Yeah, I know. I heard you the first time. *

Thomas “La moustache de la sagesse” Friedman, March 24, 2010:

That is why I want my own Tea Party. I want a Tea Party of the radical center.

Thomas “der Schnauzbart der Weisheit” Friedman, April 25, 2010:

So if there is going to be a Green Tea Party, it will have to emerge from a different place — the radical center, a center committed to a radical departure from business as usual.

Sadly, Thomas’ columns all seem to come from the same place. (Le trou du cul).



Comments: 141


Which Radical Center is he speaking of? No, I didn’t go read the links, what, you think I’m crazy?

The real center, somewhere to the left of the current Democratic party, or the “center” as it exists today, immediately to the right of Joe McCarthy?


I always wonder exactly why some posts are posted by Sadly, No!


Thomas “I’ve never seen a sweatshop I didn’t like” Friedman, we have a word for your ‘radical center’ here in the left-wing activist groups of Quebekistan. We call it “neoliberalisme”.


Just trying to imagine the signs and chants at a “radical centrist” rally.

“I’m Dogmatically Undecided And I VOTE!”

“What do we want?
Nothing in particular!
When do we want it?
About 6 months from now!”

“Mustache Rides 5 cents”

The Radical Center

Tommy’s moustache tickles.


I always wonder exactly why some posts are posted by Sadly, No!

Really? Back in the old days, when Sadly, No! had a staff of one, everything got posted by me (Seb) aka Sadly, No! Somehow giving up “the” name seems wrong.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

A Green Tea Party, you say? I object most strenuously to the lack of an Earl Grey!


Just trying to imagine the signs and chants at a “radical centrist” rally.



The Radical Center party platform:




Dear New York Times:

Can I please have a writing job? I don’t have a mustache, but I also don’t half-ass my writing with the same bullshit points and dumbass puns recycled over and over again. Additionally, I don’t require a large salary–just enough to keep me in shoes, vodka tonics, and cat food. Think about it.

Yours truly,


So if there is going to be a Green Tea Party, it will have to emerge from a different place — the radical center, a center committed to a radical departure from business as usual.

The Democrats are finally getting a populist wing?




it will have to emerge from a different place — the radical center

The Radical Center

I’m Sarah Palin wearing a Lieberman mask. Don’t trust me.


Can we just agree to put a kibosh on political movements named after beverages?

While I’m at it, howzabout stopping with the naming every political scandal as “(insert scandal name here)gate”?


I’m Sarah Palin wearing a Lieberman mask.

AAAAAAAAAAH! Stop crashing my nightmares!


Jadedgate begins!



Hey hey! Ho ho!
We want a number 6 to go!


The Radical Center – from the people who brought you Military Intelligence.


PS – if the NYFT ever feels like replacing Moustachetron with someone who won’t constantly produce a point-&-laugh reaction from bright nine-year-olds, let alone conscious adults, I’d like to echo T&U’s application … even better if it gets me into a few of those martini-soaked hurf-durf highbrow confabs they call “discussion-panels” – oh sweet bleeding Jesus, how I’d love to spend 15 long delicious minutes (or MOAR) verbally kneecapping a roomful of those Village Idiots, then try not to giggle like a schoolgirl in love while I napalm the shit out of every feeble-minded response they can muster … & get paid for it.


Give up “-gate”?!?

And stop rubbing Republicans’ noses in Tricky Dick’s shit-gate?




I’d love to spend 15 long delicious minutes (or MOAR) verbally kneecapping a roomful of those Village Idiots, then try not to giggle like a schoolgirl in love while I napalm the shit out of every feeble-minded response they can muster … & get paid for it.

Right? I’d imagine it’s like how athletes feel when they, like, win stuff.


the radical center, a center committed to a radical departure from business as usual.

A group that is fanatical in its rejection of extremism. A group that is on the leading edge of centrism. A group that resolutely calls for the complete overthrow of the system that it will defend to its dying breath. A group that is ferociously polite, insanely rational, quiet at the top of its lungs, absolutely dedicated to not being too committed. A group that is ready, willing, and able to undertake direct action so long as it can remain completely passive.

The Power Center

I got a clear shot! Throw me the ball!



