Writer, seamstress and artist. This blog is dedicated to entertaining those who enjoy good stories and laughter.

Generally I post or reblog intriguing, original or very humorous pictures, gifs and thoughts regarding the following fandoms:

X-Men, Once Upon a Time, Doctor Who, Jane Austen, Firefly, Harry Potter, Downton Abbey, etc.

I try to stay away from controversial subjects, although I will reblog occasional posts relating to the treatment of women, or the Pro-Life movement, if it presents information in a new and thought-provoking way.

As a writer and seamstress, I'll also include posts related to these areas of creativity.




Open for discussion.

Why would Oliver need time alone at Felicity’s mother’s grave without Felicity?

possibly because he feels guilty?

I’m leaning towards the Mama Smoak theory, but this is a valid point. Felicity may have just been too overcome and gone back to the car, while he stayed behind to deal with his own feelings and gathering courage to face Felicity again.

Obviously they are trying to obscure what Felicity’s mobility is at this point in the future, so that’s a fact to take into consideration.

Favorite OUAT Costume?

Favorite Fairy Tale Frocks, y'all? I’m working on a new post!  I know Red’s Cloak and Belle’s Blue Gown are super popular, but what else do you love from “Once Upon a Time?”

Answer below, or reblog with your reply!

Spoiler Tags on Reblogs

So I’m reminding myself that tumblr doesn’t keep the tags when reblogging something, so I have to manually type in the tags when reblogging and replying. My apologies if I’ve missed something in the past and a spoiler has slipped through your tumblr savior nets! I’m making a resolution to do better! :) 


Okay so I have to go home tonight and rewatch episode 401 but at the end during the grave scene doesn’t it say like 6 months later and in the time that the show has been in only three months have passed so i don’t think it is felicity in the grave. I think the producers are just trying to work us up and it’s working! Also Emily Bett Rickards has been filming episodes after episode 10 has she not? So I don’t think Felicity is dead! I hope Felicity isn’t dead!

The more I think about it, the more I don’t think she is either, but that scene really had an awful emotional punch, didn’t it? 

The question still remains as to why she wasn’t with Oliver at the grave. Did they break up? Is she in hiding? Is she in a coma?


Anyways I’m ready to plan olicitys wedding. diggle is best man obvs, but who’s felicity’s maid of honor?

Personally I’d want for it to be either a. mama smoak b. curtis or c. barry, but that’s kinda weird.

I’d kind of hope it would be Thea, since they’ll be sisters. 

So let me get this straight….


We have Baby Neal (forever cringing at the name)on the show already. We have Zelena and Robin’s baby already. There’s Philip and Aurora’s baby. Hints at a Rumbelle baby have been released (Emilie is preggers) And Ginny and Josh are expecting another child (which might implicate the show, it did last time). So is this just gonna be Once Upon a Baby? You might as well throw in a CS and OQ baby while your at it (Because if you can bring someone back from hell, I’m sure you can reverse Regina’s anti-baby poison/spell). Hell, give the dwarves a baby to raise! YOU GET A BABY, YOU GET A BABY, EVERYBODY GETS A BABY! photo oprah6_zpsf2enozpo.gif

I’m kind of hoping that while they are in the Underworld, more time passes than they think, and when they come back the kids are all like 10 years older. That would be a lot more interesting.

What I’d Like To See From Emilie’s Pregnancy and It’s Relation to OUaT


You know what?

I honestly hope they write in Emilie’s real life pregnancy and work it into Belle’s character.

I want Belle to learn what Rumple did to get his magic back and I want her to leave him for good. I want her to learn that she is with child and see her determined to raise them without Rumple because she doesn’t want him to hurt their kid the way he’s hurt her, over and over, saying that he loves her more than the power only to belittle her and her love again and again.

I want to see Rumple learn that Belle is pregnant and BEG her to take him back, on his knees because that’s his child and his wife. He wants a “second” chance. I want to see Belle finally tell him “no”. I want to see her walking away from him and not look back because if she does she knows she’ll go running to him again.

I want to see Belle raise this child without Rumple. See her asking Snow for baby tips and going to Emma for ways on how to calm a baby down. Asking David to baby-proof her place. Killian building her a mobile for the baby’s crib. The dwarves standing outside her door in case Rumple tries to come through. Regina shoving it in Rumple’s face that he’s lost everything. Just see her with the gang in ways she hasn’t when she’s with Rumple.

Give me Rumple watching Belle picking their kid up from the bus stop. I want to see him in pain because he knows that could have been his life, with his wife and his child, if only he’d given up the power.

Give me Belle telling her child about their father, about how she thought she saw the man behind the beast, and tried to love him as best she could. I want her to tell her child that sometimes love isn’t enough, but you always have to try. I want her to tell her child to follow their dreams, to do what THEY want to do, not what anyone else wants them to do.

Just please don’t turn Belle into the helpless victim of Rumple’s actions, again. Let her stand up for herself because this time it’s not just her and her love at stake, it’s her child’s future. Don’t let Rumple have it all again. He’s proven he doesn’t deserve Belle; he only deserves the pain of watching her back as she leaves.

It needs to happen. It makes sense both logically and poetically. Will OUAT give it to us? Probably not. But I’m bad at giving up hope.

Soooo… I guess Will Scarlet is really Hook’s half brother….




is it a coincidence that he found THAT book?

Will = William = Liam

HMMMM! Okay, I am not sure if the timelines work out, but honestly I was so certain that Robin was going to be Killian’s brother and was totally thrown when his name was “Liam.” Like… “WHAT? There’s NOT another crazy connection on the OUAT family tree?”

So, yeah, Will Scarlet is pretty darn close to my original guess, so I’ll buy it! 

I made a Shadowcat! http://seamstressconfessions.blogspot.com/2015/11/kitty-pryde-shadowcat-doll.html

I’ve been sick now for 4 months and unable to work much at all during that time. We went through my costume stash and identified some that I could sell in an effort to bring in some more funds.
These are mostly between 5 and 7 years old. They are clean and in good repair, but because they were made awhile ago, they are not up to my current standards, hence why they are listed for relatively low prices.

The biggest issue with most of them is that there are exposed seams on many interiors, seams that I would now serge to prevent fraying. The bonus to this, however, is that this makes for fairly easy alterations if you need to take anything in! (Not all of the zippers are as smoothly inserted as I would do now, but they all work quite well!)

For more photos, prices, and details on purchasing, please visit the Facebook album here.