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Work & Careers


This Month

Index image for AFR Review story of IBM founders Thomas Watson senior and junior.

IBM changed history, and then couldn’t keep up with it

A new book, co-authored by the grandson of IBM’s mid-century CEO, sheds light on the unusual family dynamics that shaped the iconic corporation.

  • Deborah Cohen
You won’t die wondering what young employees think, says Kris Webb.

Five tips to manage your Gen Z workers

Knowing what these young employees want is one thing. Actually managing them – and trying to retain them – is quite another.

  • Sally Patten
Benham conducts fortnightly meetings with each of his direct reports, usually face-to-face and which last for between 45 minutes and an hour.

How to manage staff who work from home

Managing staff who work partly, or mostly, at home is no mean feat. Senior business leaders reveal how they do it.

  • Sally Patten


Melanie Brock, photographed in Melbourne in October, 2023.

Australian Melanie Brock joins Asahi board as non-executive director

The Tokyo-based Japan veteran has joined the board of a drinks company that is focusing on growth outside its home market.

  • Michael Bleby
Alex Badenoch says companies need to think carefully about workplace training.

If you want a skilled workforce, go easy on hiring contractors

Employers who automatically hire contractors to plug their skills gaps risk being left with a redundant workforce, says HR expert Alex Badenoch.

  • Sally Patten