A moderate amount of middle-of-the-road policy that half addresses concerns about which we have reached complete consensus!


As soon as is practicable without a lot of uncomfortable bipartisan squabbling!


A group that is fanatical in its rejection of extremism. A group that is on the leading edge of centrism. A group that resolutely calls for the complete overthrow of the system that it will defend to its dying breath. A group that is ferociously polite, insanely rational, quiet at the top of its lungs, absolutely dedicated to not being too committed. A group that is ready, willing, and able to undertake direct action so long as it can remain completely passive.

So in other words, the Democratic Party.

The Power Center


We probably got the ones you want.


Snorghagen, it sounds to me like you are describing the Unitarian Jihad.

The Power Center

Warning:This device may cause radio interference.


So in other words, the Democratic Party.

But, you know, a bit less angry and confrontational.

Because when both parties support big business, and one party’s also crazy, nothing advances the people’s best interest like calm non-disagreement with the crazy.


So in other words, the Democratic Party.

No. The Democrats are total wimps, and Friedman rejects them for not being wimpy enough. He’s calling for a breakthrough into a hitherto unimagined realm of cosmic uber-mushheadedness, a new dimension of garbled thinking where Tom Friedman will be recognized as a living god.


the radical center, a center committed to a radical departure from business as usual.

The radical center has always been committed to a radical departure from business as usual, as long as it’s a quick round trip.


“It’s called the gray fallacy; one person says white, another person says black, and people assume gray is the answer. The assumption of gray is lazy, sloppy thinking. If a person takes a position opposite to the truth, that does not skew the truth to lie somewhere in between – the truth is still the truth.”

From a Star Wars expanded universe book (the last thread rekindled by inner geek, I’m afraid). Only difference being that in our politics, we’ve got one party saying white and the other saying gray, so the notion of “centrism” is even more ridiculous than it would otherwise be.


Not that we want him, but Friedman could always move to Canada.

I wonder how he squares his fehtishism for moderates with wanting random middle eastern countries to SUCK. ON. THIS.

Also, his mom is not so good in teh sack, which is a surpris considering how much practice she’s had. Had to mention that since the phrase SUCK. ON. THIS. Always makes me think of Mrs. Friedman and her need to improve on technique.



A moderate amount of middle-of-the-road policy that half addresses concerns about which we have reached complete consensus!


As soon as is practicable without a lot of uncomfortable bipartisan squabbling!

Hey, hey, LBJ
Not to encourage partisanship or to be uncivil
But there is a growing consensus among sensible moderates
That your escalation in Vietnam is resulting in unfortunate collateral damage to kids.
Hopefully we can reach a sensible compromise without resorting to a lack of comity and bipartisanship.


can i use the word ‘radical’ in a radically meaningless way?

yes i can!


Really? Back in the old days, when Sadly, No! had a staff of one, everything got posted by me (Seb) aka Sadly, No! Somehow giving up “the” name seems wrong.

Oh, thanks. I wasn’t around in the old days.


A group that is fanatical in its

i say: extremism in the name of moderation is no virtue! and moderation in the name of extremism is no vice!


Fight fiercely, Harvard, Fight, fight, fight
Impress them with our prowess, do
Oh, fellows, do not let the Crimson down
Be of stout heart and true
Come on, chaps, fight for Harvard’s glorious name
Won’t it be peachy if we win the game, oh, goody
Let’s try not to injure them
But fight, fight, fight – Let’s not be rough, though
Fight, fight, fight – And do fight fiercely
Fight, fight, fight


I thought he was supposed to wait at least six months before repeating himself. What gives?


can i use the word ‘radical’ in a radically meaningless way?

yes i can!


Now do “quantum.”


I thought he was supposed to wait at least six months before repeating himself.

He has an unstable half-life. This was thought to be impossible until stupidium was isolated in a lab.


Now do “quantum.”

When drunk, I can’t quantum twenty-two even with my pants off.

Oregon Beer Snob

He has an unstable half-life. This was thought to be impossible until stupidium was isolated in a lab.

That’s the only explanation for the tea party — a massive and horrible accident involving stupidium. Massive and horrible and possibly even throbbing.

