Attack on West Side REMAX Offices (Olympia)

broken windows

From Puget Sound Anarchists

On the night of March 15th under the cover of darkness and the loving gaze of the moon and stars, a group of anarchists gathered to attack one of the many manifestations of our enemies – police, property, genocide and apartheid states. We discussed various possible targets – settling on the west side offices for REMAX at 211 Kenyon St – talked dispersal routes and other such things, shared party favors, donned the black masks and headed off.

France: Limousin Anarchist Bookfair, June 15-16

From CIRA Limousin (International Center for Research on Anarchism)

Anarchist Book Fair
At the Bookstore and the Libertarian Country Theater in Château de Ligoure
Saturday, June 15, & Sunday, June 16, 2024

Château de Ligoure dates back to the 19th century. It was built on the initiative of Frédéric Le Play, one of the fathers of the social economy and an engineer who knew how to save money.

Finland: Open Call for Musta Pispala 2024 Festival! July 12-14

From Musta Pispala
March 3, 2024

Musta Pispala is coming.

The new year has started to move through the gears, and so has the organizing of the new Musta Pispala. The time of the festival of this year has been set to be from 12th to 14th of July of 2024, so you can already mark it in your calendars!

Offer programme for Musta Pispala 2024 festival!


2 ducklings being held in two gloved hands

From Unoffensive Animal

28th March. North UK.
Received anonymously via email:

With the moon as our accomplice and determined to take part in a prison break we approached a barn and pulled our tools out. After cutting through the mesh, forcing a window open and climbing through a hole in the wall, tens of thousands of ducklings greeted us with high pitched sounds.

Australia: Wildcat Anarchist Fair, June 9

From Wildcat Anarchist Fair

Wildcat Anarchist Fair takes place on the unceded lands of the Gadigal and Wangal people. It is a space for community organisers, artists, and activists to come together, exchange ideas, learn about each others’ work, and build relationships.

This event is organised by members of the Food not Bombs, Jura Books, and Black Flag Sydney.

Review: Flower – Heel of the Next / Physical God EP

From DIY Conspiracy
February 5, 2024
Reviewed by Azafell

NYC's Flower return with a new single featuring powerful bass, aggressive crustcore guitar with melancholic tones, precise drumming, and fierce anarcha-feminist vocals railing against corporate and systemic oppression.

Emma Goldman & Reginald Reynolds on Palestine

From AnarchistStudies.Blog
by A W Zurbrugg
March 24, 2024

Emma Goldman & Reginald Reynolds on Palestine: some notes on anti-Semitism & Zionism before World War 2

However shocking are recent events in and around Gaza, they do not arise like lightning on a clear day and out of blue skies and may be seen in historical context. This text goes a little way towards sketching anarchist perspectives on this historical and political conflict.

Peace News: Still for nonviolent anarchism

From Peace News, Issue: 2671: April - May 2024
Editorial by Milan Rai

Anarchism is not just 'spontaneity and structurelessness', argues Milan Rai

Back in the 1970s, Peace News used to advertise itself in the pages of Freedom, the anarchist paper with these words: ‘“Peace News” – the other anarchist weekly.... “Peace News” for the theory and practice of nonviolent anarchism.’

Chicago Anarchist Skillshare, April 19-21

From Chicago Anarchist Skillshare
March 4, 2024

The Spring Anarchist Skillshare is happening April 19-21!

This Skillshare we are going to be focusing on Direct action and In-the-Streets type trainings and information. With workshops such as:

Know Your Rights, Arrest Wills, Digital Security, Direct Action 101, Anti-Kidnapping, Grand Jury Resistance, Prisoner Support, Network Mapping, a Street Medic Meetup ++ More!

Carrie Sealine & Aaron Aarons: Two Bay Area Obituaries

From Slingshot
Issue #140: Summer 2024 (March 22, 2024)

Carrie Sealine – 1957 – 2020
By Elle Dee and C.C. Brigade

This obituary of a beloved Oakland anarchist we lost over three years ago was written for an issue of a magazine that did not go to print. Although we are a bit late getting it out into the world, her life was beautiful and her legacy is timeless.


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