Latest News for: tuath


Over 7,000 people housed by Tuath in 2023 - annual report

RTE 24 Jun 2024
Tuath Housing provided homes for more than 7,000 people across 16 local authorities nationwide last year, according to its annual report ... In 2023, further sustainability goals were reached as Tuath recorded a 7% reduction in its carbon footprint.

Ires to sell 194 west Dublin rental homes to Tuath Housing for €72m

The Irish Times 03 Aug 2023
Ires Reit, the State’s largest private residential landlord, said it has agreed to sell 194 residential units in west Dublin to the Tuath Housing Association for just over €72 million as it seeks to ...

Opening statement, Seán O’Connor, CEO, Tuath (Houses of the Oireachtas)

Public Technologies 13 Dec 2022
Tuath Housing is an Approved Housing Body (AHB) and member of the Irish Council for Social Housing and the Housing Alliance. Tuath is statutorily regulated by the Approved Housing Bodies Regulatory Authority (AHBRA) and the Charities Regulator.

Bheir tunail nan eilean crathadh air bun-reachd an tuath gu leir, le Murray MacLeòid​​​​​​​

The Scotsman 10 Nov 2022
An-dràsta ’s a-rithist, cluinnidh sinn mu thunail mhìorbhaileach a cheanglas na h-Eileanan Siar ri tìr-mòr agus tha sinn air a bhith a’ cluinntinn barrachd mu dheidhinn bho thòisich na h-aiseagan a’ dol a dholaidh ....

Spòrs samhraidh sa cheann a tuath le cleasan Gàidhlig (Highland Council)

Public Technologies 15 Aug 2022
Chaidh prògram de chleasan samhraidh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a thabhann do sgoilearan ann am Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis agus ann an sgoiltean eile ann an Sgìre a Tuath Chomhairle na ...
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