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Foul Play in the Campaign

Saturday, October 30, 2004; Page A18

My photograph was featured on the Oct. 17 front page of The Post. I was shown with the yard sign I had made, which read, "In 2000 they stole the election and now they stole my Kerry sign." My sign was a response to the distressing theft of many signs in favor of Democratic candidates in my neighborhood.

Unfortunately, what followed has been even more disturbing.

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At 6:30 a.m. Oct. 19 I was awakened by my daughter's screams. She had found quarts of blood, dozens of turkey feet and an array of innards at our front door. And our homemade sign was gone.

I was scared all day.

This goes beyond partisanship. We are witnessing an alarming level of intolerance for divergent views. Democracy does not exist without free speech. Whatever our politics, we all must stand for our right to fully express ourselves.

Walter Wink, a professor at Auburn Theological Seminary in New York City, says, "Violence is the real religion of America. There is an insidious belief . . . that violence saves, that only violence can rescue us from the violence of our enemies."

Let's prove him wrong.



© 2004 The Washington Post Company