Oregon Beer Snob

Dammit, that’s supposed to be “laboratory accident.” I blame the stupidium I accidentally put in my coffee this morning.


Dammit, that’s supposed to be “laboratory accident.”

That sounds almost intentional.


Radical Center

Tommy’s oxymoron has too much moron.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

So if there is going to be a Green Tea Party, it will have to emerge from a different place cut its methane emissions drastically.



Oh, let’s not rush into any centrical radism, there, Tom. Let’s wait, oh…six months, and look at the situation then. In six months, for sure, we’ll have a better sense of what we need, cantical rentrism-wise.


Massive and horrible and possibly even throbbing.

Sorry old chap, half-point off for not adding “ramming” and “throat”.

Total score 9.5


I have the name for Tommy’s new party: The Centrifugal Force. It’s perfect because (a) it sounds like his blather and (b) it doesn’t actually exist.


Ahhh, I knew “Fight Fiercely Harvard” would be in here somewhere.


This whole thread has a lot of major win.


N__B said,

April 29, 2010 at 1:12

Hipster physicist finger snap applause.


Hipster physicist finger snap applause.

I was hoping for Beat Physicist castanets, but I’ll settle.


Unfortunately the “radical center” seems to be comprised mainly of unengaged people who probably can’t wipe their own asses without assistance. God, I’m so tired the middle.


OMFG. Stepped outta the boat.

The manifesto is easy, too: “We, the Green Tea Party, believe that the most effective way to advance America’s national security and economic vitality would be to impose a $10 “Patriot Fee” on every barrel of imported oil, with all proceeds going to pay down our national debt.”

O_o Fucking AWESOME!. We’re mad and we’re not going to take a lack of oil tariffs anymore!

d00d is more out of touch than mauve-shirted, Applebees scholar Brooks. Oil is the poster child for fungibile commodities. A $10 a barrel tarriff? Aside from being political unsustainable domestically even with “Patriot” slapped on the plan, the notion of boinking teh world market like that is to larf. It’s fucking ridiculous.


Hipster physicist finger snap applause.”

Oooooh. What did I miss?! I hate miss out on a finger-snap applause moment.


When I hear you snap,
Are you a wave function collapse?
Or did the world split in two?
(bongo riff)


What did I miss?!

“Centrifugal force” is used as a layperson explanation of what is actually inertia. When you’re on a quickly-rotating amusement-park ride, for example, it feels like there’s a force pushing you to the side opposite the center of rotation, but there isn’t. It’s simply your inertia trying (forgive the anthropomorphism, but the language works best) to keep you moving in a straight line while the body of the ride interrupts that movement and makes you move in a different direction.


LittlePig – I’m wearing a virtual beret.


““Centrifugal force” is used as a layperson explanation of what is actually inertia. When you’re on a quickly-rotating amusement-park ride, for example, it feels like there’s a force pushing you to the side opposite the center of rotation, but there isn’t. It’s simply your inertia trying (forgive the anthropomorphism, but the language works best) to keep you moving in a straight line while the body of the ride interrupts that movement and makes you move in a different direction.”

I bet you know that ‘cuz you’re a dude. My ladybrain has trouble with such concepts. Also…the cooties.


I bet you know that ‘cuz you’re a dude.

Four semesters of physics…which was three more than I wanted. It helps in picking apart stuff like “Speed” but otherwise has little to do with my work.


But seriously, picture a roller-coaster making a U-turn to the left. You’re thrown against the right side of the car. That feels like something pushed you, but it’s because that, if left to yourself, you’d go straight instead of turning and the car is pushing you to make you turn.



The famous argument distilled into one suspense-filled scene:


“Four semesters of physics…which was three more than I wanted. It helps in picking apart stuff like “Speed” but otherwise has little to do with my work.”

Well, you’re way ahead of me. I never finished college…but what’s worse is I’VE NEVER SEEN “SPEED.”


Actually, that’s a great explanation, N_B. I really do think explaining such things is a valuable skill.


Focus, N__B, focus. Few are amazed by your knowledge of the physical world.

I gotta say I almost geeked out with an explanation. Also, too.

