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Wholesome (Pro)

A critical look by a non-American at far right conspiracy believers in US politics

87% Upvoted
level 1

I had a coworker who tell me how he wished he could meet a liberal one day so he could beat them up. In his mind, every single person he knew was a conservative, in California… just more insight on why they don’t understand how democrats win elections, they legit believe they outnumber Dems 10000000:1.

level 2

There's a very common bias that I forget the name of. Essentially the idea is that if someone proposes an idea in a group setting, and nobody objects to that idea, the person is likely to believe that everyone else is in agreement. They don't understand that people might not openly disagree with them for the sake of avoiding conflict, which is typically the case. In general, people who are super loud about their CONTROVERSIAL politics are the people who like to start fights about politics. The best situation to these people is also the one that makes them think everyone agrees with them.

level 2

Did you report the ass to HR for making violent threats based on politics?

level 2

My friends grand mother was that way. I was in the room when him and his wife were on a video call with her. She started screaming about democrats are ruining the country and needed to be killed. My friends wife had enough and said “Nana, you do realize we are democrats.” She lost her mind over that. Because I was there she said but “OP owns an AR-15 and multiple other guns. Why would a god fearing Christian republicans be friends with democrats.” I then informed her I was a gun loving, socialist, atheist liberal.

Her world view shattered and she removed my friend from her will.

level 2

I worked remotely during the 2020 election and a coworker who was based in a small town in Texas said something like, “Of course Biden is cheating, I don’t know one person voting for him.” Like, lady, you live in deep Trump country but there’s a whole rest of the country out there.

level 2

I live in Illinois, every small town you pass through, especially around the election, was plastered in trump signs. Having conversations with people they think it’s fake as “I don’t know anyone who voted for Biden”; meanwhile, on my everyday run, in Chicago, I jog past more votes for Biden than 10 small towns combined

level 2

I am nearly a caricature of what right wing cartoonists think of as a “liberal.” I’m visibly nonwhite, openly feminist, occasionally blue hair, etc etc. I’ve had people absolutely gobsmacked that I’m not a gun totin,’ lib hatin,’ Trump humpin,’ conservative. Even people who’ve seen my social media and had multiple extended conversations with me. People will look at everything I am and everything I say and go “yeah neat that’s awesome. So like, you also want to literally kill liberals, right, Best Friend?” And it’s like…..not even that idea that “oh people just keep their opinions to themselves around aggressive conservatives.” I really don’t. My “liberal” friends really don’t. These are people I’ll sit with and have conversations with that are entirely civil and often in general agreement as long as you don’t bring up political affiliation. “Oh yeah of course gay people should be allowed to get married, love is love and it’s none of my business. Banning abortion is sexist and frankly just medically unwise. I don’t think guns should be banned outright but we need stronger background checks. Pull the troops out of the Middle East, no more deaths for oil. The immigrants I know are hardworking, honest people. There’s no reason religion should be part of our government.” Sure, not all of them, not even most, but actually, a whole fucking lot.

Many of these people do not know what a liberal is, and some of them are in fact liberals themselves in almost every facet except their voting history. But they spend so much time consuming media painting liberals as inhuman monsters with slimy tentacles that they just do not understand what the word means. They have internalized “liberal” to mean not a set of social or political beliefs, but a synonym for “bad.”

Something I’ve noticed is how often people like this look at someone expressing bad behavior heavily associated with conservative or conservative-adjacent groups, sometimes even when that person is openly expressing conservative viewpoints, and say “ha, look at that liberal.” It will be a 50something year old white rural man wearing a thin blue line t-shirt and screaming anti gay slurs from a lifted pickup covered in Trump stickers, and they’ll say “wow, see, that’s liberals for you.” They will even see explicitly conservative talking points they oppose and dismiss them as “liberal.” But the minute that their own opinion comes out of the mouths of one of the few boogeymen they can recognize as liberal (Biden, Pelosi, AOC), then suddenly they don’t have that opinion any more, or they just…..choose to interpret their boogeyman as having said something completely fictitious. Biden will say “I’m giving everyone a pony for their birthday this year,” and the pony loving conservatives will hear “I’m putting a horses head in your bed,” because that’s a liberal and liberals are monsters!

level 2

What kills me is when conservatives mention "blue-haired liberals". Like they really think that most liberals have blue hair. They have no idea that most "liberals" are ordinary people with 2 kids and an office job.

level 2

I have an employee who hints at his Conservative views during our 1 on 1 calls. I being his manager never talk politics, but he just kind of drops dog whistles and I ignore them.

level 2

Looking back I had a lot of ovaries to reply when I worked at a store selling guns in California to a guy basically yelling about liberals and them being anti-gun liberals that I was a pro-gun rights liberal (my politics have changed since then). He yelled and pointed me out to everyone that "look this guy is a liberal!" I corrected him like three times that I was a pro-gun rights liberal. Until I gave up.

level 2

I try to bait my conservative coworker who says borderline inappropriate thing into crossing the line

level 2

Which fuels their Big Lie conspiracy.

level 2

The right-wing media demonizes "liberals" as evil commies.

He doesn't know anyone he thinks is an evil commie.

Therefore he believes he has never met a liberal.

Meanwhile, half his friends quietly vote Democrat.

level 2

If all of my family truly knew EVERYTHING I believe in and exactly how I really feel about Trump (and conservatives in general), I would probably never have a relationship with my parents or brother again. Me and my husband miraculously have the same beliefs and are completely anti-Trump. What makes it even more of a big deal is the fact that we live in West Virginia which is easily one of the top conservative states in America who worship Trump like he’s a god with a Cheeto face and who drinks Diet Coke instead of water.

level 2

which part of CA? central valley is way different from SF


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