VVAW: Vietnam Veterans Against the War
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Some Photos from the 1980s

It all started in 1967, with six Vietnam veterans marching together in a peace demonstration. Now, fifty-seven years later, VVAW is still going strong-- continuing its fight for peace, justice, and the rights of all veterans.

Explore these pages; see what we've done, what we do, and why we do it. The struggle continues, perhaps these days more than ever. VVAW has never stopped working to protect the welfare of those who served their country.

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march Latest Commentary: From the National Office 50 years ago, in January 1973, the Paris Peace Accords were signed, and many assumed the war was over. In fact, the US continued the killing for two more years. Even then, with the US defeat and withdrawal in 1975, the shooting and bombing b...

Taken from "Serving the Children of Vietnam" by Bill Branson Read More

View the 1971 50th Anniversary Pages and Guestbook

Excerpt From  THE VETERAN:  Now Online

Taken from Midnight Cargo by Susan Dixon (reviewer):

Midnight Cargo: Stories & Poems by Kevin Basl (Illuminated Press, 2023) I had been an anti-war activist in college, had settled into a sad grief about what the Vietnam War had done and meant, and through a combination of chance and apathy, had little experience hearing the stories of veterans. So when a two-tour infantryman gave me a large manuscript to edit, I had questions. Often, I turned to Vietnam veteran Jim Murphy, whose life we celebrate in this issue. I would email Jim, and he would respond with the date, time, and place of a bi-weekly breakfast gathering of veterans. I would show up, socialize, and sometimes be invited to ask my question. It was at one of these meetings that I met Kevin Basl, poet, author, artist, musician, Iraq veteran, and leader of the Ithaca Warrior Writers Workshop, which developed out of those conversations over eggs and coffee.... Read More