Snitch David Agranoff Confronted at Speech in Bloomington, IN

From Animal Liberation Press Office Green Scare snitch David Agranoff was shouted down at the beginning of his book talk in Bloomington, IN on April 7th, 2024. We distributed fliers with his picture and information to the event attendees, and we called him out for the coward and snitch that he is. He and an event organizer quickly took it upon themselves to collect the fliers and physically usher us out of the event.

Louise Bolotin 1961-2022

From Kate Sharpley Library
April 24, 2024

News has reached us of the death of Louise Bolotin, in October 2022 from bowel cancer. Louise will be remembered by people in many different places for her rebellious spirit, her Jewish atheism and her commitment to fighting sexism. The strength of her character meant that she sometimes clashed with people in the anarchist movement, but that can also be seen as a strength.

Chile: Flaming Barricades for Anarchist and Mapuche Prisoners

Via Abolition Media

“In the early hours of today, April 26, we carried out a propaganda action in support of our comrades kidnapped in the prisons of the $hilean state. We vindicate each of your struggles against this system of death that only seeks exploitation in pursuit of its economic interests, destroyers of the earth and life.

Our Affinity Is Our Manifesto

Our Affinity Is Our Manifesto

From It's Going Down

Original title: Our Affinity Is Our Manifesto: Interview with Mexico City-Based Feminist-Anarchist Affinity Group

The following is an interview with an unnamed feminist-anarchist affinity group based in Mexico City conducted and translated by IGD contributor Scott Campbell. An edited version of this text appears in the newly released anthology Constellations of Care: Anarcha-Feminism in Practice, edited by Cindy Barukh Milstein and published by Pluto Press.

“No Gods, No Masters, No Husbands”

Via Freedom News UK

from Pikara Magazine.

The participation of women in anarchist print culture on an international scale was essential for the extraordinary dissemination of the libertarian movement’s press and editorial production from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th.

Chile: Interview with Espacio Fénix EN/ES

Via Dark Nights

Opening the tensions of dialogue, we present the following section of interviews with individuals, collectivities and related spaces that make up the anarchic body in different parts of the world. The interviews are a valuable contribution to the observation in detail and depth; they come, in a certain way, to broaden the view to give us feedback among comrades and to debate with perspectives and projections, that although they may be different, they converge in the ideas and practices of freedom against all authority.

Horizons Blossom, Borders Vanish: Anarchism and Yiddish Literature

From YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

Spanning the last two centuries, Horizons Blossom, Borders Vanish: Anarchism and Yiddish Literature by Anna Elena Torres combines archival research on the radical press and close readings of Yiddish poetry to offer an original literary study of the Jewish anarchist movement.


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