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This Month

Jeremy Grantham says academics totally missed the power of quality companies.

Quality, the stock market’s last free lunch

We’re led to believe that the higher the risk, the higher the return. But that’s not actually how sharemarkets have worked, and no one can explain why.

  • Jonathan Shapiro
Very few of today’s super rich have descended from old money.

Where did all the billionaire families go?

Wealthy families’ assets usually dissipate over generations, not because they choose bad investments but because they concentrate their risk.

  • Victor Haghani and James White


Universities can support new investors with expertise and experience.

‘Sophisticated investor’ rule change will be counterproductive

It’s not the money, it is the advice and expertise that a new investor can get access to that protects everyone’s interests.

  • Mark Humphery-Jenner
Cheryl Mack of Aussie Angels is worried proposed changes to the sophisticated investor test will stymie innovation.

Angel investors could be shut out by tougher sophistication test

Venture capitalists warn that an inquiry designed to protect retirees from investing in dodgy schemes could make the start-up sector an unwitting victim.

  • Lucy Dean
Consulting to the government.

AFR Alpha Live 2024 investment summit

The Australian Financial Review has gathered for a second year, the world’s most insightful market experts and commentators to explore and make sense of this unprecedented macro and investing backdrop.


Bill Ackman brings activist playbook to the culture wars

The investor fashioned a place for himself as an arbiter of how public companies should behave. He’s now using similar tactics to dictate terms far beyond business.

  • Annie Massa, Katherine Burton and Amanda Gordon
Suzanne Haddan says income and assets isn’t enough to determine if someone is a sophisticated investor.

Knowledge test needed for ‘sophisticated investors’: advisers

Financial advisers say more needs to be done to ensure products aren’t mis-sold to underqualified investors, ahead of a lift in the sophisticated investor threshold.

  • Lucy Dean and Duncan Hughes
Protesters outside the Federal Court in Melbourne during a Santos appeal hearing over the Barossa gas project.

Investors ‘flying blind’ over climate lawsuit risks

Polluting companies could be liable for trillions in damages from climate cases, but investors and regulators are overlooking the risks, academics warn.

  • Gus McCubbing
Treasurer Jim Chalmers wants superannuation funds to help build the nation, but changes need to be made.

Time for a rethink if Chalmers wants super to help build nation

Performance tests clipped the wings of super funds and stymied investment. Ahead of another government review, it might be time for a change.

  • Katrina King
Is the latest boom just another of the many false dawns investors have found in the Land of the Rising Sun?

Warren Buffett brought Japan back. Will it last in 2024?

Tokyo’s re-emergence as an investment destination was one of the more surprising trends of last year.

  • Gearoid Reidy

Heard it all before? Here are some left-field market predictions for 2024

Three of the country’s top money managers reveal the lurking ‘known unknowns’ that could affect global markets this year.

  • Tom Richardson

December 2023

Charlie Munger’s death marked the end of the world’s most successful investment partnership.

Four banks went bust this year and I made money betting against all of them

There are few economic ailments for which the cure is not a healthy dose of scepticism, writes Argonaut Capital founder Barry Norris.

  • Barry Norris
Experts say the chief risk to many forecasts is the US election cycle and the efforts the US government might make to stave off recession. Simon Letch

The best five assets to buy in 2024, and three to dump

With inflation remaining high and markets fluctuating wildly, active investors stand to gain the most.

  • Andrew Hobbs
Dr Liz Dallimore, CEO and managing director at Argenica Therapeutics.

WA works to overcome its venture capital drought

The mining state has found itself “underweight” when it comes to venture capital, with scores of start-ups forced to look interstate or overseas for early investment.

  • Updated
  • Tom Rabe
Job vacancies at a grocery store in Illinois. Employment, wages and other key metrics are refusing to follow historic trends in many places.

These are the factors complicating investment decisions in 2024

Economic reality in 2024 is likely to be far less binary, and much more nuanced, than many market participants and policymakers believe.

  • Rana Foroohar
PAC Capital owner Clayton Larcombe, right, and fund manager Sunny Bangia in a publicity photo taken to announce he had joined the business last month.

PAC Capital owner Clayton Larcombe may have bailed out investors

The former stockbroker may have used personal assets to improve the performance of his esports funds, an unusual but not illegal practice.

  • Aaron Patrick