Help Children in Crisis

Nearly 18 months ago, the war in Ukraine escalated, changing millions of lives. Today, the situation remains dire, with thousands of children still being forced underground to bunkers while violence and shelling continue.

Around the world, nearly 200 million children are living in the most lethal war zones. They are on the frontline of an unprecedented global humanitarian crisis. And there’s no end in sight.

That’s why Save the Children works in the hardest-to-reach places, where it’s toughest to be a child. But we need your help.

  • $50 can provide 10 warm, cozy blankets to children affected by conflict
  • $100 helps supply a month’s worth of nutritious food to a family in crisis
  • $175 can provide five families with emergency shelter materials

With your support, Save the Children is right now helping protect children living through conflict. Our Child Emergency Fund allows us to respond wherever the need is greatest. It helps us to reach children quickly with the essentials they need to survive.

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