
Former NATO official: “It is important for our American friends who watch Tucker Carlson to understand that Mr. Carlson is, in fact, exposing them to Marxist-Leninist propaganda that is *identical* to the anti-American propaganda of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.” by throwaway12345672223 in UkrainianConflict

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I wonder if you realize the sane conservatives have completely lost control of the Republican party. Until you guys grab the reins again, the rest of us have to fight this constant tide of bullshit coming from the party - ergo any sane conservative is going to be caught in the crossfire while we try to maintain sanity, civility and order.

The only way I personally see this country healing (without something drastic like civil war, or Brexit-level stupidity), is the Republican party falling to pieces, and the Democrat party splitting in two between its centrist/conservative and liberal halves.

Until then, so long as people like you keep supporting the absolute clown show that is the modern Republican Party, nothing meaningful will be accomplished, and shit is just gonna keep getting worse for all of us; their 15-year-long scorched earth policy of arguing against everything the Democrats do, just because the Democrats suggested it, is going to kill us all.

(this has been going on basically since Obama got elected, when the Democrats very nearly had a supermajority in congress, and the Republicans flipped the fuck out, circled the wagons, and decided to never work with the Democrats on anything ever again. They have since never relented, and only gotten more extreme as they lose more and more elections)

If you don't want the measles... by [deleted] in facepalm

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 16 points17 points  (0 children)

The worst part is their unwavering belief that they are helping. They truly believe that things like corporal punishment, hiding books, isolating people, controlling their bodies, handing out weapons of mass death, privatizing essential services, cutting off social services, forcing religion into schools and politics, etc. will all contribute to making a better society, rather than the dystopian and fascist nightmare we can clearly see developing around us as they gain ground in various states.

Nobody ever thought of themselves as the bad guy, and stupid people are so certain of themselves, while the truly wise are full of doubt. Fascism seems to be a feature of Democracy, because we just cannot seem to maintain the education and individual security (in terms of shelter, financial security, etc.) necessary to keep the cancer from growing. Find enough stupid, desperate and/or greedy people and tell them what they want to hear, and you’ve got yourself an army of goose steppers.

‘Robin Hood’ energy strikers give free power to French schools, hospitals, low-income homes by Le_Burg in UpliftingNews

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 16 points17 points  (0 children)

How many manflesh meals a day are we talking here? I tend to get a little peckish around elevenses. And brunch. And ..

When US Healthcare is Fucked by [deleted] in facepalm

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 4 points5 points  (0 children)

And I’m sure you were given all of this relevant information ahead of time, along with alternatives, so you were reasonably able to make a sensible and cost-effective choice related to your well-being, budget and desire to continue living.

God Bless America 🙌 🔫🇺🇸

Accidental Escher by [deleted] in confusing_perspective

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 4 points5 points  (0 children)

We just had a pond with a school of particularly ill-tempered sea-bass.

I think this belongs here. (: by [deleted] in gatesopencomeonin

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 7 points8 points  (0 children)

We definitely live in the golden age of self-expression. Society is shifting into a model that attempts to allow any and every person to express themselves in whatever manner they see fit with some exceptions, particularly on the basis of sexual consent and personal liberty - e.g. expressing yourself as someone sexually attracted to children, or someone that believes certain groups of people should be oppressed, enslaved or killed due to unchosen characteristics, is likely to remain off limits.

If during this transitory period the worst thing you can say is that its confusing, then that’s a pretty big win in the grand scheme of things, when you compare to most other social transitory periods in history (it usually involves war, edit: or at least some kind of widespread suffering that instigated social upheaval in response).

[image] Practice makes progress by _Cautious_Memory in GetMotivated

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 4 points5 points  (0 children)

There’s doing art for a living, and there’s doing art to contribute to the overarching human story. Not all art needs to be meaningful or awe-inspiring. Same with any profession. We can’t all be creative inventors in our respective fields.

Cursed Underwear by AnuDroid in cursedcomments

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Please do try to keep your ‘conclusions’ off the testing apparatus.

Terrible salt shaker by Kaz3girl4 in terriblefacebookmemes

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Indeed. Its one thing to do what humans have always done for millions of years; fighting each-other for survival in nature’s open battlefield. Its another to use modern technology, logistics and purpose to create human murder factories of who are, ostensibly, your own people.

Mongo is not meant for that.. by smulikHakipod in ProgrammerHumor

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 10 points11 points  (0 children)

The tech world is basically:

Bad news: you’re going to be surrounded by idiots

Good news: Its REALLY easy to separate yourself from the herd if you understand what you’re doing

Bad news: That will probably put you in leadership positions over these idiots, so you’re responsible for their fuckups

Good news: Alcohol is still affordable

And all of them are rogue-likes by EeK09 in gaming

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 1 point2 points  (0 children)

If there’s any kind of meta-level progression between runs where you get some kind of long-term reward for your time (as opposed to restarting the gauntlet in exactly the same state it was the first time), then its generally considered a Roguelite.

But, since there’s a lot of different elements that make up a Roguelike, bending even one of them could get it the Roguelite label. Its all very vague and hand-wavey depending on how dogmatic someone is about all of the features that make a Roguelike a Roguelike.

A man charged with murder listens while his Google searches from the day his wife disappeared are read in court by musicman5013 in Wellthatsucks

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You can practically be identified by a small handful of datums now. Your browser version, OS version, hardware profile, etc. all kinds of basic information that browsers use to alter how a website is rendered, which is sent outward on the internet without care, can almost identify you individually.

As always, if you’re gonna do something illegal, get a burner device.

meirl by 6RatasOnMy6 in meirl

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Laughs manically in Axel

We remain undetected! Muahahahahaaaa!

Mobile game ads be like. by Mawirick_1 in Warframe

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Just biding my time until sexy puzzles go mainstream.

Should I tell him by donabro in ProgrammerHumor

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Real self-starter, with upper-middle management written all over them.

AITA for not making my brother and his fiancée a wedding cake after they refused to pay me? by ilovebaking22 in AmItheAsshole

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That or they fucked up their finances for the wedding, realized at the last minute they couldn’t afford to pay for the cake, and adopted the only strategy left to scumbags; shift blame by lying, diverting attention away from their own fuckups.

Inverse Cramer by slywalkers in wallstreetbets

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yep, he’s paid to give bad advice to the herd, so the rich and powerful can anticipate their behavior, while he plays on a razor’s edge of constantly giving bad advice, while still managing to convince rubes to believe him.

Just like with Trump, when people have been sucked into the con for too long, they’ll do anything to defend it, because admitting they’ve fallen for a con for so long would make them feel like the stupidest person on earth.

By all accounts it doesn't make any sense by CrimsonSwallow in Grimdank

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 12 points13 points  (0 children)

That’s because its been around so long, and covers such a far-off timeline, that it can imagine monstrosities of such ridiculous scale. Starcraft is set around the year 2300, and the Terran society mimics that of a colony trying to get its feet off the ground after finally arriving at some distant system, so imagining Terrans producing vessels that large is difficult to comprehend. So, all-in-all the comparisons are stupid. I WOULD HOPE that ~38,000 more years of technology is going to yield some pretty significant imbalances.

By all accounts it doesn't make any sense by CrimsonSwallow in Grimdank

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Gives a whole new meaning to the term ‘stress eating’.

By all accounts it doesn't make any sense by CrimsonSwallow in Grimdank

[–]AdministrativeAd4111 21 points22 points  (0 children)

This shit has been around for decades, shouldn’t it be at least Warhammer 40,030 by now?