July 29, 2008 - 6:58pm

Smith gave money to Stevens after investigation was public

U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith's political action committee gave money to indicted U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) three weeks after it became public knowledge that Stevens was under investigation by the FBI, according to Federal Election Commission files.

Smith's PAC, Impact America, gave $10,000 to Stevens on June 27, 2007. Twenty days earlier, Stevens admitted he was under investigation by the FBI in an interview with The Washington Post.

Stevens was indicted Tuesday by a federal grand jury on seven charges relating to Stevens' alleged concealing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gifts and home renovations from VECO Corp., an Alaskan oil company.

Calls to Smith's campaign were not immediately returned.

BRITTEN CHASE is a PolitickerOR.com Reporter and can be reached via email at brit.chase@politickeror.com.
Related topics: Gordon Smith, Ted Stevens


The Stevens-Smith story has

The Stevens-Smith story has a second chapter.

07/29/08 11:19 pm

Ted Stevens Caught on Wiretap!

I think you'd really enjoy this video of Ted Stevens' wiretapped phone call:


07/31/08 5:18 pm

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