Lurking Canadian

I think there are two kinds of “centrists”. There’s the completely amoral douchebag kind, who think that by definition, the correct answer is exactly halfway between what the Republicans want and what the Democrats want.

Then there’s the arrogant douchebag kind, who are so utterly convinced of their own rectitude at all times that by definition, their position is the “centre” and everybody else is some kind of extremist. (Most people drive like this: everybody slower than you is a hazard to navigation; everybody faster than you is a maniac.)

You will notice, if you were reading carefully, that both kinds are douchebags.

I think Friedman is the second kind. He just pontificates, then declares his preferred option the “centre” to make it sound attractive to everybody else. He might be the only person in favour of his proposed policy. That doesn’t matter. He’s a centrist. He’d be happy to tell you so, and it’s too bad you are too ideological to agree with him.


I’m having a cock piss shit hell damn kind of day. Actually, it’s not all bad. I’m just feeling kind of fried. Too much time spent working on this. SO
It makes baby jesus cry.

What’s worse is that I’m not some special snowflake…there are thousands–probably millions–of amazing digital artists in this world.

Also, they guy who’s coding my official, perfeshunal website STILL hasn’t finished. *sigh*

Sorry for the emo, self-centered dump here.


“Then there’s the arrogant douchebag kind, who are so utterly convinced of their own rectitude at all times that by definition, their position is the “centre””

Ya know, I never thought of it that way…and that makes total sense. Gah.


why would there need to be a ‘tea party’ (apparently ‘tea party’ is now a generic euphemism for ‘protest group’) of the radical center when radical centrism is the official ideology of the ruling class? the sort of Neo-liberal economic policy that Friedman and readers of The Economist masturbate to has been the norm since the 70’s. The radical centre IS business as usual, Freidman and his buddies protesting in Washington about liberalising markets and destroying the working class would essentially be preaching to the choir.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Focus, N__B, focus. Few are amazed by your knowledge of the physical world.

He did, however, impart some easily-interpreted knowledge to someone who was “unclear on the concept”.

Never apologize for a geek-out in a laypersons forum- someone is bound to appreciate it.


Also, they guy who’s coding my official, perfeshunal website STILL hasn’t finished. *sigh*

I heard Flash is the new “in” thing.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I think Friedman is the second kind. He just pontificates, then declares his preferred option the “centre” to make it sound attractive to everybody else. He might be the only person in favour of his proposed policy. That doesn’t matter. He’s a centrist. He’d be happy to tell you so, and it’s too bad you are too ideological to agree with him.

A self-centrist


“Willy said,
April 29, 2010 at 1:44

Also, they guy who’s coding my official, perfeshunal website STILL hasn’t finished. *sigh*

I heard Flash is the new “in” thing.

What’s funny is that I asked about having a flash entry page and he was basically like “you don’t want that.” so I took his word for it.


Never apologize for a geek-out in a laypersons forum- someone is bound to appreciate it.

Got it. I wasn’t chastising as much as sympathizing. When you gotta explain a joke, it isn’t a joke any more.

Oregon Beer Snob

Y’know, I’ve heard there’s this cool new “blink” tag that can really make your website standout vacuumslayer.

Oregon Beer Snob

“Stand out” also. Fucking blackberry keyboard…


Count me in on likin’ the geek outs.

And I know the radical center – they’re the ones who are determined to know no more about politics than what the First Lady wore on The View. They voted for change, then got scared when the teabaggers screamed the change was to tyranny! I made a special point of parading the little postcard from the IRS saying our business could get as much as 35% off of our health care premiums (an excuse by the boss for why no wage increases in 5 years). It’s the money stuff that really gets those radical centrists to look up from the tv. They may not know why they get the tax break, but they’ll know who gave it to ’em. The $300 check everyone got in Bush’s first term went a long way toward giving him the benefit of the doubt on 9-11, I think. Why shouldn’t the Dems use the money bomb for their own ends, too?


“Y’know, I’ve heard there’s this cool new “blink” tag that can really make your website standout vacuumslayer.”

I’m sure to get rich and famous now. Thanks, Blinktag!


