Wednesday, March 13, 2024

And They Won't Stop

Dems leaning into immigration is a mistake, especially when it's largely based on "well if we explain things carefully to our focus groups...."

Nobody Could've Predicted

Everybody thinks they can survive America's Worst Boss.
Former CNN anchor Don Lemon landed a big interview for the first episode of his new digital show “The Don Lemon Show,” which was set to start streaming Monday on the social media platform X.

But his interview subject — X owner Elon Musk — apparently wasn’t fond of it. Lemon announced Wednesday that Musk had canceled their deal to stream his show first.

Some Sanity

Seems like a pretty big victory against America's greatest governor, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
But on 11 March, a settlement between Florida education officials and civil rights attorneys challenged the state law. The settlement clarified that the law does not prohibit the discussion of LGBTQ+ people, or prevent anti-bullying rules based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It also does not disallow Gay-Straight Alliance groups in schools.

The law also does not affect library books not being used for instruction in the classroom. But for books with incidental references to LGBTQ+ characters or same-sex couples, it was ruled in the settlement that “they are not instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity any more than a math problem asking students to add bushels of apples is instruction on apple farming”.

Previously, many LGBTQ+ and civil rights groups have pointed out the legislation is extremely vague, meaning many teachers could become cautious even mentioning they have a same-sex partner or having a rainbow sticker in their classroom, for fear of being sued by parents or losing their job.
Had some pissed off comments for all the people who expressed little concern about this bigotry, but I'll save those for another day.


Shop while you eat! (Ad, I get a commission).

Star Power

Nothing especially against Jesse Ventura - dude got a rail line built - but I suspect The Kids don't even know who he is.
The involvement of Mr. Rodgers — who is expected to start for the New York Jets this fall, at the height of campaign season — or of Mr. Ventura could add star power and independent zeal to Mr. Kennedy’s outsider bid.
We all love Predator (1987) but...

Maybe Somebody Should Do Something

I admit I can't always keep track of all the minutiae, but "FBI seemed to be not as aggressive as they could have been in trying to find classified material" seems to have been a thing.
On Monday afternoon, CNN published an interview with a former Mar-a-Lago employee that bolsters one of the lingering possibilities surrounding Trump’s action: that he may still have documents at one of his other properties.

Our Sister Organization

That other news organziation treated Fox as one of the club, and considered criticism of them to be criticsm of them all, was long very maddening. It's much better than it used to be, but the important point is Fox isn't any worse than it used to be. People think it is, but only because a lot more video clips circulate, not because it is actually any worse.

This kind of thing isn't new, even though of course this example is.

Now if only "we" could get news organizations to remember for more than 2 hours that cops lie.


I am sure there will be no new horrors today.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Tuesday Night

Rock on.

Happy Hour

Get happy.

Seems Like A Problem

But as brain genius Ben Shapiro once said, they can just sell their homes and move.
In a drastic attempt to protect their beachfront homes, residents in Salisbury, Massachusetts, invested $500,000 in a sand dune to defend against encroaching tides. After being completed last week, the barrier made from 14,000 tons of sand lasted just 72 hours before it was completely washed away, according to WCVB. “We got hit with three storms—two in January, one now—at the highest astronomical tides possible,” Rick Rigoli, who oversaw the dune project, told the station. Ron Guilmette, whose tennis court was destroyed in previous storms along the beach, added that he now doesn’t know how much his property is worth or if he will stay in the area. He calls the situation on Salisbury Beach “catastrophic.” “I don’t know what the solution is,” Guilmette said. Beachfront homes in the area started being damaged by strong winds and high tides after a winter storm in December 2022 removed previous protective dunes, according to WBTS-CD.

Bye Ken

He'd already announced that he wasn't running for re-election, but now he's just getting the hell out. I guess he was "one of the good ones," by the standard of such things.



Surely Reporters Won't Fall For The Next Line Of Horseshit Emanating From A Partisan Republican Investigation

Mainstream media outlets fell for obvious nonsense, as they always do. And why did Garland appoint him? Why did he let it be released?

"Only Republicans can conduct fair investigations with appropriate vigor" - the Washington rule of investigations - is belied by every single one of them for the past 30 years.

But They Will

Getting reporters to accurately explain GOP policies, even when they say them loudly and proudly, is difficult.

Republican politician: Poor people should go into a wood chipper!

Reporter: The politician touts his innovative plans for ending poverty and experts from the American Eugenics Society agree they would be very effective.

Probably The Right Call

Trump purging the RNC and replacing it with his lackeys is funny, but it's also likely the case that it was filled with a bunch of OTHER corrupt failsons/daughters who barely did any real work.
Donald Trump’s newly installed leadership team at the Republican National Committee on Monday began the process of pushing out dozens of officials, according to two people close to the Trump campaign and the RNC.
Watching reporters be eager to manipulated by the GOP these days is sad, in part because even though they, too, played politics on easy mode, one had to respect a certain level of competence from Bush era Repeblican operatives.

Ari Fleischer and Ken Mehlman were monsters, but they were good at their jobs!


They keep coming.

Monday, March 11, 2024