Let’s you you drop 100 Bengal tigers in an area in far deep in the Amazon rainforest mostly unexplored by humans could they thrive and increase their population ?
Many people like Hannelore Schmitz and Green Boots stopped to take a rest on Mount Everest and died frozen in position. Schmatz’s body is still reclined and she looks like she’s taking a rest. Green Boots just looks like he’s sleeping. But what is happening in the body when somebody pauses their climb to take a rest and never gets up again? Why do their bodies give up? What conditions cause their body to give up and be frozen in position? Why do some people rest to take a nap on the mountain and then never wake up again? Why are they frozen in position? If everyone could freeze, wouldn’t everyone just freeze anyway if it’s that cold, whether they are climbing or have died and are frozen in position? Thank you