Five-point plan for the centrist party;

1) Vote for Republicans because they promise tax cuts.
2) Watch the Republicans run the economy right into the fucking ground.
3) Vote for the Democrats who promise to fix the economy.
4) Freak out when you find out that fixing the economy actually takes money.
5) Vote for Republicans who’ll do their very best to prevent Democrats from fixing the economy.

What. Could. Go. Wrong?


New, more globally efficient, three point plan for the centrist party:

1. Suck. On. This. green tea popsicle.
2. ???
3. Profit!!!11


The fact is, stop hating on us tea bagging patriots. We support America and you don’t, you want world muslim faggotry to rule, well we want Sarah Palin to, because she is regular anbd you are all fake eleituists.

Xecky Gilchrist

why would there need to be a ‘tea party’ (apparently ‘tea party’ is now a generic euphemism for ‘protest group’) of the radical center when radical centrism is the official ideology of the ruling class?

You’re right, but a staple of present-day US turdball politics is, when things are going your way, scream and cry even harder that you’re a marginalized victim and the libruls are ruining everything. All teh Stache adds to that is a sort of token nod to the idea that rightie exremists are bad too.


Tommy wouldn’t know “radical centrist” (aka moderate) if it sucked his cock. Moderate wouldn’t suck his cock, even for a thousand dollars, anyway. This deception will not stand! Tommy doesn’t appear to have a cock, as the lack of testicles is self-evident! Radical centrist, indeed! It’s my birthday, I realized I missed a court date (traffic), the Creaturette is convinced we’re having a girl, and my doctor still can’t figure out why I can’t breathe. Tommy’s still a simpleton, and I can feel good about that.


I don’t love flash, but then how many of us are still running a clunker with Win-ME.


Sarah Palin 2012 – 2014 1/2!!!!

Shell Goddamnit

Sign on refrigerator door for YEARS at my vaguely progressive non-profit workplace: What do we want? Moderate change! When do we want it? In due course!

I used to think it was funny.


Good lord, the radical centripetalists have taken over the thread!


Gary Ruppert said,
April 29, 2010 at 3:08

Come clean. You’re Bobby Jindal fan, aren’t you.


but i think a two-dimensional left-right spectrum is an anachronism that is merely a convenient weapon for the likes of fax nudes. i think a better model for modern politics would be abuser-victim

the ‘centrist’ fits into this metaphor as the bystander who witnesses the crime but is too cowardly to call the cops


That sounds about right.


the ‘centrist’ fits into this metaphor as the bystander who witnesses the crime but is too cowardly to call the cops

Tommy the Stache is getting paid well by his plutocrat boss not to call the cops.

Same for all the clowns toiling for Donald Graham and family at the WaPoop.


I heard Flash is the new “in” thing.

Flash! AAAaaa. He’ll save every one of us!

radical centripetalists

I want to ride my velocipede, I want to ride my bike.


I don’t love flash, but then how many of us are still running a clunker with Win-ME.

Flash runs better on a windows-ME computer when the keyboard is filled with red wine.

Xecky Gilchrist

Flash runs better on a windows-ME computer when the keyboard is filled with red wine.

So that’s what I’ve been doing wrong – I was trying it with a cheapass white riesling.


I was trying it with a cheapass white riesling.

Have you considered trying some hydrofluoric acid?


It’s simply your inertia trying(forgive the anthropomorphism, but the language works best) to keep you moving in a straight line while the body of the ride interrupts that movement and makes you move in a different direction.

And then you vomit. Or is that just me?

Xecky Gilchrist

Have you considered trying some hydrofluoric acid?

Is that that shit that soaks through your skin and makes your bones melt? I’m not falling for that again.

And then you vomit. Or is that just me?

I used to work at an amusement park and can say with certainty that it’s not just you.


And then you vomit. Or is that just me?

Are you familiar with the popular definitions of schlemiel and schlemozzle?


Are you familiar with the popular definitions of schlemiel and schlemozzle?

Isn’t that some LaVerne and Shirley shit?


Tommy the Stache is getting paid well by his plutocrat boss not to call the cops.

I was going to say that Tommy the Stache is a plutocrat boss himself, but I see that his wife’s family’s business just ain’t what it used to be.


Also, HTML5, bitchez. Too.


