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Australian Communist 
Spring 2023


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Announcements & Events

Greetings to DFLP on its 55th anniversary


The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine is one of the constituent bodies in the Palestinian resistance. Tomorrow marks the 55th anniversary of the founding of the DFLP. We received a message from them and have sent a reply. They are both below.

more...- Posted on 2024 Feb 20


The Solomon Islands and the 'Look North' policy.


The Solomon Islands goes to the polls on 16 April with the present government of Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare expected to retain power. The ruling Sogavare administration remains popular with Solomon Islanders although it has been demonised in recent years by right-wing defence and security hawks in Canberra, backed by the US. An assessment from the right-wing Lowy Institute, influential in the corridors of power in Canberra, therefore, has provided ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Feb 19


Workers’ power and closing the loopholes industrial laws


The federal Labor Government has succeeded in having its Closing the Loopholes industrial laws passed through both Houses of Parliament.

The new laws will find their way into the Fair Work Act and become operational over the next 6 to 12 months.

more...- Posted on 2024 Feb 17


ADF in trouble as personnel leave in droves


Cold War US-led diplomatic hostilities and sabre-rattling continue to escalate across the Indo-Pacific region on the daily basis. An official statement from Duntroon has, therefore, proved particularly revealing when placed in the context of developments in the Western Pacific. While the statement was primarily concerned with training provision and serious shortages of personnel, it revealed the sense of urgency taking place within military planning circles inside the corridors of power, ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Feb 11


Current trends in Australian agriculture


Australian agriculture in 2024 sees the continuation of the trends we have regularly reported on in previous years. Foreign-owned companies continue to buy up big, with more Australian farms and agribusinesses entering foreign hands.

more...- Posted on 2024 Feb 11


Heads must roll to clear Defence of US loyalists


Senior figures within the Australian Department of Defence are agents of influence for US imperialism and must be removed if we are ever to have the capacity for independent decision-making in matters of foreign policy.

more...- Posted on 2024 Feb 09


Iran, Iraq and the isolation of US imperialism in the Middle East


High-level diplomatic talks between the Iraqi and US governments about a US military withdrawal from the country reveal the changing balance of forces across the region has had its effect upon the ruling presidential administration of Abdul Latif Rashid in Baghdad. US policy against the Iranian Revolution in 1979 and since has rebounded; the Middle East has responded, effectively challenging traditional hegemonic positions, and pushing Iran into a regional leadership ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Feb 07


Hobsons Bay community rally for Palestine


On Friday 2 February, 200 residents of Hobsons Bay community, western suburbs of Melbourne/Naarm, gathered outside the electorate office of our local member and Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, Tim Watts.


more...- Posted on 2024 Feb 07


Barngarla join fight to reposition Pt. Lincoln desal plant


The Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation, which led the successful fight to block the proposed nuclear waste dump at Kimba on Eyre Peninsula, has joined Pt. Lincoln aquaculture companies to oppose a $313 million 3.5 gigalitre desalination plant at Billy Light’s Point about 1km across the water from the local marina.

more...- Posted on 2024 Feb 02


Nauru’s diplomatic switch to China is a setback for US imperialism


A brief, short diplomatic statement from the government of Nauru, that it had decided to switch diplomatic allegiance from Taiwan to China, was largely overlooked by western media outlets. It was not expected and obscured by the Taiwanese general elections only two days earlier. The timing of the diplomatic switch together with the terse nature of the statement, however, would tend to reveal a major diplomatic stand-off has taken place; ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 29




Nearly every day there are articles in the newspapers about China’s economy. These are some recent examples from the Melbourne Age

more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 28


Reverse the decision to suspend funding to UNWRA


The anti-Palestinian Australian government has acted speedily to suspend promised allocations of recently announced funding to the United Nations Relief and Works for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA).
This was announced by Foreign Minister Penny Wong immediately following allegations by Israel that some UNRWA staff members had participated in the October 7 Hamas actions.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 27


Locally, and internationally, support for Palestine continues


At yesterday’s (January 26) Invasion Day rallies, many tens of thousands of Australians marched to demand that the date of Australia Day be changed so that it no longer commemorates the violent seizure of the lands of Australian First Peoples by British colonialism.
At these rallies, it was not uncommon to see Palestinian Australians carrying the Palestinian flag in support of the Australian First Peoples’ struggles, nor to hear First ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 27


January 26, what’s to celebrate but struggle?


When Jacinta Nampijinpa Price outraged First Peoples by saying British “settlement” had a positive impact on them, she joked about her convict ancestors sent to Australia. 
It’s true, England wasn’t kind to a huge and suffering underclass created by rising capitalism. Forced transportation ripped families and lives apart. But stolen First Peoples’s lands eventually brought better homes and better lives for most of their children’s children.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 25


Imperialists divided and isolated in the face of resolute Palestinian resistance


As the first month of 2024 draws to a close, Palestinian people's resistance to the Israeli Defense Force's aggression in Gaza and the West Bank remains strong. 

Global support actions for the Palestinian people continues to grow, whether it be action in small regional towns or major cities like Melbourne, London, Paris or Cairo or New York.

more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 24


The eclipse of economic rationalism?


A recent report from the OECD has revealed how governments are increasingly using tax-payers money for state-controlled programs, as GDP continues to decline. In fact, the global economy is on present track to record the slowest GDP growth in three decades. 

An official IMF projection has already concluded that Australia will face a major downturn to a mere 1.2 per cent economic growth this year. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 22


Can Australian workers manufacture electric cars? Yes we can – dump the nuclear subs.


On Sunday 21 January 2024, there was a "Holden Day" event held at the beachside Adelaide suburb of Glenelg. Hundreds of Holden cars manufactured in Australia were on display for the thousands of people who attended the event. 


more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 22


Sovereignty, a message to whitefellas


Black Sovereignty sends a powerful message to whitefellas about what unceded land means to First Peoples. It tells us wherever we stand, we are on stolen land. It reminds us every part of these lands were defended in armed struggle and in so-called peace. It speaks of reckonings, of just treaties, of reparations to be won in ongoing battles.


more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 18


When whitefellas dance Ceremony, it’s time for consequences


The so-called sovereign citizen movement is a puppet of the most vicious wing of US imperialism, that wants rules and laws only to benefit itself. The puppet master wants to make war, exploit lives and destroy environments with zero consequences. 

Sovereign citizens claim that laws, like taxes, are ‘illegal’ if they stop citizens ‘freely’ living their lives. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 18


Multipolarism – the new Kautskyism


It is clear that U.S global hegemony is on the decline while economic formations like BRICS and Imperialist powers Russia and China are growing in global dominance. 

The U.S since the dissolution of the social-imperialist Soviet Union in 1991 has since been the most powerful economic and military power with little competition due to the destruction of its main contender, the U.S.S.R. This led to bourgeois journalists, think tanks, politicians, ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 14


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