
Support anarchist prisoner Yevhen Karakashev from Ukraine


We are Chorny Kvit - an anonimous libertarian human rights and counter-repressive initiative from Ukraine and we launching our first soli campaign. We ask you to support us and our comrade through media and in any way possible in your conditions!

ACTION WEEK / PRAGUE / 20 – 26 MAY 2024 /

From 20 to 26 May 2024, Prague will host the Action Week, whose motto is:
“Together against capitalist wars and capitalist peace.”

Each weekday during this week will see a different event. There will be presentations, discussions, fundraisers, protests and various types of direct action. Then the end of the week will be devoted to a bookfair and an internationalist conference, where we will try to shift from theoretical matters towards the coordination of concrete anti-war activities.

November 17-25: Global Days of Action Against Militarism & All Wars

October 4, 2023

The urgency to take action against war worldwide is obvious to all. The ultimate escalation to a globally devastating war seems much easier to imagine than a future without war. The destruction of the earth seems closer than the liberation from any domination. It's time for us as anarchists to stand up and organize internationally with a new show of force against all war and military.

Conflicts and anarchists

Conflicts and anarchists

From Pramen

We were prompted to write this critical text by a situation that happened recently in social networks. In brief: we were invited to an anarchist group, where there was a person X., who was responsible for some pretty big problems within the anarchist movement. As a result of a conversation about X. we were removed from the chat room because we were considered to be engaging in “policing” and “blackmail”.

Granice człowieczeństwa (Borders of humanity)



The film was made in the first year of events on the Polish-Belarusian border, when the eastern corridor leading to the EU countries from Belarus and Russia was opened on a large scale. In the movie people from an anarchist collective, the No Border Team, active at the polish-belarusian and polish-ukrainian border will talk about the current situation, state racism, their struggles and support.

Blockade of war propaganda in Russia, Ukraine and Czech Republic

From Stop War Propaganda
October 4, 2023

During September 2023, several entities actively involved in war propaganda have been attacked, especially in so-called Russia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic. For direct actions were used method “initiation of evacuation” (1). The following targets were under attack (2)...

Antti Rautiainen: Autonomous Action, Anarchy And Ukraine

From Avtonom

This video on YouTube channel "The Right Podcast" includes an overview of Autonomous Action and an interview with Antti Rautiainen who was exiled from Russia. Antti talks about the history of Autonomous Action, the current website that arose from the movement, events in Russia leading up to his exile, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, anarchist resistance to Russia, work with political prisoners and more.

Refusals to fight from both sides of the front: entering the second autumn of war

Refusals to fight from both sides of the front: entering the second autumn of war

From Anarchist Communist Group
September 6, 2023

The following article originally appeared on the libcom site. It was written by the comrades of the Ukrainian anarchist group Assembly

The bloody counter-offensive dragged on for months, which turned into a new meat grinder on the Somme after the new Verdun battle near Bakhmut, is being noticeably reflected in the social atmosphere. The interlocutor of Assembly, driving trains in the Kharkov subway, anonymously told back on June 25:

A Talk on the Ukrainian-Russian War

A Talk on the Ukrainian-Russian War

Based on a talk I gave at the August 12, 2023 Los Angeles Anarchist Book Fair
by Wayne Price

When the Russian state invaded Ukraine, I was immediately on the side of the Ukrainian people. Mainly this was because, like most people, I hate oppression, exploitation, and bullying. I am on the side of the oppressed, the exploited, the beaten, the marginalized, and the dominated. Especially whenever they fight back. While my political opinions have evolved over the years, this attitude has continued to be at the heart of my worldview.

Sergei "Banana" Ilchenko fought to the end

From Чорний Стяг (Black Flag) via Organise Magazine
June 11, 2023

Sergei “Banana” Ilchenko
Died: 11-06-23 Septic shock resulting from injuries sustained two months earlier in a Russian air strike.

Banana was a combatant with the anarchist group "Black Flag."

"This morning, on June 11, Sergei Ilchenko, our friend "Banana," died as a result of septic shock.

New Pamphlet: Against capitalist wars, against capitalist peace

New Pamphlet: Against capitalist wars, against capitalist peace


In Ukraine, the Czech Republic, the UK, Italy, Syria, France etc… All over the world there is a voice against capitalist wars and also against capitalist peace. Only class war can end this terror and that is what we mean when we say No War but the Class War!


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