Fake Gary,

are the anbd’s from the planet anbdretis? If so, what does Sarah Palin have to do with them? SHow your working?


Isn’t that some LaVerne and Shirley shit?

Kids today…

Every language has a lot of words for things that are important to those who use it. Eskimos have a lot of words for snow, the French have a lot of words for talk, Americans have a lot of words for guns…Yiddish has a nearly inexhaustible store of curses, from mild to scorching.

Classic definitions at the mild end of the spectrum: a schlemiel is a guy who, at a fancy dinner, spills his soup. A schlemozzle is the guy who gets spilled on. Be happy that, in roller-coaster terms, you’re the schlemiel.


Classic definitions at the mild end of the spectrum: a schlemiel is a guy who, at a fancy dinner, spills his soup. A schlemozzle is the guy who gets spilled on. Be happy that, in roller-coaster terms, you’re the schlemiel.

Actually, that’s me in life in general.

And, really, it’s only teacup style rides that bother me. And cars. And buses. Urg.

I’ll also have you know that, outside of when I was a small child, I’ve only puked on people 3 to 5 times.



Also, too, it’s about time we were the collective schlemiel after the past eight years of being the schlemozzle.



‘mazel’ is hebrew for luck, as in ‘mazel tov’ (which literally means ‘good luck’, altho it is usually used where we would say ‘congratulations!’).

‘schle’ is from yiddish “schlim”, rotten

so, it stands to reason that the guy who gets the soup spilled on him is having rotten luck. gevault!


a schlemiel is a guy who, at a fancy dinner, spills his soup. A schlemozzle is the guy who gets spilled on.

The version I heard was the schlemiel drops a brick on the schlimazel and the schmuck winds up paying for it.

What’s great about Yiddish insults is how exact they are. You don’t just call someone an idiot, you call them a specific type of idiot.


1. Suck. On. This. green tea popsicle.

Are there actually such things as green tea popsicles? They sound deelish.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Oh, a discussion about Yiddish! Glorious.

And yes, there are many types of words for “idiot” in our language, similar to the reasons why the Inuit have so many for types of snow. We come across a lot of fucking idiots.


Yiddish has a nearly inexhaustible store of curses

it also has an excellent vocabulary for trouble. two words that were constantly on the lips of mine rrrelatives beck in new yawk were “mishegas”, ‘crazyness’, and “tsooris”, ‘trouble’.

tsooris, however, isn’t just any kind of trouble – you don’t have ‘car tsooris’ – tsooris is vat you get from pipples what has got a lot of mishegas in their heads

goysche kopf!


Radical centrist splitters!!! Join the Centralist radicals today!!! Could everyone bring a plate of sandwiches please.
Ooooh hooo bone melting acid. What these make? So pretty so deadly, Sarah Palin in miniature

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

The version I heard was the schlemiel drops a brick on the schlimazel and the schmuck winds up paying for it.

My copy of Joy of Yddish has “The shlemiel trips, and knocks down the shlimazel; and the nebech (aka the nebbish) repairs the shlimazl’s glasses.”

But it’s important to not get shlimazl mixed up with shlemozzl, which is English/Irish slang that just sounds like Yiddish.



this has a disputed etymology. one explanation is that it comes from a common german word for something like a lapel ornament or jeweled lapel pin, ‘schmuekele’. a little insignificant thing! it makes sense that somebody might decide that this is a lovely way to describe your penis. and that remains a very common application of the term.

and then there are people who think with their dicks. schmuck!


shlemozzl, which is English/Irish slang

actually, i suspect that this is the same word come thru the cockney slang. it is well known that a lot of yiddish got into cockney

i was once working late with some brit engineers, when one of them suggested that we ‘get a bit of nosh’

he had no idea that the word was from the yiddish


i’m deeply sorry, officer – i wasn’t looking where i was going, and i never meant to kill the poor little thread

Paul Krugman commented, years ago, on the dangers of complacent centrism in period of right-wing extremism.

Not to take anything away from the Yiddish/cockney thread, by the way – I don’t know enough to partake, but I read it with great curiosity for my own education.


Indeed, is the cockney slang for clothes “Schmutter” also Yiddish? Have I got the right word there?

