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Indymedia Events:
Usually held on 3rd Saturday of the month - (email PIMC to verify)
Next Meeting: 6:00 PM
Bipartisan Cafe 7901 SE Stark st.
General Meeting

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alternative media | imperialism & war | media criticism 25-Jan-2021 11:10

The Shortwave Report 01/22/21 Listen Globally!

shortwave report From the open publishing newswire: A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK Japan and Sputnik Radio.



alternative media 25-Jan-2021 11:07

Revival of Indymedia?

From the open publishing newswire: I have been hearing rumors of ideas to revive the Indymedia network? Is that at all true? Is there any interest on here for that? It needs to e revived social media has its limits and people are seeing that. This website could be revamped to better deal with smart phones and uploading things like videos.

It is a new year and time for a new website!
contribute to this article

Check out this site for discussions!  https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/rc3-rise-up-indymedia-a-brainstorming/1219


government | human & civil rights 26-Dec-2020 13:45

Tools and Tactics of the Portland Protests

From the open publishing newswire: The tools and tactics used by protesters and activists on the streets of Portland have let us stand up against corrupt government, police violence, and even military infiltration of our groups.

A movement that combines a wide range of the tactics as described in the Crimethinc article —the way demonstrators have done in Portland— can hold space in the face of considerable state violence.

Read the Crimethinc article...


actions & protests | police / legal 17-Nov-2020 09:16

NEWS: PPB used force at least 1582 times at protests up until June 30

http://www.portlandcopwatch.org/force_data_protestsQ2_2020.jpg From the open publishing newswire: On November 11, the Portland Police Bureau shared with its Training
Advisory Council the use of force numbers for 2nd Quarter 2020 related
to "crowd control." The data show that the PPB overall used force 2378
times at protests. While the Force Inspector claimed most of these were
"category IV" low level uses like "control against resistance" and
"resisted handcuffing," in fact 1582 uses-- or 66.5%-- were the use of
chemical agents, impact weapons or "strikes/kicks."


anti-racism | police / legal 28-Oct-2020 13:56

What happened to Press**Watch?

From the open publishing newswire: Dissenting commentary now available on different platform "Press**Watch/The News you're not supposed to know" was a long-running (3 decades!) program on KBOO Radio, produced by Theresa Mitchell. Now the headlines and commentary that ran every Thursday morning on the radio is available as a podcast, and the effort is combined with Ani Raven ("Positively Revolting Talk Radio," also a staple on the Boo for many a year.

This week's episode points to the real unemployment numbers, castigates the Feds for their wrist-slap of criminal bank Wells Fargo, and goes into a deeper discussion of the death-squad killing of Michael Reinoehl at the behest of the Orange Mussolini.  https://soundcloud.com/ani-40889941/this-is-now-bridge-to-a-better-world-episode-2


actions & protests 28-Oct-2020 13:54

Capitalism is scary!

From the open publishing newswire: It is a call to action.


RIP Joe Walsh, aka Love Vet! 28-Oct-2020 13:50

My Friend, The Lone Vet passed away 10/12/20

From the open publishing newswire: Many times it would be "just him" and his sign.... many other times there were dozens or more who stood together with Joe in solidarity for justice .

Joe worked tirelessly for the ending homelessness and helping the houseless and to Stop the Sweeps. Joe worked tirelessly to get the Police horses off the streets, which finally did happen in Joe's lifetime. For about 1 year he protested every week at Sen. Blumenhour's Portland office, to pressure for the Impeachment of Bush.

Joe Walsh was a warrior for Justice, Peace and Laughter.


actions & protests | indigenous issues 28-Oct-2020 13:40

Warren Buffett Target of Klamath River Day of Action on Oct 23rd

From the open publishing newswire: Tribal people, Fishermen, Conservationists Will Host Actions in at least four major cities and online calling for Klamath Dam Removal on Oct. 23rd

Klamath, California - Members of the Karuk, Yurok, Klamath and Hoopa Valley Tribes, fishermen, Klamath river users, and non-government organizations from throughout the nation are sponsoring a day of action for Klamath dam removal on October 23. They are demanding that Warren Buffet, the owner of Pacific Power and the Klamath River dams, keep his promise to remove the dams.

(related link)  https://www.californiasalmon.org/


actions & protests | alternative media | community building 28-Sep-2020 00:32

Thank you to whoever uploaded all the videos from the resistence!

Videos from the Resistance! From the open publishing newswire: I really miss having videos from the resistance get togethers. This brought back good memories.

They are on this youtube channel if anyone is interested.

Misunderstandings (Portland Indymedia - Videos From The Resistance 2004)


actions & protests | labor 29-Aug-2020 14:51

Save the Library Staff

From the open publishing newswire: Libraries should hire additional staff to mitigate the unemployment. Because of the coronavirus, supply chains break off and sixty-percent of businesses cannot come back. The state should represent the public interest, not special or private interests, and give substantial support to small- and medium-sized businesses. Otherwise, we face exploding inequality, economic power becoming political power, & an oligarchy. Whoever sleeps in democracy, wakes up in a dictatorship.
Save the Multnomah Library Staff

The library should be hiring additional staff to redress the unemployment and uncertainty caused by the coronavirus!
Here is a letter I sent to:  http://savelibrarystaff.org:

Related link:  https://kboo.fm/media/82696-library-workers-organize-against-lay-offs


actions & protests | save the biscuit 29-Aug-2020 14:47

The approach is wrong

From the open publishing newswire: violence is not the answer

I'm [IM] history protest was a key factor for discussion.

Violence causing harm and damage often led to consequences that differ than desired goals.

When we founded Indymedia in 1998 and 1999. Our goal was to bring a voice to offer discussion in hope of change.. before, during and after the WTO in Seattle.

The one thing we realized from both sides was discussion was important, violence was counter productive. [...]


government | police / legal 22-Jul-2020 10:57

Federal Agents and JBLM Military Personnel Snatching People Off The Streets of Portland

From the open publishing newswire: Federal law enforcement officers, in unmarked vehicles, have been using information provided by the Joint Base Lewis-McChord Protection Division Anti-Terrorism Office to drive around downtown Portland and snatch protesters off the streets since at least July 14. The tactic appears to be another escalation in federal force deployed on Portland city streets, as federal law enforcement and JBLM military personnel have said they plan to "quell" nightly protests outside the federal courthouse and Multnomah County Justice Center that have lasted for more than six weeks.


actions & protests | youth 22-Jul-2020 10:54

The Youth Liberatin Front has arrived!!

From the open publishing newswire: The Youth Liberation Front has been holding it down in Portland for the last 49 days!!

Finally the Youth Liberation Front is getting their due acknowledgment! They have only been around for a couple of years but already have quite an impressive list of acomplishments. I helped cover the transit strike in Portland lasy November and they helped organize the High school lead climate strike last year.

Those were great actions but what they have been doing in Portland since the bginning of the George Floyd protests has been nothing short of amazing! They have been out there on the front lines everyday for the last 49 days and show no sighns of stopping! [...]


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