TotW: Don't Trust Anyone Under 30!

The other day, at an anarchist gathering, I was talking to some people, and one of them, going through this age transition, was reflection on the phrase and what it meant as an anarchist. We didn't have time to go too deep in the conversation but I thought it was an interesting topic, since some anarchists do reach, and go beyond, the age of 30.

Anarchists on Alexei Navalny

 Anarchists on Alexei Navalny

From The Polar Blast, Section of I.W.A. in the region of Russia about the last protests for Navalny

We, anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists, consider it completely unacceptable for ourselves to take any part in political shows organized by supporters of the right-wing populist Navalny, who is sadly “famous” for his openly nationalist, anti-immigrant, anti-Caucasian and anti-Semitic statements. To march in the ranks of the demonstrations they convened would mean – regardless of any excuses or “explanations” – to turn into the back of one of the political gangs waging a dirty and unprincipled struggle for power.

Review: No spiritual surrender: Indigenous anarchy in defense of the sacred

Review: No spiritual surrender: Indigenous anarchy in defense of the sacred

From Journal of Political Ecology by Alexander Dunlap
Why has political ecology ignored Indigenous anarchism? While there are a few exceptions, researchers across social science are confronted with an uncomfortable issue. Academia tends towards fetishizing, even instrumentalizing, Indigenous peoples in their projects. Meanwhile university publishers crank out volumes on “decoloniality” and “the geopolitics of knowledge” that essentialize Indigenous peoples (see Dunlap, 2022). All the while, Indigenous anarchism, or anarchists for that matter, gain little-to no acknowledgement within environmental movements. Why? Indigenous anarchy means being on the “frontlines,” engaging in unmediated attack against colonial, statist, extractivist and capitalist structures: as they are often one and the same. “Indigenous anarchism,” Klee Benally writes, “presents the possibility of attack: It is the embodiment of anti-colonial struggle and being” (2022a: 24). It’s safe to say, however, that the last thing Benally (among others) wanted is more academics chattering, objectifying and commodifying of Indigenous anarchism— “it doesn’t and should not exist” to be mapped, controlled and absorbed into the grid of the state (p. 344). Then why write about Indigenous anarchism in general, let alone in academic journals behind paywalls?

Sacco and Vanzetti 1927-2027 International Conference: Call for Papers

From fabula

The conference will be held at Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University (France) in 2027 (date to be fixed). A deadline will be set in 2026 for the receipt of intervention proposals. Interested people can already come forward to announce their wish to participate in the conference by sending the broad outlines of their proposed intervention.

Deadline: May 15, 2026

The Anarchists of Dune

From The Transmetropolitan Review

Across the world, the movie-watching public will soon behold the Fremen of Dune sack and destroy the Empire, starting on their homeworld of Arrakis. This irresistible moment, where the rebels actually win, is sure to sink into the mass-public consciousness, but despite all the Arabic names and parallels between spice and petroleum, the true story of the Fremen deserves to be told, especially now, given what’s at stake.

Call for anarchist blocs in Warsaw and Berlin on February 24

From Pramen

We publish appeals by comrades from two European cities for the anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Comrades from Germany report that their call on the German indymedia has already been removed without explanation.

Meetings places:
Warsaw — Skwer Tarasa Szewczenki // 15:30
Berlin — Unter den Linden (U-Bahn station) // 12:00

Join the anarchist block on February 24 in Berlin!

Netherlands: Annual 2.DH5 Festival, Feb 23-25

From 2.Dh5

The annual 2.Dh5 festival returns to Amsterdam at the Ru Paré for its eighteenth edition from 23rd to 25th February 2024.

2.Dh5 is an annual festival for the exchange of radical ideas, strategies and practices by grassroots groups, collective projects and direct action campaigns in the Netherlands and beyond.

The inspiring Spanish anarchist collectives: Look what we must do!

The inspiring Spanish anarchist collectives: Look what we must do!

From resilience dot org by Ted Trainer

We are entering can era of severe scarcity in which centralised and top-down systems will fail to provide for us and we will have to develop cooperative and self-sufficient localized economies. The achievements of the Spanish anarchist workers collectives in the 1930s show what miracles ordinary people can do.

Directors Report: C4SS in 2023 (and beyond)

Directors Report: C4SS in 2023 (and beyond)

From C4SS

Anarchism is an odd beast and effective advocacy takes a multitude of forms. During the past year, the team behind the Center for a Stateless Society has been focused on exploring how we can best explain and defend the idea of vibrant social cooperation without aggression, oppression, or centralized authority. With limited resources, both financially and in terms of contributor’s time, we must take the time to reflect on our goals, our tactics, and our path forward, changing with the world around us, the social landscape, and the available communications technology.

The gentle embrace of censorship

The gentle embrace of censorship

From Integration Nightmare

In Berlin on February 24, the Ukrainian diaspora is holding an action on the anniversary of the start of the full-scale invasion. Local groups (mostly made up of immigrants from Belarus/Russia) have called to join this action in the format of an anarchist bloc, in response to the Pramen collective's call for this kind of action across Europe. One of the comrades involved in the preparations for the action today threw me the information that their call was removed from the local indymedia without any comments – the German indymedia is still alive and actively filled with various content, from authoritarian left to anarchist. It's hard for me not to comment on such a situation.


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