Enraged Bull Limpet

You should see the awesome gold-plated hubcaps at the center of my radical tires.


“Schmutter” gives it as a variant of the yiddish “shmatte” (“shmah-tah”), which is a very familiar yiddish word for ‘rag’

i have become buzzkill, destroyer of cockney slang

Just Alison, back from the semi-dead

What’s funny is that I asked about having a flash entry page and he was basically like “you don’t want that.” so I took his word for it.

Take one woman’s word for it: you don’t want a flash entry page. Okay, it might look groovy, but to anyone who enters your site more than once, it will be incredibly annoying. Just as someone who sometimes visits a whole lotta websites (cue Robert Plant botty wiggle), those with flash entry pages make me curse very inventively (but not in yiddish).

For anyone who cares, I’ve had an EEG and an MRI this week (yes, I took along my 462 chickens to pay for the MRI). And I’d happily have an EEG every day for the rest of my life if it meant I never had to have another MRI: being stuck for 15 minutes in what looked from the inside like a cylindrical coffin did this poor claustrophobe no end of no good. Still, at least the machine made an interesting noise, a bit like Kraftwerk (although without the German lyrics). It still didn’t cover the whimpering.

But they won’t tell me what the results are – after all, I’m just the container for this wretched brain, not anyone important. Sigh.

And my mother (shut right up, you lot) is in hospital with a staph infection in her blood. She collapsed and had apparently been hallucinating – poor Dad’s a bit stressed.

Overall, it’s been a bugger of a year so far. But at least I know have a job (yay!) which is great (more yay!) and my boss is a certified sweetheart (even bigger yay!). So I’m getting a regular paycheck which keeps the wolf from the door (and the cats in tuna).

Sorry for derailing the thread, everyone. Please, carry on.


Best of Luck Just Alison. That’s tough stuff to deal with.
I have a meeting tomorrow to see if I still have a job. HAH I think not. Come and see Smut and I at our website, better than a MRI and costs less chickens


why would there need to be a ‘tea party’ (apparently ‘tea party’ is now a generic euphemism for ‘protest group’)

More accurately, “tea party” = “protest group whose existence the media have chosen to acknowledge and whose claimed attendance figures are accepted without cavil”. So you see Friedman used that label for the sake of precision.


Is that that shit that soaks through your skin and makes your bones melt?
No longer available at the Joke Shop due to the heavy hairbrush-wielding hand of the nanny state, chiz chiz.


“That’s the only explanation for the tea party — a massive and horrible accident involving stupidium.”

Hey, hey. Even Doc Ock refused to mess with that stuff, so quit sullying his good name…


Tom Friedman is living proof that immense wealth and expensive education CANNOT make you smarter than a sack of wet sand if you are that dumb to begin with.


Good luck Just Alison to you and yo’ mama.

In light of the circumstances I’ll refrain from commenting on just where she might have gotten an infection (but I’ll throw a nasty glare at Actor and DKW)


I’ll throw a nasty glare at Actor and DKW

Huh, wha?

The Goddamn Batman Has Quite The Collection Of Mustaches, Not All Of Them Fake

How is Tommy going to put together this “radical center”? Does he intend to Soft-Rock The Vote?


Does he intend to Soft-Rock Adult Contemporary The Vote?

Fixed for terminology.


isn’t the center not radical by definition?

Oregon Beer Snob

twif said,

April 29, 2010 at 21:04

isn’t the center not radical by definition?


It’s almost as if he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, but that can’t be true because he gets paid to write for the New York Fucking Times — the “paper of record.” Wait, so do Brooks, and Dowd, and so did Judith Miller, and none of them know what the fuck they’re talking about. Perhaps the NYFT just sucks ass, and Friedman doesn’t know what he’s talking about. It is the simpler explanation, Occam’s razor and all that.


German jewelry stores have signs on them that say “Schmucken” (National Geographic is so educational!) and the things one hangs on Christmas trees are also called “schmucken”, so without knowing any German or any Yiddish, I am inclined to guess that it means “jewels” or “decorations”. Not entirely inappropriate to its common use here.

“He’s a jewel, bless his heart.”


I had green tea with shochu at a party once. I really can’t recommend it.


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