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Posts published in “Day: July 13, 2008”

The man who is Pro-Life

It's about time someone put together a real profile of the Idaho Senate candidate - formerly Marvin Richardson - who now, legally, goes by the name "Pro-Life."

Nathaniel Hoffman at the Boise Weekly has crafted a well-balanced sketch, sympathetic in some ways but leading through the embarrassing stuff as well, about the strawberry farmer who lives near Emmett. (On the fallout from divorce from his first wife: "She had a psychiatrist who said because I didn't trust the water system, the school system, the government, I was paranoid. I had a psychiatrist who said her psychiatrist was stupid.")

Mainly, though, he emerges as no one's stereotype, rather as someone who almost defiantly does his own thinking, no matter the unusual path that may take him. (He is a vegetarian, and left the Mormon church largely over differences on that specific subject.) The phrase "Idaho conservative" often can stand in for a whole lot of people who seem to march in lockstep and engage in little serious individualized thought, but after reading this profile you won't say that about Pro-Life.

At the town hall

Recommended read today about a meeting in Idaho - a town hall bill set by 1st District Representative Bill Sali.

The account, by Bubblehead on the Stupid Shall be Punished blog, is a little longish, but the detail is telling. Bubblehead isn't a Sali fan, but he sounds willing to give him a fair hearing and his account of the give and take says quite a lot about Sali, and more about a lot of his constituents.