercourse, which has been outlined at some length in 'Transactional Analysis', may be summarised as follows.
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(Click to show. Warning: May contain spoilers.)
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Wikipedia in English (2)

Psychology. Nonfiction. HTML:

Dr. Eric Berne's classic study of the games underlying all our social interactions, from power games at the office to competitive games with friends.


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Haiku summary
Games aren't always fun -
Sexist analysis, too.
I am not OK.

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3 98
3.5 22
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Tantor Media

An edition of this book was published by Tantor Media.

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